New Technology for grow room electricity?

We could all have solar power by now but too many jobs rely on oil to keep the world economy going.
Thus, solar is expensive.

Check out the Bedini motor when you have some time.
Pretty much the same idea.

What would you think if you could use a new engine that produces voltage and your energy is stored in batteries in series. Could you use something like this and not have to worry about energy bills for your grow rooms?

Have a look at what this inventor has available and you can order his kits...

Electricity costs are always a factor for indoor grow rooms so I thought I'd share what I found to help us with that problem.
Very calm and not a kid, regardless of where you come from you will be caught if you steal the power. If anyone wants to try it after being warned they are more than welcome.
yep..big fines can be had..(depending on were u live)
. Interfere with supply of electricity. Maximum Penalty: 1 . $2000 or 2 Years Imprisonment

I think id pay the 2k (if they could caught me- highly doughtful in an abandoned house)
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Have any of you guys seen the Tesla home battery? They have them in houses in Australia. Australia is also super huge on solar power. I just read of a break through in solar development for Nasa. BY keeping the cells moving they managed to get even more out of them. Solar power is what we've been trained to think as the only viable alternative power source but I've got such an open mind I believe there's so many creative inventors out there....there's so much more we don't hear about that works. I wish I had the money to do some of those things to see if any of what I discovered actually worked. Or if people managed to actually buy it.

Go on you tube. I guy on there shows how you can build your own Tesla home battery for very little.
yep..big fines can be had..(depending on were u live)
. Interfere with supply of electricity. Maximum Penalty: 1 . $2000 or 2 Years Imprisonment

I think id pay the 2k (if they could caught me- highly doughtful in an abandoned house)
here, they would stake out the house until someone shows up, the penalties here usually are both fines and imprisonment. They charge something like 100 bucks an ounce for taxes on mj they confiscate.
Works great til the electric company notices and calls the police.
How smart are you ?
You be home the day the company come around to check the meter before you start doing this.
Write said date down
Every 90 days the meter is read so u pull the wire out at the 70-80 day mark to be 100% certain not to be caught
Then once read start again
Your only paying for 10-20 days out of 90
It aint rocket science my friend
Nowadays a lot of houses have digital meters so its no good but theres plenty out in the sticks that have old meters
Think big and go to prison!
The power grid is divided into sections, they know how much power is paid for and how much is delivered. If there is a difference they start looking for the cause. Hmmm? wonder why that unoccupied house has such a large ir signature? For more info you can write my former neighbors. they are visiting the state pen for the next five years or so.
Ur in the states ....
Its a bit different in aust i know what your saying but it is different
House can be occupied here and fuck all electricity is used the company.wouldnt give two fucks
Its the dobbers that bring them undone
Very calm and not a kid, regardless of where you come from you will be caught if you steal the power. If anyone wants to try it after being warned they are more than welcome.
Shit now im worried bout my 20 days a quarter bills for the last 12 yrs
yep..big fines can be had..(depending on were u live)
. Interfere with supply of electricity. Maximum Penalty: 1 . $2000 or 2 Years Imprisonment

I think id pay the 2k (if they could caught me- highly doughtful in an abandoned house)
Just about all the news reports of stolen power are only found out from raids or drug investigations from snitches or known growers not the power stolen first
Think big and go to prison!
The power grid is divided into sections, they know how much power is paid for and how much is delivered. If there is a difference they start looking for the cause. Hmmm? wonder why that unoccupied house has such a large ir signature? For more info you can write my former neighbors. they are visiting the state pen for the next five years or so.
No they don't. My friends cousin work in the loss prevention department for National grid. I had a long conversation with her about this. They NEVER go after home owners for stolen electric, usually not even small businesses, they go after major companies. It wasn't worth the legal costs to go after someone who mos likely dosen't have anything to go after. Only time they got involved in small time stuff was when LEO contacted them.

She said there were multiple homes they regular went to to cut power because the owners continually jumped the boxes.
No they don't. My friends cousin work in the loss prevention department for National grid. I had a long conversation with her about this. They NEVER go after home owners for stolen electric, usually not even small businesses, they go after major companies. It wasn't worth the legal costs to go after someone who mos likely dosen't have anything to go after. Only time they got involved in small time stuff was when LEO contacted them.

She said there were multiple homes they regular went to to cut power because the owners continually jumped the boxes.

Very, very different here, you try that and the power company will come after you big time. They even have a phone number printed on the monthly bill to call to report people stealing power. here is the exact quote from the utility bill.

Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX and follow the "other questions" to report Energy Protection.
Many people have been busted around here trying to steal electricity and charged with growing too.
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How smart are you ?
You be home the day the company come around to check the meter before you start doing this.
Write said date down
Every 90 days the meter is read so u pull the wire out at the 70-80 day mark to be 100% certain not to be caught
Then once read start again
Your only paying for 10-20 days out of 90
It aint rocket science my friend
Nowadays a lot of houses have digital meters so its no good but theres plenty out in the sticks that have old meters

How dumb is your utility company? They read the meters every 30 days here. Your utility must be dumb as rocks, lol!
Very, very different here, you try that and the power company will come after you big time. They even have a phone number printed on the monthly bill to call to report people stealing power.
Yeah there's that number on our bills too, again, they only go after businesses. Calls about private residences aren't investigated, they don't even report to LEO, not worth their time. You're talking about a multi hundred million dollar a year company, they aren't going to waste effort to recoup a few million in stolen electric by multiple homeowners when they could get a that as a single payout from one company stealing power. This is all straight from one of the admins of loss prevention. I can't see other major power companies having much different policy.
How dumb is your utility company? They read the meters every 30 days here. Your utility must be dumb as rocks, lol!
Most around here only read every 60-90 days, the bills between readings are usually just averages from previous months/billing cycles. My father used to record the meter every month so he could dispute any bills during those periods. Afaik, that's fairly common across the US. It'd be nearly impossible to read EVERY meter EVERY month without a ridiculously large workforce.