Does anyone use Superthrive?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone uses Superthrive and have noticed any differences with using it. This seems to be one of those it either works Excellent or not a bit. If anyone has any personal experiences with noticeable differences I'd love to hear it and how to use it.

Mainly wondering b/c I have 2 bottles of it sitting around. Read a long time ago it supposedly would help during replanting of some cactus awhile back. I have no idea if it actually worked or not though.

Los Reefersaurus

Well-Known Member
Ya I have it I use it as one of my plant medicines. Meaning I don't use it all the time but I will use it if I notice weak roots or a stressed out plant that needs a boost.. I will use it both on the roots and foliarly . There are cheaper ways that take longer to get the same result like making a sea weed tea or something like that. But in a pinch 5 mL of ST and 15mL of fulvic acid in a liter of water foliar fed does wonders


Well-Known Member
Ya I have it I use it as one of my plant medicines. Meaning I don't use it all the time but I will use it if I notice weak roots or a stressed out plant that needs a boost.. I will use it both on the roots and foliarly . There are cheaper ways that take longer to get the same result like making a sea weed tea or something like that. But in a pinch 5 mL of ST and 15mL of fulvic acid in a liter of water foliar fed does wonders
Interesting, I've wondered for awhile if it actually worked or not for anything. What does it do for your plants exactly??

Los Reefersaurus

Well-Known Member
It's a shock absorber, it has lots of Vitimin B mircobes amino acids magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and nitrogen. Use it before or right after trans planting, heat shock, weird light schedule, like a broken timer or a power outage, co2 fuck up ect. It is good for helping when there is a problem. But remember the important thing is to solve the problem, this is a bandaid super healing spray sort of thing
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Well-Known Member
It's a shock absorber, it has lots of Vitimin B mircobes amino acids magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and nitrogen. Use it before or right after trans planting, heat shock, weird light schedule, like a broken timer or a power outage, co2 fuck up ect. It is good for helping when there is a problem. But remember the important thing is to solve the problem, this is a bandaid super healing spray sort of thing
interesting, maybe I can use it next watering on one I just topped..seems like that would fit in the category..


Well-Known Member
i use it in my clone king at 1 drop per gallon,,roots cuttings a few days faster.. i also use it on seedlings it helps them get a healthy start and improves rooting...use it sparingly,, it is also usefull w/ stressed or unhealthy plants,, gets them back to health quick


Well-Known Member
I used it once and ended up tossing out the plant on taste.. was fuxing disgusting.
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Well-Known Member
On the plus side what everyone is referring to is the PGR in it that causes lateral root growth and the sheety tasting product.

Some PGR's are good, some not so much.

"Ingredients: vitamin B1 - 0.09%; 1-naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) - 0.048%"


Well-Known Member
Should be called Super Jive. I used to work for a guy who made me use it on many of his ornamentals around the property. I saw no difference in growth. He bought it in large bottles. Really expensive. Like $100/ bottle.
It does however, work as a root stimulator on seedlings, new starts and cuttings/clones. There are other, less expensive products that work as well but if you're propagating in a well oxygenated, moist environment you don't need a root stimulator. The cutting even manufactures it's own root hormone and once it grows roots if you pot it up into a moist, fertile, well drained mix it should take off pretty quick.
Gardeners have a kind of maternal instinct with their plants which manufactures of useless Supergrow products know it and take full advantage.


Virtually Unknown Member
Should be called Super Jive. I used to work for a guy who made me use it on many of his ornamentals around the property. I saw no difference in growth. He bought it in large bottles. Really expensive. Like $100/ bottle.
It does however, work as a root stimulator on seedlings, new starts and cuttings/clones. There are other, less expensive products that work as well but if you're propagating in a well oxygenated, moist environment you don't need a root stimulator. The cutting even manufactures it's own root hormone and once it grows roots if you pot it up into a moist, fertile, well drained mix it should take off pretty quick.
Gardeners have a kind of maternal instinct with their plants which manufactures of useless Supergrow products know it and take full advantage.


Well-Known Member
Should be called Super Jive. I used to work for a guy who made me use it on many of his ornamentals around the property. I saw no difference in growth. He bought it in large bottles. Really expensive. Like $100/ bottle.
It does however, work as a root stimulator on seedlings, new starts and cuttings/clones. There are other, less expensive products that work as well but if you're propagating in a well oxygenated, moist environment you don't need a root stimulator. The cutting even manufactures it's own root hormone and once it grows roots if you pot it up into a moist, fertile, well drained mix it should take off pretty quick.
Gardeners have a kind of maternal instinct with their plants which manufactures of useless Supergrow products know it and take full advantage.
SuperJive, LMAO


Well-Known Member
I am on my first grow right now and had a lot of f**k up moments in the beginning. I was recommended to use some super thrive at 1/4 strength to help my younglings recover. it seemed to do the trick as they recovered in a matter of days and seem to be thriving now. I say this with a grain of salt since I am still a newb grower and this is my first grow but in my one time experience I would recommend it so far.

I was told its highly concentrated so use way less than the recommended dosage and to not use it more than twice in a grow and definitely not in flower. This is just what I was told so again grains of salt.


Active Member
It works great in veg its hormones. Its definitely not snake oil. Never use it in flower. It causes stretching. Use it when you transplant. Use it on sick plants that need a boost. I been doing this five years. Thats my experience. These plants are day 38 I used superthrive on them. Tall ones are Purple Pineapple express Short one is Mendo Purps, Mid sized one is Lime green skunk.



Well-Known Member
Man I thought that shit and other vitamin B1 supplements, went out with HPS conversion bulbs and negative ion generators, for odor control, in the late 90's. :roll:


Well-Known Member
It works great in veg its hormones. Its definitely not snake oil. Never use it in flower. It causes stretching. Use it when you transplant. Use it on sick plants that need a boost. I been doing this five years. Thats my experience. These plants are day 38 I used superthrive on them. Tall ones are Purple Pineapple express Short one is Mendo Purps, Mid sized one is Lime green skunk.
yea I keep hearing the same thing..I used it on a plant I just topped to experiment to see if I can notice a difference. Just topped one a week and half ago so have something to compare it to..