911!! WTF is up with my plant??!! HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
911!!! :cry: I flushed her, twice, and still she is acting WAY burned!! She is gonna die soon if not taken care of. This damage you see is just caused over 4 days. I was over feeding her A LOT, just started with plain water. But havent even fed her for the last 4 days cuz Ive been flushing. SOOO, environment is perfect, ideal temp and humidity, PH is exactly at 6.5, and has been for a couple days (before that she was sitting at 5.5) OUCH! So is she in shock from the PH shift??? Please vets, help me out here!! I have 3 more babies growing, and dont wanna do the same to them! What about transplanting?



Well-Known Member
leave it let it adjust to the flush.see what happens in a couple of days...
Oh, ok. When you flush though, should it get worse for the first few days before it gets better then?? With as rapidly as this plant responds to the slightest change (within hours), I though she would have shown signs of improvement rather than the opposite. Not doubting you, just trying to learn so I can do this right! =) Thanks


Well-Known Member
3 weeks and 5 days into flowering. There is considerable time left until harvest (keep your fingers crossed it makes it that long =) But I am concerned about this pic attached...Those leaves all came off just by touching them (right after initial post). Almost every stinkin fan leaf has come off of the plant (my fault with the nutes, I know) but is she still gonna grow ok with hardly any big leaves?

OH yeah, the buds look fantastic though! None of the burning has made it as far as the buds, and with the flushing, I have noticed the pistils have fattened up and started producing again. Just a minuted and Ill post a close up of what Im talkin about.



Well-Known Member
she will still grow yeah but we need to narrow the problem...are you sure its just nute burn???
NO! lol Not sure

There are NO pests, PH is perfect, as well as temp and humidity. Has CO2 (sugar yeast in bottle method, Im broke! lol) and a fan circulating air constantly. Fresh air in, used air out just fine. So, being I am new at this, what other issues should I possible address? Soil is good (maybe) Was going to go buy some Ocean Forest. Should I transplant, or is she too old for that?


Well-Known Member
Ok, phew. Was stressing quite a bit! This young lady is going to be our soul source of smokeage when she is done...So really need her to pull through. Thanks though for the reassurance of a good outcome still! So how long do you recommend that I water with plain, phd water before resuming nutes? By the way, I have purchased now ONLY FF BigBloom, and thats all I will be using. And a splash of Molasses! :mrgreen: No more Miracle Grow SHIT!