First night of sleep ? (INDICA)


Well-Known Member
hi guys since its my first grow i have some noob questions kiss-ass lol

so my chiks are 2 weeks old and they are still on a 24/24 light cycle
the question is should i start the 6/18 tonight ?

second question should i start the 1/4 strengh nutes tomorow ? :)

im using an ebb and flow system that i made
im just waiting for my growbox
take a look at my chiks :bigjoint:



Active Member
personally,,i do a 18 on 6 off with my light,,it gives the plants a rest,,the lights a break and saves a bit on the electricity.
never had a problem with this cycle,,but everyone is different.
just another little thing,,if when in 12/12 flowering you forget to turn the light off for a day,,don't worry cos i've done it a few times over the years and never ever had a problem.
hope this helps some people


Well-Known Member
yeh ive done 24/0 and to be honest after a good few weeks the plants look a bit sick of it!!! i do 18/6 now and they just seem happier


New Member
Did you look up photosynthisis? If you did you would have read that during the day plants convert sunlight into sugars. During the dark time they use those sugars to grow.

When lights are on 24 hours a day and the plants get no dark time, they end up converting sugars but not being able to actually use them.

Plants need those hours of darkness to grow the way they've evolved to grow for millions of years. People who insist that their plants grow better with no dark period are fighting against nature.


Well-Known Member
I am doing 24/0 now and last time i did 18/6. I am doing it now because i dont want any accidental light to turn em hermie. This is afer i fig. No chances, also i got a big tent but that is for flowering, so nice tent. The reason i think peeps think plants grow faster with lights off is becasue u can go check evry 5 minutes to seee them where as with lights off for 6 u get a 6 hour surprise. I did not think my plants were growing until i saw the pics of day one and a few days later. They grew. Also i gotta say wow to clones on 12 and 12, those bitches shoot the frick up!


New Member
I'm saying they won't grow as well.

You said you knew what photosynthisis is.

Plant takes in sunlight during day, converts sunlight to sugars.

Plants uses sugars to grow during dark hours.

Ever noticed how your plants grow tall really fast when you switch them to the 12/12 light cycle? Why do you think that is?

It's because they use the dark time to actually grow. When you change the light cycle to 12/12 they are getting 12 full hours per night to use those sugars to grow. That explains the massive stretch you get in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying they won't grow as well.

You said you knew what photosynthisis is.

Plant takes in sunlight during day, converts sunlight to sugars.

Plants uses sugars to grow during dark hours.

Ever noticed how your plants grow tall really fast when you switch them to the 12/12 light cycle? Why do you think that is?

It's because they use the dark time to actually grow. When you change the light cycle to 12/12 they are getting 12 full hours per night to use those sugars to grow. That explains the massive stretch you get in 12/12.
The stretch is part of the plants life cycle. Indoors or out all plants stretch at the start of flowering because it's part of their life cycle...


New Member
and because of the difference in light. Even when growing outdoors there is a difference in the light cycle. The equinox was Sunday, now there will be actually less hours of light than dark.

How do you think the plant evolved into that life cycle?

Look up soybeans and why you can't grow them next to any business that has parking lot lights on all night, it might help you understand a little better.


Well-Known Member
During the dark hours, the plant stretches because its searching for light. If it doesn't need to search for light, it can put more of its efforts into horizontal growth.

Whether plants grow better with a dark period or not is nothing more than a matter of opinion. I've found that they grow faster and bushier with NO dark period. Others claim that they get better growth WITH a dark period. Thats just how it goes.