Throwdos lsd journey 2 revamped

Me and a friend are talking about getting something called wow ? Youve tried BBQ ? I have no experience with that kind but he says its strong as fuck
Me and a friend are talking about getting something called wow ? Youve tried BBQ ? I have no experience with that kind but he says its strong as fuck
the american white on white!, needlepoint and fluff lsd were the white tabs for me im lucky i got some of that, no bad feeling in the stomach what so ever, brings back goood memories first tripping on that stuff, its some real clean shit, jump on it

in my experience that dutch shit is waay stronger, be careful with that dutch lsd y'all lol
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my first time psychedelic trip, two tabs of w.o.w talking to a family member without seeming high as a fucking kite somehow, w.o.w was the cleanest trips i ever had by a long shot