USA - leave if you want to save yourself

yea those people died for a meaning. i was talkin bout people that take a boat for 2 months to get here.or walk through a desert for 3 days.just for ONE reason a chance of freedom.its soo horrible but its a beautiful thing.
Oh, and another thing, if you research this guy, be careful, he has an attack site up which tries to install crap on your computer.I'd love a mod to check and see if he has more than one account.I'm positive he does.
I don't think you have to build a bomb shelter and hide underground... the US is in in a heap of shit.. but so is teh entire world.. it's just one big shit train... we just happen to be the conductor.. I think we'll pull out of it in time, and make it just fine.. but if not.. there's always Canada.. If we cant keep the illegals out of america, Canadians cant keep us out of
Psssh, we don't have shit. We think were free, but take a look around ya'll? Most days I don't feel free, I don't know about you, but i surely don't. The hoops the government makes me jump through to get a passport to leave the country, the f**kin seatbelt laws, the GD Patriot Act, where is the f**kin freedom there? How do we have it so good when the government spies on us? Huh? Is that freedom to you, cuz im one freakin second from packin for the damn jungle and trying my luck with f**kin tigers, at least they kill to live!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”


yeah, I hate how everytime I post on here about growing pot, teh FBI and CIA show up at my door steps and kick my door down.. man that patriot act sucks balls... and all those refugees from teh great seatbelt round up of 07.. the many slaughtered for speaking their minds in a public forum.. how we're oppressed and moved out into teh country side's and forced to farm and bust our ass while our grandparents, mother's, father's, and siblings are carted off to be murdered, raped, or forced into prostitution... yeah.. USA is such a horribly unfair country ran by such a horrible tyrant... and don;t even get me started on the ethnic cleansing and opression of religion.. Maybe one day we'll be free...
yeah, I hate how everytime I post on here about growing pot, teh FBI and CIA show up at my door steps and kick my door down.. man that patriot act sucks balls... and all those refugees from teh great seatbelt round up of 07.. the many slaughtered for speaking their minds in a public forum.. how we're oppressed and moved out into teh country side's and forced to farm and bust our ass while our grandparents, mother's, father's, and siblings are carted off to be murdered, raped, or forced into prostitution... yeah.. USA is such a horribly unfair country ran by such a horrible tyrant... and don;t even get me started on the ethnic cleansing and opression of religion.. Maybe one day we'll be free...

lol got him
ask anyone who's been through the great depression, this isn't the first time this country has been on the "brink of disaster". We've been through worse than this and we'll come out of this. America isn't going anywhere, you can be sure of that. In fifty years, the two super powers will be China and America, so if you're going to leave, I suggest you pick up Mandarin. Me, I couldn't be happier to be in a recession now, when I have no kids, no mortgage and no wife. Best time possible for me.
Psssh, we don't have shit. We think were free, but take a look around ya'll? Most days I don't feel free, I don't know about you, but i surely don't. The hoops the government makes me jump through to get a passport to leave the country, the f**kin seatbelt laws, the GD Patriot Act, where is the f**kin freedom there? How do we have it so good when the government spies on us? Huh? Is that freedom to you, cuz im one freakin second from packin for the damn jungle and trying my luck with f**kin tigers, at least they kill to live!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”


I hear ya man! All these people defending all this shyt are so blinded they don't even know what freedom is- we barely have a taste of it here..

for the person justifying seat belt laws- hey, the whole point of government isn't to be my f*cking nanny, it's to protect my rights and insure no one else tramples on them- THAT'S IT. (reread your constitution) I am an adult and I can decide what risks I want to take- you can decide (at the moment god help us) to smoke cigarettes which can kill you, because you're an adult, and you can make your own decisions- seat belts are no different.

This country isn't free.. and to those justifying or not caring about the Patriot Act and shyt.. I'm so glad for you that your precious life has not been interrupted yet over your pot, god, there's more to life than whether or not you get busted for pot.. the fact that they CAN do this, is WRONG. I'm glad it hasn't effected you yet- glad they haven't busted down your door- but they ARE using it on people, and they are busting down THEIR doors- anti-war protesters, environmental activists, innocent civilians. Get your head out of your ass and care about someone else for a change..

Saying things could be worse is got to be the stupidest excuse I've ever heard in defense of the abuses our government commits.

I'm so glad the founders of this country weren't that ignorant.."oh, the tea taxes aren't that bad, it could be worse.."- you know what those people were called? Loyalists.. it's clear who the loyalists are these days..

Yeah.. keep drinking the kool aid sheeple.. :roll:
I hear ya man! All these people defending all this shyt are so blinded they don't even know what freedom is- we barely have a taste of it here..

for the person justifying seat belt laws- hey, the whole point of government isn't to be my f*cking nanny, it's to protect my rights and insure no one else tramples on them- THAT'S IT. (reread your constitution) I am an adult and I can decide what risks I want to take- you can decide (at the moment god help us) to smoke cigarettes which can kill you, because you're an adult, and you can make your own decisions- seat belts are no different.

This country isn't free.. and to those justifying or not caring about the Patriot Act and shyt.. I'm so glad for you that your precious life has not been interrupted yet over your pot, god, there's more to life than whether or not you get busted for pot.. the fact that they CAN do this, is WRONG. I'm glad it hasn't effected you yet- glad they haven't busted down your door- but they ARE using it on people, and they are busting down THEIR doors- anti-war protesters, environmental activists, innocent civilians. Get your head out of your ass and care about someone else for a change..

Saying things could be worse is got to be the stupidest excuse I've ever heard in defense of the abuses our government commits.

I'm so glad the founders of this country weren't that ignorant.."oh, the tea taxes aren't that bad, it could be worse.."- you know what those people were called? Loyalists.. it's clear who the loyalists are these days..

Yeah.. keep drinking the kool aid sheeple.. :roll:

so who is free? Where is better? I've lived in America, Mexico, China, Germany, England and Thailand. Not everywhere, but enough to know the grass is certainly not greener on the other side. You talk so freely about the "ideal" of freedom, but where is the reality of it. Who is more free than you? You can go on a legal weed forum, from the privacy of your home computer, while you kick back and smoke a j and say what ever you want about your country, world, anything. Sounds pretty free to me.
so who is free? Where is better? I've lived in America, Mexico, China, Germany, England and Thailand. Not everywhere, but enough to know the grass is certainly not greener on the other side. You talk so freely about the "ideal" of freedom, but where is the reality of it. Who is more free than you? You can go on a legal weed forum, from the privacy of your home computer, while you kick back and smoke a j and say what ever you want about your country, world, anything. Sounds pretty free to me.

I don't think anyone is freer than us.. but that doesn't make us free..

"Nobody is right when everyone is wrong"

Yes, I preach the ideal of freedom, because that's what America was supposed to be about- America was the experiment for freedom- there has NEVER been the reality of freedom, it's never been done before in history- we had the most freedom within the 30 years after the Revolution and it's been down hill since..

That doesn't sound like freedom- that sounds like someone hiding their crimes, then bragging how free they Double think anyone?

You can do those things because you haven't been caught..But you can't do that on the streets.. you'll be arrested and harassed.. if you're anywhere important you'll be arrested for not having a PERMIT to use your freedom of speech..
I don't think anyone is freer than us.. but that doesn't make us free..

"Nobody is right when everyone is wrong"

Yes, I preach the ideal of freedom, because that's what America was supposed to be about- America was the experiment for freedom- there has NEVER been the reality of freedom, it's never been done before in history- we had the most freedom within the 30 years after the Revolution and it's been down hill since..

That doesn't sound like freedom- that sounds like someone hiding their crimes, then bragging how free they Double think anyone?

You can do those things because you haven't been caught..But you can't do that on the streets.. you'll be arrested and harassed.. if you're anywhere important you'll be arrested for not having a PERMIT to use your freedom of speech..

The freedoms you listed we're created by man, not ordained rights to us. It's a goal that we strive for, not something we've earned. When mankind is ready to have those freedoms, we will, but not everyone is ready. Fifty years ago, men were slaves. We're making progress but we have constrictions for a reason and that reason is human nature. We're animals that are still evolving.
The freedoms you listed we're created by man, not ordained rights to us. It's a goal that we strive for, not something we've earned. When mankind is ready to have those freedoms, we will, but not everyone is ready. Fifty years ago, men were slaves. We're making progress but we have constrictions for a reason and that reason is human nature. We're animals that are still evolving.

Our bill of rights was written by men, yes, but that's what was so revolutionary about the founding of this country- someone finally said these rights are inherent - no one needs to grant them to us, we have these rights just by being alive.

We've made lots of progresses during this country's history- but honestly.. we're losing more than we are gaining..
Our bill of rights was written by men, yes, but that's what was so revolutionary about the founding of this country- someone finally said these rights are inherent - no one needs to grant them to us, we have these rights just by being alive.

We've made lots of progresses during this country's history- but honestly.. we're losing more than we are gaining..

Inherent? Inherent from what? Did we have the right of free speech when we had no vocal cords? Did we have the right to bear arms before opposable thumbs? We are monkeys with guns and money. Any rights we bestow on ourselves are our responsibility to guarantee and no one elses. We're about to elect either half-black man or a mentally challenged person as President and two women were a heart beat away. I call that progress.