40 year old nervous virgin looking for shroom advice...

Honestly, if You are nervous... I would take it slow.

I would start out with 10 grams wet... then work my way up to 30 grams wet.
I rather dry them out but I understand if You want to be at one with the fruits. :D

Thank you. I read an article by a physician that recommended a 3.5 gram dose for first time medical users. Her reason was that apparently a low dose can fuck people up without any benefit and ruin the chance for any actual healing. As well as cause someone to never try again. But honestly, I'm not really a quitter and I've been on this "quest" to stop hating everything for about 10 years now. I'm making progress. So I think I'm going to take your advice on this one. I think I would like to document this process for my own reflection and then you guys can weigh in and make useful (or more likely useless) observations along the way.
I grind up my dried shrooms and put them in gel caps for consumption....no nausea whatsoever. With cubensis, I would start with 2 grams. I've been growing them for many years and they can help break addictions, recover from childhood trauma, and just make you feel better about life, but you must approach them with the proper attitude. Definitely don't make some nasty slurry out of them though...totally unnecessary and ....gross!

This is what the physicians who are working with them are saying. One time use of cubensis is successfully breaking tobacco addiction (the hardest addiction to break supposedly- there is some preparation training involved as well). I would love to see medical researchers take psychodelics into the prisons (volunteer basis only of course) and see if recidivism rates drop. I've known for years that LSD can be used to cure opioid addiction in 3 days. Of course, they might need to make them legal first. I have gelcaps already and I did order a drying kit. You people seem to think dry is the way to go... I might should listen? I guess I was thinking "fresh" would be better but you know, there is usually a reason (not always) for majority opinion. I watched some people take them cut up in lemon juice on YouTube and they seemed pleased. Plus I have read a lot of people making "slurries." But yeah, it sounds gross. I kinda like the idea of gelcaps. LOL
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I think you're expecting too much from psychedelics, like that they'll be a remedy for "mental pain". Never had such an effect on me. Did scare the hell out of me though, so if you like that sort of thing. Besides 3 grams is a lot, at least of Liberty Bells, the only shrooms I ever used. Maybe Cubensis and others are weaker. I suggest trying 1 gram first. Then after you puke and see that it's actually not helping you in any way you'll probably leave it at that. The nausea alone is enough to give you a good reason to avoid shrooms. However, it's your life and if you feel you need to try it then that's your choice. Probably nobody would be able to talk you out of it anyway. Maybe it'll help you somehow though, it's conceivable, I think it's mainly good for depression, probably because it effects serotonin, which is involved in depression.

Bob, I have read some of your stuff on other threads. You do things your way, your helpful when you can be, and your unapologetic about it. And you get A LOT of shit on here. And you take it without acting like a 5 year old. To me that shows emotional maturity. Now, I could have you all wrong and you might be the shittiest most immature ass on the planet, but I doubt it. Here is a thought... maybe those 8 trips you took (5 that were "bad") are exactly what your brain needed to process the stuff that your rational mind didn't understand. And that is why you don't suffer from mental illness today. Now, clearly I'm reaching and that is nonsense. We can all agree that psychedelics cause psychosis, not cure it... right? Well, I intend to find out my brother. Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated.
This is what the physicians who are working with them are saying. One time use of cubensis is successfully breaking tobacco addiction (the hardest addiction to break supposedly- there is some preparation training involved as well). I would love to see medical researchers take psychodelics into the prisons (volunteer basis only of course) and see if recidivism rates drop. I've known for years that LSD can be used to cure opioid addiction in 3 days. Of course, they might need to make them legal first. I have gelcaps already and I did order a drying kit. You people seem to think dry is the way to go... I might should listen? I guess I was thinking "fresh" would be better but you know, there is usually a reason (not always) for majority opinion. I watched some people take them cut up in lemon juice on YouTube and they seemed pleased. Plus I have read a lot of people making "slurries." But yeah, it sounds gross. I kinda like the idea of gelcaps. LOL
I've put raw ones on pizza before baking and it worked out well, but still didn't taste very good. Make sure you get them "cracker" dry before storing or they will turn into black goo. I love me some psychedelics. I have a yard full of San Pedro and Peyote. Someday I will be brave enough and have the time to devote to a mescaline trip!
I think you're expecting too much from psychedelics, like that they'll be a remedy for "mental pain". Never had such an effect on me. Did scare the hell out of me though, so if you like that sort of thing. Besides 3 grams is a lot, at least of Liberty Bells, the only shrooms I ever used. Maybe Cubensis and others are weaker. I suggest trying 1 gram first. Then after you puke and see that it's actually not helping you in any way you'll probably leave it at that. The nausea alone is enough to give you a good reason to avoid shrooms. However, it's your life and if you feel you need to try it then that's your choice. Probably nobody would be able to talk you out of it anyway. Maybe it'll help you somehow though, it's conceivable, I think it's mainly good for depression, probably because it effects serotonin, which is involved in depression.

They helped me with anxiety.

Three grams is nothing, for me. Ten grams and I really take flight.

I've never vomited on mushrooms.

Each person is different.
They helped me with anxiety.

Three grams is nothing, for me. Ten grams and I really take flight.

I've never vomited on mushrooms.

Each person is different.
The most I've ever taken at once is 8 grams. I've never actually puked, but when eating them raw...or god forbid chewed up the dry ones, it made me feel pretty icky.
They helped me with anxiety.

Three grams is nothing, for me. Ten grams and I really take flight.

I've never vomited on mushrooms.

Each person is different.
I have a neighbor who eats up to a half oz (dry) at a time, but I can tell you that his elevator doesn't quite reach the penthouse. That has nothing to do with the shrooms. I have found that many people who suffer from bipolar disorder say that they feel no effects from shrooms. Not exactly sure why, but I've probably dosed 500 people in my life and I've found this to be true. I think they often transform people into much more caring, kinder individuals. They definitely open your mind if you will let them.
I have a neighbor who eats up to a half oz (dry) at a time, but I can tell you that his elevator doesn't quite reach the penthouse. That has nothing to do with the shrooms. I have found that many people who suffer from bipolar disorder say that they feel no effects from shrooms. Not exactly sure why, but I've probably dosed 500 people in my life and I've found this to be true. I think they often transform people into much more caring, kinder individuals. They definitely open your mind if you will let them.
I used to think psychs would enlighten me or something along those lines, but after much use I've reached the conclusion that there's nothing of value in it really, just messes up my vision and makes me feel sick all day. I have a bunch of acid and stuff, it's been sitting around for a few years. No desire to take any but don't really want to throw em out either. Paid good money for that shit. And no I won't send it to you, sorry.

Some may get something out of it but apparently not me. Could be my metabolism, I think I'm an Rh Neg. Don't actually know my blood type but I fit the profile. Maybe Rh negs don't do well with psychs. Are we alien hybrids? Yeah probably, wouldn't surprise me. I do feel rather alien hybridy.
Psychedelic have helped me immensely. They've definitely opened my eyes and changed my perspective on life.

I live with chronic pain, depression, etc etc...My life before mushrooms and dmt was a dark and negative hell hole. All I could see and focus on was my pain and suffering, the fact I couldn't work and provide for my wife anymore and basically just kept spinning myself down the drain of misery.

My first mushrooms trip allowed me to just "be" in the present moment and appreciate the stunning beauty in the world. I was noticing things I hadn't payed attention to in years,because I was so in my head (if that makes any sense). I was outside on a bright sunny afternoon and I literally just spent 5 hours appreciating everything, the sun, the breeze, the trees for giving us oxygen, it was incredible.

After that, for about 2 months, I would get moments of complete clarity. The sunlight would hit me, or I would hear a bird chirp and it would snap me out of my head and ground me firmly in the present moment and fill me with a profound sense of happiness. I would just stop and sit in that moment, until the thoughts started coming back and then I would just carry on about my day, much happier than I had been just moments before.

This has led me to meditation and mindfulness practice. Combined with regular trips, I'm living a much happier life. Often if I'm slipping back into old habits or thought patterns,my wife will tell me its time to take some more mushrooms.

Sorry for the long ramble...I just get excited for people, I hope you can find some relief as I have.

Have a good sitter, one who won't fuck with you and just let you ride it out.

Get your set and setting right. If your in a positive mindset, have some good intentions and are in a safe and comfortable space things are likely to go much smoother.

Oh also, I don't eat for at least 12hrs before taking mushrooms and never feel sick. That said, on a whim I decide to take some one day, after eating an eggs and bacon breakfast. I got sick and puked on the come up, felt horrible for the first hour and a half or so....take it for what it's worth.
Thank you. I read an article by a physician that recommended a 3.5 gram dose for first time medical users. Her reason was that apparently a low dose can fuck people up without any benefit and ruin the chance for any actual healing. As well as cause someone to never try again. But honestly, I'm not really a quitter and I've been on this "quest" to stop hating everything for about 10 years now. I'm making progress. So I think I'm going to take your advice on this one. I think I would like to document this process for my own reflection and then you guys can weigh in and make useful (or more likely useless) observations along the way.
Hey, if You are wanting to do some Psilocybin research. I will join in.

Shall WE create a thread for all those psychonauts ?
Psychedelic have helped me immensely. They've definitely opened my eyes and changed my perspective on life.

I live with chronic pain, depression, etc etc...My life before mushrooms and dmt was a dark and negative hell hole. All I could see and focus on was my pain and suffering, the fact I couldn't work and provide for my wife anymore and basically just kept spinning myself down the drain of misery....

Thank you so much for sharing this. Your story sounds not so unlike my own. What a positive reinforcement that I might be on the right track.
Psychedelic have helped me immensely. They've definitely opened my eyes and changed my perspective on life.

I live with chronic pain, depression, etc etc...My life before mushrooms and dmt was a dark and negative hell hole. All I could see and focus on was my pain and suffering, the fact I couldn't work and provide for my wife anymore and basically just kept spinning myself down the drain of misery.

My first mushrooms trip allowed me to just "be" in the present moment and appreciate the stunning beauty in the world. I was noticing things I hadn't payed attention to in years,because I was so in my head (if that makes any sense). I was outside on a bright sunny afternoon and I literally just spent 5 hours appreciating everything, the sun, the breeze, the trees for giving us oxygen, it was incredible.

After that, for about 2 months, I would get moments of complete clarity. The sunlight would hit me, or I would hear a bird chirp and it would snap me out of my head and ground me firmly in the present moment and fill me with a profound sense of happiness. I would just stop and sit in that moment, until the thoughts started coming back and then I would just carry on about my day, much happier than I had been just moments before.

This has led me to meditation and mindfulness practice. Combined with regular trips, I'm living a much happier life. Often if I'm slipping back into old habits or thought patterns,my wife will tell me its time to take some more mushrooms.

Sorry for the long ramble...I just get excited for people, I hope you can find some relief as I have.

Have a good sitter, one who won't fuck with you and just let you ride it out.

Get your set and setting right. If your in a positive mindset, have some good intentions and are in a safe and comfortable space things are likely to go much smoother.

Oh also, I don't eat for at least 12hrs before taking mushrooms and never feel sick. That said, on a whim I decide to take some one day, after eating an eggs and bacon breakfast. I got sick and puked on the come up, felt horrible for the first hour and a half or so....take it for what it's worth.
Excellent advice! I always fast before tripping, but I should have mentioned that. Psychedelics have helped me too. They are the best thing for depression, although the trip itself can be slightly uncomfortable especially at first. I always feel like I am riding a rollercoaster up a 90 degree angle for the first 30-45 minutes, then the fractals appear and it's sweet from then on. I've encountered some strange things while tripping and noticed things in nature that I would have never seen if I had been "straight" i've had birds, squirrels, deer and other animals come really close to me as I sit in the woods tripping...examining ant civilizations in all their intricate detail. I've even imagined that I could completely understand them. I've seen amazing things in the sky at night also. Still not sure if they were real or not. I don't think some people can really trip. My husband can't. My kids can....and their in their 30's and 40's so don't think I'm giving them to kids....but not altogether a bad idea....lol