Just got lab results from the "Build-a-soil" that I bought...


Well-Known Member
I bought 400gal of soil from them and it was the "Modern" mix with Oly fish compost. For what its worth, I did have this stuff sitting since last January and everything probably had time to break down.

This is from an unused sample that I did not add anything to. I was adding about 50% perlite to it but it wasnt enough and I was still having problems, so I decided to get it tested.


I also got my water tested. I have a water filter, but I was trying to see if it was necessary. Looks like it would help.
I think that I was better off using the compost that I made, it had similar numbers. Morale of the story, store bought soil is not better than what you can make at home!!!

Good post, and I am in the process of building up an organic soil now but I may scrap it cause I hastefully dumped in a miracle grow treated bag of perlite. But I was also having the soil tested did a college do your testing?
I bought 400gal of soil from them and it was the "Modern" mix with Oly fish compost. For what its worth, I did have this stuff sitting since last January and everything probably had time to break down.

This is from an unused sample that I did not add anything to. I was adding about 50% perlite to it but it wasnt enough and I was still having problems, so I decided to get it tested.

View attachment 3968158

I also got my water tested. I have a water filter, but I was trying to see if it was necessary. Looks like it would help.
View attachment 3968159

I wouldn't add perlite to your soil but substitute for Red Lava Rocks. Perlite after while breaks down and turns into a concrete bottom.
Sorry, I'll answer your question about a month later lol... I sent my sample to this place.

Don't you have a "county extension service" in your state?? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you live in Colorado since you got a shit ton of soil from BAS.

Here's a link to your State AG county extension service. Get the soil re-tested.

I'm skeptical on those test results, since I use the same soil mix but I make it at home with my own compost and mix with Coast of Main compost and use all the same amendments. My soil test comes back perfect.

Co extension service link:
info on reason to get another test:

Test kits for Colorado available here this one for El Paso county - likely each county has their own place to pick up test kits but they likely all get sent to CoState AG department for testing as is the case in the state I'm from. I can even get a test kit from my local nursery.


Some different methods of testing... I suggest getting a 2nd opinion on your original test. Something doesn't add up... I've been using the same basic recipe for years.. no problems.

When I looked up that stuff you bought... did you get the mix with EVERYTHING added. It's already got pumice for aeration and should have a lot of peat moss... since you added in 1/2 volume of aeration something doesn't sound right... maybe you got the mix without the aeration and peat moss???
I wouldn't add perlite to your soil but substitute for Red Lava Rocks. Perlite after while breaks down and turns into a concrete bottom.

Now I'm confused.

A couple years back it was stated by Coot (IIRC), that all the perlite in a mix, no matter the depth or amount of mix, would eventually float to the surface.

Now, it all breaks down and sinks to the bottom!? C'mon ya'll make up your minds, it can't both sink AND float.

The funny thing is, I have over 40 years experience using perlite and haven't seen evidence of either of these things happening. Not as described anyway.

It does float and will separate from the first inch or 2 of mix if it's blasted with a hose, but I've had long term plants (5 years+), and when removed, the perlite was still well distributed evenly in the mix. Not floated out the top nor sunk to the bottom and I was there when it went in and came out. Had my own nursery for some number of years.

BTW, lava rock will work it's way down over time and that has been noted by growers on this very forum.

I don't care what anyone uses for aeration, but at least try them and have some experience before you make up your mind and not rely on some internet expert's opinion. See for yourself, because the amount of flat out bullshit is amazing.

To the poster. This rant was in no way directed at you personally, just at false information on the internet.
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^^^^ that and +1... only time I've seen it float was when I left a pot outside and it rained a shit ton filling the pot with water along with the soil mix.. a "bit" more perlite floated to the top but not ALL of it and I would bet my last gold dollar it was still evenly mixed in as Wet said and just the perlite at the top was floating.
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