GMO - Garlic, mushroom, onion


Well-Known Member
Anybody have any info on this strain? Currently growing garlic breath from thugpug but have never heard of GMO before. I think it's a chemdog x gsc. Would love to hear any info on the GMO.
Anybody have any info on this strain? Currently growing garlic breath from thugpug but have never heard of GMO before. I think it's a chemdog x gsc. Would love to hear any info on the GMO.
It's Chem D x Forum GSC and the GMO is a pheno found by Skunkmasterflex it's also known as garlic cookies because some dispensaries refused to have the GMO label on their shelves. It's a freak of nature and pretty much checks all the boxes. People that grow it say she is the loudest most offensive smelling plant they ever encountered and she routinely tests over 30%, and puts out enormous yields. Go to thcfarmer and type in GMO cookies in the search function, skunkmasterflex has posted some seriously amazing shots of the cut both in plant and dry nug form.

Bred by Mamiko Seeds originally
What's your favorite strain you've come across?

I've got two rooms full of my keepers, I suppose those are my favorites of the times. They have changed over the years. Longest running is Tahoe Og Kush, Medicine Man.
Biggest yeilder with shortest veg time and great flavor with awesome effect would be Sister City. best overall flavor and effects is currently Commerce City Kush. Raindance is jumping into top five every day its drying. jamoka is a nice cat pissy wonder so far.
You start those from seed or clone

everything here came from seed stock I planted. I dont keep moms so everything growing here is a clone of a clone.
I've kept a few dozen in animated suspension over the years a couple as long as 3+ years in a test tube. Copies taken from these are from clone, but that clone came from my seed . I've never taken in a clone(never had mites either, go figure...)
Lucky you. I used predator mites last round and they aren't cheap. Off topic; growing another cookie chem cross by oni seed co it's called chem trails. Chem trails x Tropicana cookies. I'll let you guys know which I like better...