Help - Plants are not looking good


New Member
Help..... my plants are all over the place -
I am running a Current Culture system. Using the Current Solutions nutrients. I have a RO system for the water needs. For medium I an using that volcanic rock stuff. I built the LED lights ( except one) using parts GrowMau5's Canopy build ideas. I have cobs (3950 cree with about high output red and blue leds surrounding them - 8 per cob ) and a 600 platinum LED. I have a res tank ( I match to the initial nute/ppm readings in the system at changeout) that feeds the system as water levels drop. So the issue I am having is my plants look like they are waterlogged and having nute issues (not all but most). The other issue is my nute readings drop and the ppm increase significantly over a few days. I will change out the water every week and set the levels at 5.9 Ph and .7 EC (following the CC recommendations) with water temps stable (the only thing) at 69 degrees- My CO2 levels are at 1500PPM . The nutes will drop to .2 EC and the Ph will jump to 6.9 in just a few days (constant battle to maintain ). I will admit I added PH down directly to the control module ( MY BAD - only did it one time - sorry ) and I think that shocked the plants - about 3 weeks ago. Now I only add to the res tank. I am currently in an extended veg cycle trying to recover.
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Any ideas???? What am I doing wrong ???

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I'm running an Under Current as well. How are your roots? Are you using UC Roots to keep it all disinfected, and adding it every 2 - 3 days?

I'm a little confused when you say that the nute readings drop and the ppm's go up? Aren't your nute readings your ppm's - or EC, same thing really...

I don't think that adding the pH down to the epicenter caused that. It's definitely nutrient issues of some sort.

One other thing - how's the aeration rate of the Aquapore diffusers in each module? Mine was a pathetic bubbling from them and I knew it wasn't nearly adequate. I added an additional air pump and ran a large air stone to each module as well as the pathetic Aquapore diffuser.

It sounds like root issues. The pH swings and ppm fluctuations sounds like to root material dissolving back into solution.
One other thing... Once you get them squared away, you should really do some serious trimming to get airflow through those plants or mildew can easily become a catastrophic issue. I have one of those indoor/outdoor hygrometers - the kind with the remote sensor. I put it in the center of the plant and watched it for a couple of days. When the room was a nice 45%, the center of the plant was 65%. I had bushy plants like yours...
Hi FennarioMike

Correction on above - I meant to say the PH increase significantly over a few days.

My roots are a bit out of control, but look great - especially the ones at the back near the return . I didn't even think of the mildew - time to trim - tonight - but will take a few to get them under control - keep putting it off, don't want to add more stress.

Yep I am using the UC Roots too (add about every 3 days along with the rest of the nutrient to get my levels back up) . But i am using CalMag plus, botanical instead of the cocal. I am doing the high yield feeding schedule.

I noticed the air problem too - Not much at the furthest modules.
Haven't made any modifications yet - was thinking about getting a larger air pump. But I might go your route with adding another instead of going larger.

Do you get a white film on that air diffuse in the epicenter ? every week when I change out I have to clean it off - covered in it.
Hi FennarioMike

Correction on above - I meant to say the PH increase significantly over a few days.

My roots are a bit out of control, but look great - especially the ones at the back near the return . I didn't even think of the mildew - time to trim - tonight - but will take a few to get them under control - keep putting it off, don't want to add more stress.

Yep I am using the UC Roots too (add about every 3 days along with the rest of the nutrient to get my levels back up) . But i am using CalMag plus, botanical instead of the cocal. I am doing the high yield feeding schedule.

I noticed the air problem too - Not much at the furthest modules.
Haven't made any modifications yet - was thinking about getting a larger air pump. But I might go your route with adding another instead of going larger.

Do you get a white film on that air diffuse in the epicenter ? every week when I change out I have to clean it off - covered in it.

Yep. I get that white film and I just don't worry about it. What you can't see, is that that same while film coats the inside of all the pipes. I don't think it's really harmful.

I think that your issues are your roots breaking down - that's what's causing the pH to go up. That's exactly the symptom. My last run, that's EXACTLY what happened at the end of flower.

Now, I use Rhizotonic fro root stimulation throughout flower. I wasn't doing that before. I figured that I need to encourage new root growth to replace the naturally dying ones. I also wasn't using Cannazyme - now I do. This breaks down the dying root material so that the plant can take it back up as nutrients.

All of that said - I veg in 8, 5 gal DWC buckets and I just compared running 4 of them with Hydroguard, and 4 with UC Roots - and allowing the rez temps to maintain at about 80 degrees (it's been pretty warm here). All of them grew great, but the Hydroguard only needed to be added once at the beginning. I also didn't change the rez at all for the whole veg cycle - I just topped off with fresh nutes or RO as needed.

I'm seriously considering running my UC with Hydroguard next run.

I was using Cali Magic but it raises the ppm's by 400 (700 scale). I just switched to coco cal and it only raises it by 100. I figure that they know how to design it for the system - so, we'll see. I just started using it today so I don't know if it works the same, or any better. This cycle I also switched from Canna nutes to CC's line all together. Except I do add the Rhino and Cannazyme (which don't add to my ppm's).
Yep. I get that white film and I just don't worry about it. What you can't see, is that that same while film coats the inside of all the pipes. I don't think it's really harmful.

I think that your issues are your roots breaking down - that's what's causing the pH to go up. That's exactly the symptom. My last run, that's EXACTLY what happened at the end of flower.

Now, I use Rhizotonic fro root stimulation throughout flower. I wasn't doing that before. I figured that I need to encourage new root growth to replace the naturally dying ones. I also wasn't using Cannazyme - now I do. This breaks down the dying root material so that the plant can take it back up as nutrients.

All of that said - I veg in 8, 5 gal DWC buckets and I just compared running 4 of them with Hydroguard, and 4 with UC Roots - and allowing the rez temps to maintain at about 80 degrees (it's been pretty warm here). All of them grew great, but the Hydroguard only needed to be added once at the beginning. I also didn't change the rez at all for the whole veg cycle - I just topped off with fresh nutes or RO as needed.

I'm seriously considering running my UC with Hydroguard next run.

I was using Cali Magic but it raises the ppm's by 400 (700 scale). I just switched to coco cal and it only raises it by 100. I figure that they know how to design it for the system - so, we'll see. I just started using it today so I don't know if it works the same, or any better. This cycle I also switched from Canna nutes to CC's line all together. Except I do add the Rhino and Cannazyme (which don't add to my ppm's).

I'll second that Hydroguard suggestion/advice. That shit is a life saver and doesnt give me any slime, films, etc.
Thanks Everyone - I am trying the Hydroguard and Cannazyme - just did a full nut change out (including the 1 inch of water left at the bottom of the buckets) also changed out the res and trimmed up some roots. Cross my fingers....
In general, especially during Veggy in DWC, I experienced a rise in PH and drop in ppm's when my babies got hungry....with that being said; I notice nitrogen toxicity. Is this as new as your plant's other problems, or has it been like that from past feedings? If it is a new symptom, it sort of conflicts with the idea that they need more food....hmmm.
P.S. Hydroguard has become a must-have for me! Am gonna try Great White my next run coming up.