I think we first need to have a discussion about what it means it to be "disabled".
If it means you have extra special requirements that cost money then yes they should be covered.
But is it the responsibility of the Govt to provide for a lifestyle as opposed to basic subsistence?
Is 2k a month not good enough to just be handed?
What about 2.5k?
You've obviously got skin in the game so I don't know if it's logical to debate someone so emotionally involved.
i told u i work security and at a food bank and i write and consult. who care where my skin is in this game it involves everybody. are you more narcissistic or empathetic. disabled by current ssa requirements or ideally? it doesn't matter much but lets say it means you either can't get hired, can't work or can't keep a job through no fault of your own.
what is the purpose of a government? what is the national goal. currently the goal is always economic growth. economic growth happens when bad thing happen to people and to the planet. the overnment wants to use every citezen it can to advance this goal. they don't want to look to bad or have a revolt against, so they placate the poor with welfare the disabled with ssi, those small patches are inadequate to live off of and more and more people need something ,, so ubi,, so no revolution. if nations cared about the fulfillment and contentment or even the pleasure of the people , no one would have to work for slave wages and there would be no underclass.
why does it threaten you to bring the underclass up to reasonable compensation.
the rich live off their wealth while the poor work for the rich and pay the rich rent. i am poor, you live off your parents wealth. i am laying it down for you to see. how will it hurt the extremely rich to fund ubi for every body under a certain income. you say fine 5000 more dollars you are missing the point and i don't think you even know what the problem is. i think you could get it with a dash of empathy and common sense. i have provided enough info for you to do so. if you care to rebut please at least try to comprehend the situation