one light one plant one pound....

She's a beauty my babies are doing good I've got my babies going & one little detail is getting attention I've got squatters next door that I've been putting off dealing with as I didn't want any unneeded attention well the time is now they're going & im starting with a cleaned slate this has been building up since thanksgiving it's time..... the beauty is they've done it to themselves lol
How are you dealing with them? Or what happened that they did it to themselves?
How are you dealing with them? Or what happened that they did it to themselves?
they hung themselves got the place raided / connected to a series of burglaries I'm in a location that is questionable if I'm too close to a school & a park as well so it's probably good everything was shut down right now the owner of the property isn't too happy with the property damage turned out they weren't the legal renters he is the same guy that had the tree fall on my boat any way my nephew is gonna rent / repair the house it's all working out pretty good time to let the dust settle just smiled on me
they hung themselves got the place raided / connected to a series of burglaries I'm in a location that is questionable if I'm too close to a school & a park as well so it's probably good everything was shut down right now the owner of the property isn't too happy with the property damage turned out they weren't the legal renters he is the same guy that had the tree fall on my boat any way my nephew is gonna rent / repair the house it's all working out pretty good time to let the dust settle just smiled on me
That qualifies as winning the fucking lottery!
That qualifies as winning the fucking lottery!
yeah I'm pretty happy I'd been noticing a lot more "casuall" encounters with cops in the neighborhood & as I know no one here I couldn't figure it just felt uneasy I have a medical card so I wasn't tripping too hard just cleaned house & what's ironic they were notorious cop callers my son in law & got the cops called on us thanksgiving day for shooting a pellet rifle in the backyard I knew they did it just adds credence to that old saying " what comes around goes around" the guy that lived there in the beginning was ok somehow they moved in & he moved out long story short we got our neighborhood back & once again this is the peaceful little town
yeah I'm pretty happy I'd been noticing a lot more "casuall" encounters with cops in the neighborhood & as I know no one here I couldn't figure it just felt uneasy I have a medical card so I wasn't tripping too hard just cleaned house & what's ironic they were notorious cop callers my son in law & got the cops called on us thanksgiving day for shooting a pellet rifle in the backyard I knew they did it just adds credence to that old saying " what comes around goes around" the guy that lived there in the beginning was ok somehow they moved in & he moved out long story short we got our neighborhood back & once again this is the peaceful little town
Nice. Now that the problem is gone, no one will be looking for you. Time to drop some beans!
Well she is chopped and drying, she is gonna be close but guessing 350gs, i will post a final weight in a week or so when she is done in the racks before she goes into jars.IMG_1822[1].JPG IMG_1823[2].JPG IMG_1824[1].JPG
I'm planning a comeback in the led room first , then the wall & insulation in what is to be my 8x10 or 8x9 & eventually 2 tents but first I've got these babies from which is my latest clone source they call this strain blackjack not to be confused with nirvanas version this one is jack herer x blackberry my goal is to end up with 2 good strains & run with itIMG_1933.JPGIMG_1934.JPG
ok back to the grow she is not gaining as much in height with the led vs the hps but really tightening up as she develops & the quality of my growth is off the hook I trial fitted my res . it's tight but it's gonna work & not a moment too soon I'm gonna drain & hook it up today believe it or not 6 gals is easier to mix & control the ppm. than mixing 2 gal. the quality of my growth is good as the nice green color not too dark but no yellowing either gonna have to raise the light soon & for the first time I can squeeze the light & the canopy in the same pic through my open door after this grow I'm gonna pull everything out & get my room setup in its final configuration which will be 2 plants in the waterfarms utilizing the remote reservoirView attachment 3815782View attachment 3815783 View attachment 3815785
Looks like mild nitrogen toxicity going on there
Sorry about your grow. We live and we learn. I've had to run half power just to stop plants getting too hot in the UK. I would also find it impossible.

I read you may do a soil grow. Good idea, is hydro really worth all that hassle? I don't think so.
Sorry about your grow. We live and we learn. I've had to run half power just to stop plants getting too hot in the UK. I would also find it impossible.

I read you may do a soil grow. Good idea, is hydro really worth all that hassle? I don't think so.
hey fevs top of the day to you! I'm getting at least one grow back up for now & the second in the near future I used to grow quite a bit in soil gotta change things up from time to time
I'm planning a comeback in the led room first , then the wall & insulation in what is to be my 8x10 or 8x9 & eventually 2 tents but first I've got these babies from which is my latest clone source they call this strain blackjack not to be confused with nirvanas version this one is jack herer x blackberry my goal is to end up with 2 good strains & run with itView attachment 3966310View attachment 3966311
same plants one day later they're not giving me no problems so far IMG_1936.JPGIMG_1937.JPG
You didn't get the the first part of the grow so all in all I think you did pretty good that's almost 11 zips & it's all top notch stuff I would be a happy camper
Very true, My wife got to try a bud of it she said it was a 9 on a scale from 1 to 10 lol I dont get to partake until tomorrow nite gotta piss tomorrow for pain management, but tomorrow nite its on like donky kong, my damn garden is killing it outside also lots of maters and peppersIMG_1832[2].JPG IMG_1833[1].JPG
the outside garden looks good mine is doing good but my tomatoes are a ways behind yours I got a late start & we had a rainy spring I'm at 1000 ft. elevation I'm retired now but I used to drive commercial vehicles I know all about piss tests lol I'm gearing up to fire up my led room while I tear the other one out & build a wall & insulate a 9x9 room that's gonna house 2 tents things screw up & you just gotta come back a bit better for the experience I love this hobby