Keeps going out

These plants wern't giving any fert. for the last month they are out of the way and hart to get to usually if i can make it to them a couple times for the summer that it until harvest . I'm not saying they don't have to be flushed what would i need a tanker truck of water if i could tend them ?
as of the 2007 census, there were 2.2 million farms in this country. i defy you to find one of those 2.2 million farmers who flush anything. because it doesn't do anything beneficial. if you're only doing it for a week, its probably not going to do major damage to an otherwise healthy plant, but it's not going to remove a single molecule of anything you've been feeding that plant. period. ever. it can't. it doesn't work that way. there aren't little pockets of nutrients waiting to be used up, it all dissolves and is sent up the roots, through the xylem, to the stem and leaves . the leaves use these dissolved nutrients to carry out photosynthesis, then send their products out to the rest of the plant through the phloem. unless you're overfeeding like a fiend, the stuff you feed your plant gets used up almost as soon as you add them, they don't sit around on the plant like fat. plants don't get "fat", they burn if you over feed them. that's why you have to keep feeding them. if you stop feeding them, they stop growing as soon as they use up the reserves in the medium, which shouldn't last more than a few days, they don't draw on their reserves to keep growing, they don't have any reserves internally. thats why lower older leaves turn yellow when you have an N deficiency, they're sucking the life out of their own active leaves to feed new growth. why would they do that if they had reserves to draw on?
Blah blah blah and all that my ash burns "WHITE" in joints not bowls where it's easily hid. Keep hiding from your problems or "Let it consume you" I'm out children call me at graduation

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Blah blah blah and all that my ash burns "WHITE" in joints not bowls where it's easily hid. Keep hiding from your problems or "Let it consume you" I'm out children call me at graduation

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Only Children have to call names Sir Or Mam, or Go BLAH BLAH BLAH,(When they don't want to learn) I have not smoked a pipe in 30 years at least. And to each his own, if that is what you truly believe then Flush your plants, No big deal, but to call someone names goes to show you maturity. If you don't trust the science behind it don't, but throwing Insults to good people trying to help others and give a point of view that we have used for many years without a problem,it's really not to cool.

Like I said do what you want, if you think flushing your plants works great keep doing it. The Science Proves the other, if you take some time to study that fact You may find the fact interesting..
Take care good day.
i'm just tired of trying to convince people too stupid to look at facts of anything, not worth the effort. he saw someone doing it in hightimes, so that must be the way its done. doesn't matter that you can look up the facts, that those facts will tell you the whole process doesn't work, that its a stupid pointless waste of time and effort. its his time and effort, if he wants to waste it, that's less time he has to give bad advice to other people who might want to learn the truth
it helps a lot if you have an rh meter in there, you want it to get to 63%, thats when you stop burping. if they're over that, anaerobic bacteria can live in it and makes an ammonia smell. if you let it get much drier than that it stops the whole process. not necessarily a bad thing, but you better be happy with it where it is, cause its done doing anything
Ok the question now is it to late now to burp the jars or should i just leave things alone.?
Dude your a lost cause no offense, you got these morons telling you smoke pot full of nutrients so I think there is no hope for you too smoke pot with "white ash" these other idiots are just as confused as you or should I say I don't even think they care they just wanna argue with someone. Maybe do yourself alittle experiment one plant flush for 7-10 days and the other one go balls to the wall with the nutrients like these other so called growers and see what ya get. Maybe you'll be surprised

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Dude your a lost cause no offense, you got these morons telling you smoke pot full of nutrients so I think there is no hope for you too smoke pot with "white ash" these other idiots are just as confused as you or should I say I don't even think they care they just wanna argue with someone. Maybe do yourself alittle experiment one plant flush for 7-10 days and the other one go balls to the wall with the nutrients like these other so called growers and see what ya get. Maybe you'll be surprised

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If you have been following this you should of read i never gave them any nutrients. for the last month i very seldom go to my grow until it is harvest time . So are you saying i shouldn't give them any nutrients sounds like it