It's all BAD

I specifally asked for personal examples. You shared none. Your answer is invalid.

The only example I can give is that your tiny penis is tiny. We all knew that already, so I saw no point in sharing.

Personally Trump won't impact me. But then again, it's not all about me, is it? So why do Republicans always feel it's about "them"?

As far as immediate negative impacts, jobs are dwindling. So there's that. Ya know... Trump the jobs president, making america great again. Hasn't done shit but line his pockets and do nothing about saving the jobs he said he was going to save and create. He hasn't created shit. He's increased everyone's tax burden by flying himself and his family and friends to his Mar lago resort, amongst many other things.

What has he done that you think is positive?
The only example I can give is that your tiny penis is tiny. We all knew that already, so I saw no point in sharing.

Personally Trump won't impact me. But then again, it's not all about me, is it? So why do Republicans always feel it's about "them"?

As far as immediate negative impacts, jobs are dwindling. So there's that. Ya know... Trump the jobs president, making america great again. Hasn't done shit but line his pockets and do nothing about saving the jobs he said he was going to save and create. He hasn't created shit. He's increased everyone's tax burden by flying himself and his family and friends to his Mar lago resort, amongst many other things.

What has he done that you think is positive?

Not one person on this forum has been directly affected, in a negative way, by anything Trump has done. You'd all be blasting it all over the place if you had been.
Not one person on this forum has been directly affected, in a negative way, by anything Trump has done. You'd all be blasting it all over the place if you had been.

after promising everything would be so easy and claiming it would all be done so fast, all he's done is to rename post offices and shit.

so all of his supporters that he lied to are not exactly willing to spring forth and talk about how much their feelings got hurt by a con man who duped them all by appealing to their deep seated racism.

also, it's just statistically unlikely that the family of any of the immigrants or muslim people who have been killed by trump supporters would be members of this forum. or the family of the soldier that got killed in the disastrously botched yemen raid.
Not one person on this forum has been directly affected, in a negative way, by anything Trump has done. You'd all be blasting it all over the place if you had been.

I hear Sean Spicer is looking for his own replacement. You may want to to look into that, they hire snitch felons, just saying.