Just videos - why not?

A lot of you may have already seen this, but if not, do yourself a favor and watch it. It is one of the most insightful and hilarious 50 mins I've seen. These four genius comics know each other so well, it's great to hear them debate the finer points of comedy. They crack each other up constantly, it's like being in their living room for an hour. Enjoy...

At about 36:20 in, you get to hear Seinfeld say fuck. You won't find that anywhere else ;)
Seinfeld is one of the funniest people ever

I had no idea just how funny he really is until I watched this stand up vid of his. He and Cosby (before we knew he was a monster) are the only comics I've experienced that keep it totally clean, but are gut-bustingly hilarious. This is a treat -
