It's all BAD


Well-Known Member
Please share negative things in your life that have occurred due to changes Trump has made. They must be things that have already directly affected you in a negative manner.
Rat Russian Bliny


1 lb flour
1 fucking rat
4 cups milk
6 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp butter

Blend the fuck out of that fucking rat in a blinder until liquefied then place to the side.
Dissolve the yeast in 2 cups of warm water and adding 500 g flour and gradually adding that fucking rat. Mix until smooth, cover with a cloth and set aside in a warm place for about an hour, or until the batter becomes bubbly.
Then add salt, sugar, egg yolks, melted butter and mix thoroughly. add the rest of the flour gradually and beat up until smooth. Pour in warm milk gradually, and mix the batter thoroughly. Cover with a cloth and set aside in a warm place to rise.
After the batter rises, beat until it is settled and then stir in beaten egg whites. The batter should rise no less than 3 times. As soon as the batter rises, cook the pancakes on a hot griddle. Serve to other fucking Rats, Snitches, and Bitches
The Trump Bump in the markets has increased my tax consequences for the year. I'm receiving higher dividends and it's even been profitable to sell and incur taxes on short term gains. The bastard!
Trump really hasn't been able to accomplish jack-shit, ergo your query is spurious at best
There'd be more getting done if we weren't wasting so much time on Russia. As well as the democrats resisting everything. Obamacare death spiral keeps picking up pace. More insurers keep leaving the market. Some markets have ZERO choices. Others the premiums are rising over 100% averaging around 25% annually. This was supposed to SAVE money! We were going to be able to keep our doctors. Our premiums were going to go down 2500 bucks a year! And do they care about any of that?! Not one bit all they care about is keeping Obamacare. Because a bad legacy is better than NO legacy in their eyes!

They've lost close to 1400 elected positions since obama was first elected! They've lost every special election since trump was elected. When will they learn America doesn't want the BS they are selling. We want solutions and we elected trump to do it! Either step up to the plate and work to solve our problems or we will keep voting against your candidates. You keep getting fooled by these bias polls trying to convince the voters it's pointless to vote for the conservatives. Meanwhile the public is ignoring you. And we are moving forward with or without democratic support. The trump train left the station. Get on board or get run over.
There'd be more getting done if we weren't wasting so much time on Russia. As well as the democrats resisting everything. Obamacare death spiral keeps picking up pace. More insures keep leaving the market. Some markets have ZERO choices. Others the premiums are rising over 100% averaging around 25% annually. This was supposed to SAVE money! We were going to be able to keep our doctors. Our premiums were going to go down 2500 bucks a year! And do they care about any of that?! Not one bit all they care about is keeping Obamacare. Because a bad legacy is better than NO legacy in their eyes!

They've lost close to 1400 elected positions since obama was first elected! They've lost every special election since trump was elected. When will they learn America doesn't want the BS they are selling. We want solutions and we elected trump to do it! Either step up to the plate and work to solve our problems or we will keep voting against your candidates. You keep getting fooled by these bias polls trying to convince the voters it's pointless to vote for the conservatives. Meanwhile the public is ignoring you. And we are moving forward with or without democratic support. The trump train left the station. Get on board or get run over.

I agree, too much time is spent fucking with Russia.

The military industrial complex needs a boogey man though. Russia serves that purpose well. All Presidents have to suck the giant cock of the Military Industrial Complex, Trump has been no different and might even be worse than the previous douche bags if that is even possible.
I don't want to hear about how many people will lose coverage. If you remove a law requiring everyone to buy something. Of course less people will buy it if that law is removed. Many of those who lose coverage would be doing so by choice. Whether or not it's smart is their decision.
Oh, you mean like healthcare, good point :dunce:

Lower prices or better service options for consumers do not come from centralized control which eliminates or manipulates competition.

Your goal of wanting to help people gain more affordable choices on health care is a good one. your chosen method though is the wrong approach. Learn to supply and demand.
Our brown cat started shitting next to the litterbox as she does not want to share with the ginger.
Stfu chester
And you wonder why no one cares what the libs think? This is why no defense of their indefensible position. Just stfu. You just keep coming to this and every other forum you want. Keep acting like a spoiled child. No one is listening no one cares. Just remember there would be no Trump if there wasn't a failed obama first! You all laughed when he decided to run. The Dems spent over a billion dollars only proving you can't buy an election. Bring Hilary back in 2020 or run warren and see what happens! You'll sink like the titanic again.
If Trump's health care (read as the REMOVAL of health care) passes into law, it will literally kill me. I will die because I will no longer have coverage as my cancer will be seen as a pre-existing condition.

I'll probably have about 2 years to live if I'm lucky.