Not sure who to vote for ?

The Bud Dude

Active Member
I just can't fathom the idea of McCain and Palin. How could anyone support Palin? BAH!!! I don't want to even get started. Obama all the way.

The Bud Dude

Active Member
that is a great song, the only problem is, our (i'm guessing your are 18-30 years of age) demographic doesn't vote and Obama has been appealing to our demographic. I'll vote, even though I'm in Texas, it won't really count. But you have to vote, can't complain if you don't vote.


Active Member
3rd party is definatly the way to go. You cant trust the democrats because they're the same as the republicans. There is nothing conservative about preemptive war and there is nothing liberal about not addressing it.

Face it the major issues are completely off the table for both of them. Neither wants to end the war; neither wants to back the money with something substantial.

As a bunch of reasonable pot smokers you have to realize that a big government is a big problem. Its not a democracy in America, its a capitalist society. you get one or the other, and the only thing that can change that is the voters


Well-Known Member
Thank you 5nug. Rep+ for that shit! If you watch these ralies and debates take into account what they acutally propose to do. Take into account the questions being asked? Even the questions at the debate are filtered by both democrates and republicans so everything is a bit watered down? There is no lesser of evils with the two major canidates this year, they are both evil and corrupt. A vote for third party is a vote for America! P.S GOOGLE NAU(NORTH AMERICA UNION)

The Bud Dude

Active Member
Really?? 3rd Party?? Even my vote for Obama in Texas is better off than a 3rd Party candidate. I'm voting for Obama because he is promising change. I know that sounds retarded, but America needs change, and if in four years I don't like the change, I vote him out, that is the glory of democracy. Sort of...


New Member
I'm going for Obama.. I don't want another four years of what weve had for the last eight! Biden is a much better vice than Palin as well!



Well-Known Member
Hey in four years we won't even have a vote! The North America Union is suppose to take over by 2010, duh! Ya'll need to start thinking a little more outside the box if you want change, the fact is both McCainn and Obama support the Union and only a thrid party canidate would not. Obama's changes are like slapping another pullup on a todler instead of teaching him to use the shitter. GOOGLE NORTH AMERICAN UNION.

With Peace in Mind

The Bud Dude

Active Member
Ok so i did some reading, how do we lose our vote in four years? Not sure I follow that. Also, you may hate me for this, but I kinda support the idea of NAU, I did a lot of reading on wikipedia, I thought it would be the less bias than that of the NAU website and the stopnau website. I know we are different than Europe, but the EU did wonders for them over there, why not try something here. I like the idea of open borders, except if there is a draft I have nowhere to flee. Damn.

The Bud Dude

Active Member
ok i did more reading, if I were you (Mco2405), I would advise people to stay away from the stopnau website. um...I had to write a paper recently about the KKK...and I must say that the two websites seem to be very similar. Both radicals just yelling about how everything is wrong and supporting them is right, and neither one allowing counter arguments, or disputing counter arguments. sorry dude...good luck convincing me to not support the NAU


Well-Known Member
Hey in four years we won't even have a vote! The North America Union is suppose to take over by 2010, duh! Ya'll need to start thinking a little more outside the box if you want change, the fact is both McCainn and Obama support the Union and only a thrid party canidate would not. Obama's changes are like slapping another pullup on a todler instead of teaching him to use the shitter. GOOGLE NORTH AMERICAN UNION.

With Peace in Mind
do u honestly belive that NAU bs
its not gonna happen
China would rape us if we tried it.


Active Member
the NAU is real man it is in the process. Just wait there will be an incidenent in regards to homeland security and it will snowball.

The problem with these landmass unions are the threat of globalization. I dont know if anyone has ever read Brave New World but if you haven't you should. That is the course we are heading. Consumerism is an evil thing. Stop buy peoples shit. Kill the economy.

Here is something of wealth on the topic Comparison between society and the state of nature between John Locke (American freedom fighter from revolution times) and Hobbes (asshole brtish monarch)

What locke states is how america was intended to be, very little influence from the government.

The only reason why today there is a need for government is because the previous governments have made the world this way (Look back to roman times how the government and church reigned). This is the modern day equivalency to the roman empire but its plotted on a global scale


John Locke is not from revolutionary timse he was from colonial times... I was thinknig of Thomas Paine!


Well-Known Member
who woulda thought 20-30 years ago that america would even be CONSIDERING a black president...Its great to see the world is finally getting its shit together.


Well-Known Member
Vote for the guy who'll give us more of this! :D Barack McCain, yeah!
Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations

Beginning in October, the Army plans to station an active unit inside the United States for the first time to serve as an on-call federal response in times of emergency. The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent thirty-five of the last sixty months in Iraq, but now the unit is training for domestic operations. The unit will soon be under the day-to-day control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. The Army Times reports this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to Northern Command. The paper says the Army unit may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control. The soldiers are learning to use so-called nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals and crowds.
Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 22, 2008