USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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In summing up,
Id also like to point out that our tax rate has nothing to do with our free healthcare as thats funded diffferently than a tax.

Our tax rate is mainly due to us being a socially aware culture. We supply a decent unemployment benefit of $500 a fortnight for a single person and $450 for a couple plus added perks. Old age pensions at $890 a fortnight and couples $ 1300 plus added perks.

We also pay our solders are very nice wage, as they should be and a generous tax free pension that is payable no matter their income in private life. I couldnt find the current rates of pay but in 2014 it was: "Under the current pay scheme, a non-commissioned soldier in the Australian Army earns about $59,500 annually (including uniform and service allowances). A mid-ranking infantry officer takes home around $84,000". This has gone up by about 10% i understand.
My Dad was in Vietnam for two tours and his pension is currently $1400 per fortnight plus perks (he has been receiving a pension since the end of the Vietnam war on top of his occupational salaries.

No Australian would mind paying a few bucks extra every week so that old people can have some money to live on and hopefully some extra to spend in the local community nor begrudge a solders right to a decent income and pension.

In regard to "paying more for everything". This is just not true. Sure some things are more expensive, we do live on a rather large island and freight can add up. Just like some things are more expensive for you there than here. Australians love lamb, i buy a dressed lamb for $100. I would imagine it would be more expensive there for you. We might have the largest cattle stations in the world but the head per acreage is low, quality is excellent but so are the export dollars for them. Australians on a budget certainly dont eat scotch fillet very often!

Min wage linked to inflation is a good thing. It helps protect those who are unable to protect themselves.
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didn't say it was bad there, didn't complain about struggling here either. just pointing out some glaring realities that aren't feels.
"there's a mixture of union and other agreements that do mean that the effective minimum is 110 DKK (that's Danish Krone) an hour."

You seem to like to say and quote things as gospel without actually thinking and saying incorrect things as truth. In short you dont know what your talking about. Just about everything you have said as truth is incorrect and i have supplied information to back it all up.You have supplied only innuendo's and out right untruths..
You have just enough knowledge to get you into trouble.

Please just drop the debate with me and move back to the topic of the thread.
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yes they do.

you're lying again. just like you were lying about australia, and then got caught.
what does this have to do with the lie you just got caught in?

australia's min wage is more than double what ours is yet their big macs cost the same.

and yet you retards keep crying about the mythical $15 big mac.

just stop lying already, you inveterate liar.

yep, double or triple the min wage and the burger still costs about the same.

demonstrated over and over and over again.

around $30,000. hence why they have no gun massacres like we do.


dude you got all your info from memes.
In summing up,
Id also like to point out that our tax rate has nothing to do with our free healthcare as thats funded diffferently than a tax.

Our tax rate is mainly due to us being a socially aware culture. We supply a decent unemployment benefit of $500 a fortnight for a single person and $450 for a couple plus added perks. Old age pensions at $890 a fortnight and couples $ 1300 plus added perks.

We also pay our solders are very nice wage, as they should be and a generous tax free pension that is payable no matter their income in private life. I couldnt find the current rates of pay but in 2014 it was: "Under the current pay scheme, a non-commissioned soldier in the Australian Army earns about $59,500 annually (including uniform and service allowances). A mid-ranking infantry officer takes home around $84,000". This has gone up by about 10% i understand.
My Dad was in Vietnam for two tours and his pension is currently $1400 per fortnight plus perks (he has been receiving a pension since the end of the Vietnam war on top of his occupational salaries.

No Australian would mind paying a few bucks extra every week so that old people can have some money to live on and hopefully some extra to spend in the local community nor begrudge a solders right to a decent income and pension.

In regard to "paying more for everything". This is just not true. Sure some things are more expensive, we do live on a rather large island and freight can add up. Just like some things are more expensive for you there than here. Australians love lamb, i buy a 1/2 dressed lamb for $100. I would imagine it would be more expensive there for you. We might have the largest cattle stations in the world but the head per acreage is low, quality is excellent but so are the export dollars for them. Australians on a budget certainly dont eat scotch fillet very often!

Min wage linked to inflation is a good thing. It helps protect those who are unable to protect themselves.

how is it not very clear to you that all that stuff is actually youre talking about is being funded through consumer price increases as indicated by a chart of y'alls min wage increases over the last 8 years which clearly shows min wage and inflation (since its linked and all) rising about 28%?

who sets the min wage in oz?
how is it not very clear to you that all that stuff is actually youre talking about is being funded through consumer price increases as indicated by a chart of y'alls min wage increases over the last 8 years which clearly shows min wage and inflation (since its linked and all) rising about 28%?

who sets the min wage in oz?
If you are not going to read my responses where i have said who does why bother replying..again? and it was an avg of ive shown in a chart before....:wall:

Have a good one but im out of your silly debate.
"there's a mixture of union and other agreements that do mean that the effective minimum is 110 DKK (that's Danish Krone) an hour."

You seem to like to say and quote things as gospel without actually thinking and saying incorrect things as truth. In short you dont know what your talking about. Just about everything you have said as truth is incorrect and i have supplied information to back it all up.You have supplied only innuendo's and out right untruths..
You have just enough knowledge to get you into trouble.

Please just drop the debate with me and move back to the topic of the thread.

I'm just chatting dude apologies if I seem combatitive, not my intent. no harm in an otherwise dead thread amirite?

I'm just researching it as youre putting it out there, some of it I already knew from the big Mac index.

"mix of union agreements" exact to make an "effective" min wage in denmark. not exactly a government mandated min wage is it? they have a market economy and a very low corporate tax rate but thing s like autos are taxed exorbitantly. our countries are a bit large though and we enjoy the right to travel from state to state freely which is like travelling country to country in the eu.

You have supplied a cost of living index which actually backs up those truthful stats I cited you which backs up cost of production theory of value.

as to the thread topic in think the market should set wages in equity and that government should not set wages in equality.
If you are not going to read my responses where i have said who does why bother replying..again? and it was an avg of ive shown in a chart before....:wall:

Have a good one but im out of your silly debate.
I've simply been listening carefully and engaging the data you posted.....this is your 3% chart:


which stops at 2010......and you say min wage in oz is pegged to inflation right???

here is min wage chart you posted:

which picks up in 2009 right about where the other one left off....

that shows a 27% increase in min wage and thus inflation since 2009......

since your charts are almost sequential it's easy to deduce oz min wage was pegged to inflation in 2009 or 2010.


I'm not even going to look it up and I'm going to call it there at 09-10.

all that means is that your politicians are keeping your poor sort of happy by paying you and them with your own purchasing power while they live out their golden years in relative luxury.....of course you have a gov job though right?

I hate to sound like Ross Perot but my god dude just look at the graphs which absolutely corroborate the statistics I gave you.
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what does this have to do with the lie you just got caught in?

australia's min wage is more than double what ours is yet their big macs cost the same.

and yet you retards keep crying about the mythical $15 big mac.

just stop lying already, you inveterate liar.


I'm sorry your feelings get in the way of the fact that Macca's big mac price is kept through smaller portion and heavily utilizing teenage labor that pays below Australia's min wage.

Those are actual facts, which makes you the liar that uses meme's as reliable info. fake news consumer.
I'm sorry your feelings get in the way of the fact that Macca's big mac price is kept through smaller portion and heavily utilizing teenage labor that pays below Australia's min wage.

Those are actual facts, which makes you the liar that uses meme's as reliable info. fake news consumer.


that lie has already been debunked by someone who lives in australia you fucking retard.
I've simply been listening carefully and engaging the data you posted.....this is your 3% chart:

View attachment 3964339

which stops at 2010......and you say min wage in oz is pegged to inflation right???

here is min wage chart you posted:

View attachment 3964344
which picks up in 2009 right about where the other one left off....

that shows a 27% increase in min wage and thus inflation since 2009......

since your charts are almost sequential it's easy to deduce oz min wage was pegged to inflation in 2009 or 2010.


I'm not even going to look it up and I'm going to call it there at 09-10.

all that means is that your politicians are keeping your poor sort of happy by paying you and them with your own purchasing power while they live out their golden years in relative luxury.....of course you have a gov job though right?

I hate to sound like Ross Perot but my god dude just look at the graphs which absolutely corroborate the statistics I gave you.

Idiot..wrong charts. See 3 fkn % which is a healthy number.

nope..try the 50s..i think i may have already posted the date..just after WW2.
nope, work for myself, non skilled labor as ive mentioned before.

You really need to take in what people say when your trying to debate. Its obvious your just trolling

I have no idea of the size of a big mac in america..ours is the same as England and Europe's..maybe yours is to big and helps create obesity?

Im seriously done dealing with you

Go away Troll.
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he literally told you what his teenage son made working at mcdonalds yesterday you inveterate liar.

were you just too blackout drunk to remember, you invalid?

reading retention is not your thing........... son worked at Maccas..he was on 17 bucks an hr..(3 yeas ago). he is now an apprentice roof tiler thank fk

I"ll PM his fiancee and see what her hrly rate is. She is a manager at Maccas.
She got back to me fast..damn kids and their phones!

$22:16 an hr is the answer, plus public holiday rates and night shift allowances etc.

Which marries in to the chart i posted a little earlier

Woah, where's that chart from earlier? Here it is.........

Average Hourly Rate for McDonalds Australia Employees
Job National Hourly Rate Data
Kitchen Hand AU$18.00
Waiter/Waitress AU$17.08
Retail Shift Supervisor AU$17.67
Cook, Fast Food AU$18.29

As i said..around $20 an hr

Link takes us here..........


MaccasAverage.png MaccasAverage1.png

Daughter in law.

Here is Macca's enterprise agreement..........................

Which states:

So @Lucky Luke, your sons age right now............23-24? Help Bunk out because he seems a little slow.
reading retention is not your thing...........

Woah, where's that chart from earlier? Here it is.........

Link takes us here..........
View attachment 3964360


View attachment 3964360 View attachment 3964361

Daughter in law.

Here is Macca's enterprise agreement..........................

Which states:
View attachment 3964366

So @Lucky Luke, your sons age right now............23-24? Help Bunk out because he seems a little slow.

so your argument is that mcdonald's in australia have big macs at the same price as in the united states because they use "loopholes" to pay people less, and your proof is that they are paying their workers $17-$22 an hour?

no offense nazi, but i think you are literally mentally retarded.
I'm sorry your feelings get in the way of the fact that Macca's big mac price is kept through smaller portion and heavily utilizing teenage labor that pays below Australia's min wage.

Those are actual facts, which makes you the liar that uses meme's as reliable info. fake news consumer.
Ill address this so you will learn something.
You are kind of right here but way off the mark at the same time.

Kids must stay in school till grade 12 unless they have an apprenticeship. Grade 12 makes them on avg 18 years old.
Kids do get paid less to work at Mcdonalds but as you can see by their age they would be under 18 AND at school (anyone 18 or over gets paid by the chart i posted earlier, approx 20 bucks an hr).

So we have kids at school who want to work and a society who wants to instill a work ethic into our children and we have companies like Mcdonalds who would prefer to hire older people if their paying the same money.

Solution was to pay the kids less I think the figure is around $7 an hr (ill use 7 anyway in this eg). Now $7 is not allot of money but we do have diff rates of pay here. We have night shift allowences, sat rates, sunday rates and public holiday rates. We also made it so that the kids must be paid at least 4 hrs wage, even if they only work for 1 they are paid for 4.

Now, kids are at school right? So when can they work? After school and weekends and public holidays.
So a kid works from 4 to 8. Two of those hrs are at night shift rates meaning they get paid 1 and 1/2 times the rate for those two hrs.
Same kid works 4 hrs on a sat. same again but now he is on 1 and 1/2 times the rate all day.
Same kid works Sunday.well..Sunday is double time..all day
Same kid works a public holiday thats 3 times the rate...all day
Plus they get meal allowances if working after 6pm (extra money)
Plus they get superannuation of 9.5% put into their chosen account
Plus they get holiday pay and the 17.5% loading on top.

Its a win/ win.

My son is a roofer now ..he did work at maccas at around $17 an hr. His fiancee is working at Maccas and is on $22 an hr..ive said all this before.................
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Idiot..wrong charts. See 3 fkn % which is a healthy number.

nope..try the 50s..i think i may have already posted the date..just after WW2.
nope, work for myself, non skilled labor as ive mentioned before.

You really need to take in what people say when your trying to debate. Its obvious your just trolling

I have no idea of the size of a big mac in america..ours is the same as England and Europe's..maybe yours is to big and helps create obesity?

Im seriously done dealing with you

Go away Troll.
We all want to retire with a pension. Be it a govt one or a self funded one or in my case a combination of both.
Take a fn chill pill and smoke a bowl or something....
You mentioned this before too about your pension. So is a government pension available in the private sector?

How is this graph showing lowering inflation and the other graph is showing rising min wages and rising inflation because the two are linked? Your chart shows inflation lowering 2005-2010 and your other one shows it rising with wages, yet another shows wages rising 28%.

How do you square that any way other than the CPI is way off?
Take a fn chill pill and smoke a bowl or something....
You mentioned this before too. So is a government pension available in the private sector?
Yes..EVERYONE gets a govt supplied pension...unless they have 2 million in assets (apart from the family home) or something like that.

No not even gunna be bothered to look at the damn charts again...Does it even fkn matter? Id say nope.

Ill address this so you will learn something.
You are kind of right here but way off the mark at the same time.

Kids must stay in school till grade 12 unless they have an apprenticeship. Grade 12 makes them on avg 18 years old.
Kids do get paid less to work at Mcdonalds but as you can see by their age they would be under 18 AND at school (anyone 18 or over gets paid by the chart i posted earlier, approx 20 bucks an hr).

So we have kids at school who want to work and a society who wants to instill a work ethic into our children and we have companies like Mcdonalds who would prefer to hire older people if their paying the same money.

Solution was to pay the kids less I think the figure is around $7 an hr (ill use 7 anyway in this eg). Now $7 is not allot of money but we do have diff rates of pay here. We have night shift allowences, sat rates, sunday rates and public holiday rates. We also made it so that the kids must be paid at least 4 hrs wage, even if they only work for 1 they are paid for 4.

Now, kids are at school right? So when can they work? After school and weekends and public holidays.
So a kid works from 4 to 8. Two of those hrs are at night shift rates meaning they get paid 1 and 1/2 times the rate for those two hrs.
Same kid works 4 hrs on a sat. same again but now he is on 1 and 1/2 times the rate all day.
Same kid works Sunday.well..Sunday is double time..all day
Same kid works a public holiday thats 3 times the rate...all day
Plus they get meal allowances if working after 6pm (extra money)
Plus they get superannuation of 9.5% put into their chosen account
Plus they get holiday pay and the 17.5% loading on top.

Its a win/ win.

My son is a roofer now ..he did work at maccas at around $17 an hr. His fiancee is working at Maccas and is on $22 an hr..ive said all this before.................

What was his age, that's what you neglected to say before.........I asked like 3 times and my guess is currently 23-24.
