Johnson Grow Lights Maximizer time lapse

honestly these time-lapses r shit

your fps are waaaaay to low, seem like you have 2 pics a day and 3 sec per day (so like 1.5 fps) when it shoudl be more like 24 pics a day and 1 sec per day with the dark time edited out(24 fps),
that woudl be a movie of a plant flowering


you can very easily edit out the night period on any time lapse cam before you compress it into a movie, if this particular model automatically makes the movie id stay away.

what you want is the photos so you can adjust color settings contrast ect, apply to all, delete night photos and choose a frames per second before you compress

at least imho

This was the grower doing this as a favor. He volunteered. I don't know anything about the camera but I can ask and I figure it's better than nothing lol.
under burple that LSD had thick wide leaf that was 2 years ago on a burple run
that did Killer Fire bud , but saved me no heat or power Curse You Mars2 !
but made for some sweet ass weed
I know this old, but I'm finally about ready to run some tests, and I was just curious if there was any info regarding temps at full power, air cooled vs non cooled. Ambient temps vs radiant, etc. thanks!
I know this old, but I'm finally about ready to run some tests, and I was just curious if there was any info regarding temps at full power, air cooled vs non cooled. Ambient temps vs radiant, etc. thanks!

With duct cooled you can think of the thermal gain as around 300 watts of lighting in the space. So it will run the same temps as a 6 bulb t5 or slightly warmer than a 250 HPS .... On par with a 315 cmh. If a person already has a large reflector (magnum xxl/raptor or similar) the hlg-550 can be used inside that fixture to create a "duct cooled fixture".
perfect, thanks StephenJ. That's pretty minimal. Was going to rock 4 of em with can max 10 1040cfm fan and a 2 ton mini split in an insulated 20x9.5x8 container in a building. Prob overkill, but I never want to worry.