Whether the source is isotropic is irrelevant.
"there is a difference between total radiant flux collected and useful radiant flux collected" - Newport Corp. Spectral Irradiance training manual
Measuring the radiant exitance (flux density / PPF) is of little use. Radiance, Luminance, and PPF are the measure of exitance flux density per unit solid viewing angle an independent of distance because the sampled area increases with distance canceling the inverse square loss.
Whereas the radiant intensity (e.g. PPFD) is the measure of the radiometric power incident a surface per unit solid angle (W/sr) related to irradiance by the inverse square law. Distance, angle, and position are relevant for horticulture applications.
When you are using an instrument designed to measure an isotropic light source, to measure a non-isotropic light source, it is relevant.
When the light source is used in a direct line of sight, how is a integrating sphere measurement of scattered, reflected, and diffused light going to matter? In a sphere the light source is baffled from the detector to block direct light.
You can use a Point Source Approximation but using the proper measuring instrument for the application is preferable.
While PPF is an absolute measurement..
...I fail to see how PPF is "useful" or relevant to horticulture applications or how 3rd party data can be applicable to PPF.
An integrating sphere removes all positional, directional and uniformity from its measurements. This may be useful for lighting applications but not applicable to horticulture which uses direct light. In horticulture it is only useful to measure the flux from a source as it is emitted in a given beam.
it's still radiant watts in the 400-700nm
One watt of deep red can have 50% more photons than a watt of deep blue.
One watt @ 680nm = 5.68 µmol
One watt @ 420nm = 3.51 µmol