Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
give an example
Your property.
give an example
my business property is open to the public, which means all can use.Your property.
Stop trying to fuck children.You seem to have worked yourself into quite a frenzy. Might I suggest a cold shower and then we begin again without your conflating and baseless allegations?
God forbid a black man sit at your lunch table, Prima Donna.Your property.
my business property is open to the public, which means all can use.
My home is personal property. no one can use without my permission and we have laws against those who try.
Sorry Rob you lose again.
Stop trying to fuck children.
God forbid a black man sit at your lunch table, Prima Donna.
That's a great quote, although it doesn't apply here, Yukon Bob. That thing you call a "cage" from the outside looking in is called logic an reason. Try it, if you dare.
There's a difference between slavery and passing each other by in public, you racist moron.Would you force a black man to use his body and his property to serve a white man against his will ? I wouldn't.
Just pedophiles and racists.You're trying to hard to talk about kiddie diddling. Don't you have some people to shoot or something?
There's a difference between slavery and passing each other by in public, you racist moron.
Just pedophiles and racists.
I did answer your question, which is irrelevant to the context of the conversation. Slavery is different than having to share public space with a black man. If you own a store, it's illegal to discriminate based on race. creed, religion, gender, or sexuality. A regulation that should exist, because it infringes upon no one's freedom and prevents others from infringing unrighteously upon that of another. Only ignorant old fools and mentally retarded invalids wouldn't see a difference.Well, I see you haven't answered my question.
I would not force a black man to use his body and his property to serve a white man, would you?
If you could stop stroking your gun for a minute and be brave enough to answer my question, that would be appreciated.
I did answer your question, which is irrelevant to the context of the conversation. Slavery is different than having to share public space with a black man. If you own a store, it's illegal to discriminate based on race. creed, religion, gender, or sexuality. A regulation that should exist, because it infringes upon no one's freedom and prevents others from infringing unrighteously upon that of another. Only ignorant old fools and mentally retarded invalids wouldn't see a difference.
It's a good thing people with your ignorant mindset are dying out. Soon, we'll be able to focus on shit that's actually important.
All cash is green.. it's not the 50's.. I don't think they'll care if you're white. Just stay away from their kidsIt sure seems like you are trying hard to avoid answering my question.
Also, you are conflating the issue. I'm not a racist, nor do I advocate racist behavior. I advocate self determination and respect for others and their property. Which means even if I disagree with how you or even a racist might use your property or your body, I recognize I have no right to use offensive force to make anyone do anything with their own body or their own property. Of course everybody has a right to use defensive force to repel offensive force.
So you are saying that you would use offensive force to make a black man serve a white man against his will?
If you see a man's color as a factor in a decision you make, you are a fucking racist. I answered your question twice, you dumb son of a bitch.
When did I say that? I didn't say I'd shoot someone for not doing something, but if you see color as a factor in a decision, you're doing it wrong. You're outdated and need to get with the times, or you need to die off.Actually you avoided my question a couple of times.
If you think you have a right to use offensive force to make a black man (or a white man) use his body and/or his property to serve somebody against his will, you are doing it wrong.
All cash is green.. it's not the 50's.. I don't think they'll care if you're white. Just stay away from their kids