The Truth About Flushing

I use full spectrum mh and enhanced hps to gain the high quality. And for a while a cmh too but I am going to try it in a veg tent and then a full run next.

You did not mention yield in those larger pots. And that was the only point I was making and you agreed above.

and I want to add. I didn't mean little cabinet in a "belittling" way. I just meant that the t-5's will work better in a closed defined cab than it would in my open room.

The Tanning bed positioning is just a compromise to help the shortcomings of the fixtures. And I still have seen only thin low yielding plants grown in them. And stretchy. And that is the number one complaint on their site. How do I stop the stretch.

Well add more light is the answer.

but in your cab I think t-5 4' lamp is perfect. Well maybe led's but I don't know yet. Which is why I keep saying proper tools for the job and the answers to these silly arguments are varied.

And how good is your CTF compared to a great classic strain like a well grown OG for example.

Then try a CH9 Blue Lemon Thai. Any pheno from a pack will do. It's finicky like an og. And you will get varied results. But all will be better than CTF.

My statement was his weed was not "as advertised"

Or in his egotistical words. The best in the world.

It was also supposed to have specific medical benefits that it did not for any of the people I know who tried or me.

If it had been good medicine I would have had it tested and cultivated.

My friend in Colorado was comparing it to medical marijuana he already benefits from.

And now he smokes CH9 strains mostly.

We have no agenda like they do. We are selling nothing and only concerned with medical benefits and our personal high.

That is why they and you I believe are so defensive about things I never even claimed.
Like I said I'm not vested. I bought the seeds. I'm not receiving an incentive to say anytbing.

They are solid strains. I've been buying seeds for years trying different strains. Started with road kill and red hair skunks in the late 80's and early 90's.

One plant had the effects I was looking for. Similar buzz to what I grew up smoking.

Have you honestly spent any time growing them?

Your story has changed since the first time you told it. I can go back and do d the post.

Its went from your friend to now you smoked and tried it.

What ever happened that pisses you off over at his site is more the reason you smash on anything to do with the man.

Whatever dude. Dine told you you were a fool to put your personal info on a pot site.
Like I said I'm not vested. I bought the seeds. I'm not receiving an incentive to say anytbing.

They are solid strains. I've been buying seeds for years trying different strains. Started with road kill and red hair skunks in the late 80's and early 90's.

One plant had the effects I was looking for. Similar buzz to what I grew up smoking.

Have you honestly spent any time growing them?

Your story has changed since the first time you told it. I can go back and do d the post.

Its went from your friend to now you smoked and tried it.

What ever happened that pisses you off over at his site is more the reason you smash on anything to do with the man.

Whatever dude. Dine told you you were a fool to put your personal info on a pot site.

You should re read the posts. You remember wrong. I have been saying both things since way back when DC used to stop by all the time.

And no I have not grown them. They are regular seeds and my spots are full with prior commitments. And the tests went poorly. What I smoked sucked. I am sure in part from the grower. But he had other strains that were grown with it that were better and said so.

Just not here or on the Riddler site.

I went in with an open mind and traded seeds I paid for to try their favorites. He got upset from a simple private message of my opinion enough to start all the crap.

I replied privately to him. He did not.
"I run several spectrums including uv. The smoke is better. Have I had mine tested. No but as others have stated there are plenty of studies to show uv grows more potent bud."

Well yes, I agree and said so earlier. UV is available in other types of lights than T5.
... but 2 "Cup Wins" (highly subjective and generally "political") don't prove anything VS 1,000's of "unflushed" Cup Wins.

Optimal "diet" will lead to healthy "metabolism" and "waste". Example; how many Enemas have you had? If you say "0", then you "must be" backed up with excess waste. Right? The only reason for a flush/enema is due to unhealthy nutrient regimen/diet. Feed the wrong nutrient levels and you will require an enema/nutrient "flush". This also accounts for kidney/gallbladder/bladder stones. Appropriate nutrient vs H2O levels completely eliminates this error/enema necessity. Appropriate "water to micro/macro-nutrient" levels completely negate "flushing".

Don't believe me, just ask any "Dr"/Botanist. Why should you trust me? I'm kinda "In the Know".

Your analogy @Odin* is not a good one. A better one would be to compare a flush to a calorie deficit in humans. A deficit in humans (done correctly) can exhaust stores of body fat. Much the same as a flush in cannabis horticulture brings about some aesthetically pleasing attributes some of us refer to as a fade.

Have you never put yourself through a calorie deficit, fat people get thin and they don't die and often come out with better blood work.

Pointing out the cup wins demonstrates that a guy who flushed won, if it was horrible (bought cup) where is the protest to the wins?

You guys can be cynical about cups all you want, that does not take away from the wins.

The main point is that flushing is still a used practice and every bit a valid method as feeding to the end.

Can you qualify "in the know" in some manner that has some qualifications in any way? I only ask as you seem to find some need to let us know you know something, so what is it that you know that you only care to be so subtle about sharing?
Your analogy @Odin* is not a good one. A better one would be to compare a flush to a calorie deficit in humans. A deficit in humans (done correctly) can exhaust stores of body fat. Much the same as a flush in cannabis horticulture brings about some aesthetically pleasing attributes some of us refer to as a fade.

Have you never put yourself through a calorie deficit, fat people get thin and they don't die and often come out with better blood work.

Pointing out the cup wins demonstrates that a guy who flushed won, if it was horrible (bought cup) where is the protest to the wins?

You guys can be cynical about cups all you want, that does not take away from the wins.

The main point is that flushing is still a used practice and every bit a valid method as feeding to the end.

Can you qualify "in the know" in some manner that has some qualifications in any way? I only ask as you seem to find some need to let us know you know something, so what is it that you know that you only care to be so subtle about sharing?

Ahem... Why is the excess fat there in the first place (rhetorical, no need for a question mark). Oh, yeah, you over fed your plants. You stand corrected.


Anyhow, so what's the issue with my analogy again... ?
Ahem... Why is the excess fat there in the first place. Oh, yeah, you over fed your plants. You stand corrected.


Anyhow, so what's the issue with my analogy again... ?
Ok the issue being I don't compare a flush to an enima, I know I know that seems silly as they both involve water and "washing away."

However, I treat this as an input/output relationship. Calories in calories out in humans.

Do you believe that to flush you must first over feed? Are you choosing to ignore the reality of feeding moderately or as you say optimally and still cut out all input at the end?

Then it is only fair to ask that you keep your credentials in your pocket and not drop little snippets of who you might be or what you might know, somebody might ask you to cite them and if you fail to do so it looks silly to have almost offered to then deny citation.
Ok the issue being I don't compare a flush to an enima, I know I know that seems silly as they both involve water and "washing away."

You likened it to "fat loss". If you have excess fat, than your caloric intake was greater than your metabolic needs. Akin to excess "feeding" of your plants.

However, I treat this as an input/output relationship. Calories in calories out in humans.

Then you must also acknowledge that it is only the "excessive" caloric intake that would require "flushing" those calories/nutrients.

Do you believe that to flush you must first over feed? Are you choosing to ignore the reality of feeding moderately or as you say optimally and still cut out all input at the end?

No, I don't believe in "over feeding". I give them exactly what they need, so that come harvest, they are ready to smoke the day they are dry enough to final trim and remove from the stems/branches/plant.

The "reality of optimal feed, then finish with starvation"? Yes, some people do mess up and starve their plants at a very crucial time. How does that validiate the practice? Going back to calories (because I'm sure that this will come up), how many Olympians can you name that starve themselves for the week or two prior to competing? Bring up Body Builders if you must, but keep in mind that they are far from peak condition during their competition. Sure, they are "lean", but they are completely dehydrated, body fat levels that will not sustain life, and at a fraction of their peak lifting strength.

Tell me, in your words, what you accomplish by starving the plants for a week, or two, while the flowers finish trich/terpene development. I'm all ears.
Doc. You have not seen in person his flowering area or spindly plants or smoked his weed.

I have a best friend who has visited and smoked his and I have smoked a few examples and it sure doesn't work as advertised.

Anyone can make themselves look better here online.

Not getting involved in that issue between you comments and observations stop here.
Then it is only fair to ask that you keep your credentials in your pocket and not drop little snippets of who you might be or what you might know, somebody might ask you to cite them and if you fail to do so it looks silly to have almost offered to then deny citation.

Wanted to touch on this again; "In the Know" means just that. I was asserting that I'm an "authority" on the subject. If I wanted to share further, I would have. Asking for "more" is both inappropriate and the skepticism is "insulting". Citation? Context and the info shared therewithin. If you're not following/accepting the facts laid out before you, what good would the post-nominals do?

Didn't offer up anything, just stated that I KNOW. I think that you're just trying to dig at any point of contention possible. Let's stick to the subject at hand, "Orange Mocha Frappuccino" Enemas.
LED my entire house has LED lights. LED's cost about $5 after the government rebate.

I don't know why you're acting like a fucking retard putting words in my mouth.... You're clearly looking for a fight...

Just to be clear, I never said CFL's don't have Mercury in them in fact I said I threw out plants because I broke bulbs, If I am not mistaken. But hey be a fucking idiot and put words in my mouth. I never provided any information that wasn't based on facts.

I don't know if you've had a bad day or what, but all of our previous interactions have been cordial, I never provided any information that was wrong, it's not what I do... ever... I back up my statements with facts. If I don't know I don't talk.

Fact using T5's is taking an unnecessary risk, one that is no longer needed to be taken. You also clearly have no fucking clue what you are talking about when it comes to LED's but that's fine because you know literally everything fucking else? Right bud? Fucking clownshoes.

Fluorescent lights all contain mercury fuckboi I never said they didn't, in fact I said they did. But sure be a fucking re re and try and put words in my mouth lol.

t5's are fuckin antiques. Doesn't mean you can't grow pot with them, there's just no reason to anymore....

WOW, you act like I came out and bitch slapped you....I might be hard to take sometimes but, I didn't insult you or play the "name calling" childish shit, card. You always react like that, the first time your disagreed with?

Fine on your opinion of T5......Don't use them then.
Take the stand against Mercury and feel as though your doing your part to save the earth.....I actually commend that stance.....
But the million reason thing is BS!
Floro's are not "banned" and people can choose to use them.

With all due RESPECT. How is using T5's, "taking an unnecessary risk?"

Just a bit of info:

A CFL containing 5 mg of mercury breaks in your child’s bedroom that has a volume of about 25 m3 (which corresponds to a medium sized bedroom). The entire 5 mg of mercury vaporizes immediately (an unlikely occurrence), resulting in an airborne mercury concentration in this room of 0.2 mg/m3. This concentration will decrease with time, as air in the room leaves and is replaced by air from outside or from a different room. As a result, concentrations of mercury in the room will likely approach zero after about an hour or so.

Under these relatively conservative assumptions, this level and duration of mercury exposure is not likely to be dangerous, as it is lower than the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard of 0.05 mg/m3 of metallic mercury vapor averaged over eight hours. [To equate these values, we could estimate the average indoor airborne mercury concentration for 8 hours, beginning post-spill at an estimated starting value of 0.2 mg/m3 and decreasing from there. If one assumes the the air exchanges completely in one hour (a fairly standard assumption), then the 8-hour average concentration would be 0.025 mg/m3.]

The mercury in any floro bulb is slowly absorbed into the glass. The longer the the bulb is used, the more Mercury vapor is transferred to the glass. At some point, so much of the mercury vapor has been absorbed, that it stops working!

Also, From CFL's to T12's. The mercury content is from 3 to 8 mg per bulb. The older the bulb in use. The less is there to be released.

Now I'm for sure not saying that mercury is not a concern. I am saying that your overblowing the problem a bit.

Now take the chip off your shoulder and act like a man..

Have a nice day.
@odin the validation is in the end product.

No, I likened it to a caloric deficit. A calorie deficit and fat loss go hand in hand,but you cannot skip that step and say I compared a flush to fat loss, because I didn't. You need the deficit to bring the fat loss.

You can compare the fade to fat loss, I'll give you that.

Your "in the know" is nothing more than some chicken-shit big-league attempt to discredit what I have to say by asserting that you are some kind of authority, but then refuse to show any credential to qualify or give any credibility to the card you pull? Nice tactic bro.. let's get back to discussion and less "I am this" non-sense.
I am not in this stupid argument about light bulbs but intensity is the whole point. And t-5's have no real overlap stacked so more will not help them compete unless your plants are only a foot tall and spread out wide and low. And then it is still debatable from my research and experience.

I would go the other way for sure if I had higher ceilings. I would use 1000w hps and mh. I have found higher intensity can grow more potent flowers.

And so did Ed Rosenthal over 30 years ago.

By the way this was the first point I made that pissed the t-5 buying riddlers off. They were mad they already invested I guess. At least 7 of them ganged up on me for posting this point.

Only mentioning this for perspective.

?????? Take 1 - 8 bank and light meter it.

Now take another and V shape them. Meter again.

Now make a shape like "his" and meter it again.

Now tell me what changes you got?

The delivered intensity increases........

NOT being a dick or taking sides here, OK?
No, I don't believe in "over feeding". I give them exactly what they need, so that come harvest, they are ready to smoke the day they are dry enough to final trim and remove from the stems/branches/plant.

I lived this since the beginning quite successfully. I dont understand what the fuss is about when this is what nature seems to do
in my outdoor garden. a little less poop/ light/ soil activity....voila perfect herbs and fruits.

forget smoking though have you seen how pretty and heavy they get when you push nutrients to the very end? its awesome mag cover winning expressions, tastes like shit for a long time but looks/weighs awesome and grabs profits quick.

maybe some do this for the fascination/profit and then have to figure out how to make it smokeable after finished? their flushing seems to fit this bill for them anyways. I ended with Dutch Master Gold and they dont advise flushing, but they do taper nutrients towards the end is all.

good day
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That is one approach and very effective if you chose to ignore and not engage in what is often found especially on RIU that people come down hard on people that chose to flush. Here is one example why it's foolish to box yourself into thinking something doesn't or cannot work because of something that seems so scientific on paper.
Flushing definitely has it;s place.
WOW, you act like I came out and bitch slapped you....I might be hard to take sometimes but, I didn't insult you or play the "name calling" childish shit, card. You always react like that, the first time your disagreed with?

Fine on your opinion of T5......Don't use them then.
Take the stand against Mercury and feel as though your doing your part to save the earth.....I actually commend that stance.....
But the million reason thing is BS!
Floro's are not "banned" and people can choose to use them.

With all due RESPECT. How is using T5's, "taking an unnecessary risk?"

Just a bit of info:

A CFL containing 5 mg of mercury breaks in your child’s bedroom that has a volume of about 25 m3 (which corresponds to a medium sized bedroom). The entire 5 mg of mercury vaporizes immediately (an unlikely occurrence), resulting in an airborne mercury concentration in this room of 0.2 mg/m3. This concentration will decrease with time, as air in the room leaves and is replaced by air from outside or from a different room. As a result, concentrations of mercury in the room will likely approach zero after about an hour or so.

Under these relatively conservative assumptions, this level and duration of mercury exposure is not likely to be dangerous, as it is lower than the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard of 0.05 mg/m3 of metallic mercury vapor averaged over eight hours. [To equate these values, we could estimate the average indoor airborne mercury concentration for 8 hours, beginning post-spill at an estimated starting value of 0.2 mg/m3 and decreasing from there. If one assumes the the air exchanges completely in one hour (a fairly standard assumption), then the 8-hour average concentration would be 0.025 mg/m3.]

The mercury in any floro bulb is slowly absorbed into the glass. The longer the the bulb is used, the more Mercury vapor is transferred to the glass. At some point, so much of the mercury vapor has been absorbed, that it stops working!

Also, From CFL's to T12's. The mercury content is from 3 to 8 mg per bulb. The older the bulb in use. The less is there to be released.

Now I'm for sure not saying that mercury is not a concern. I am saying that your overblowing the problem a bit.

Now take the chip off your shoulder and act like a man..

Have a nice day.
I don't take kindly to being told I spread utter bullshit it's not what I do. If I am wrong I will admit it, you've presented nothing that says Im wrong.....

I don't give a fuck if dude uses t5's. I do however care he says they are far superior to everything else. They aren't. But hey jump down my throat and say I'm spreading bullshit with your bold type and red lettering lol.

I stand by what I said, if you're using massive amount of light bulbs with mercury in them it's not very smart when there are readily available alternatives for just as much or cheaper.

People generally grow with floro's for smell and taste this guy says he doesn't have any.... If you're not getting the benefits of floro's why use them?

But hey, here you are agreeing that Mercury is a concern yet you tell me to act like a man... you link shit that is about 1 bulb in a kids bedroom this guys using like fucking 50. in a 5x5....

You're starting fights like a bitch telling others to act like a man lol, you're not arguing anything I have said as being wrong, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing....

I can cover my ceiling in asbestos too I mean it works right? fucking jesus christ.
I lived this since the the beginning quite successfully. I dont understand what the fuss is about when this is what nature seems to do
in my outdoor garden. a little less poop/ light/ soil activity....voila perfect herbs and fruits.

forget smoking though have you seen how pretty and heavy they get when you push nutrients to the very end? its awesome mag cover winning expressions, tastes like shit for a long time but looks/weighs awesome and grabs profits quick.

maybe some do this for the fascination/profit and then have to figure out how to make it smokeable after finished? their flushing seems to fit this bill for them anyways. I ended with Dutch Master Gold and they dont advise flushing, but they do taper nutrients towards the end is all.

good day
but, they have a cool you tube video and won some cups and they flush? derp!!!!