Pics of my second go at this, day 35 in flower


Well-Known Member
So here's the thing, I am utterly engrossed in the defoliation technique. I have some branches that I didn't touch but once at the end of day 21 in flower. The rest have been trimmed almost daily because I never do a complete plant only one branch at a time so not to completely shock them. Wait till I see recovery then do a different one. But I also really took advantage of super cropping. What I've found by complete accident, is that if I bent the individual budllets that would normally create the cola, they for their own branch but are tightly woven so to keep a steady light source constant trimming has taken place till now. Now they do what they do. Idk if they are behind most at 35 days but I hope not.
If anyone has something positive to say by all means chime in. But if your just gonna bust chops for my growing I'd rather you just stew on it quietly thanks.
I'll post again in 4 weeks. If anyone is curious to see if I fall on my face again or actually make it to the end with some buds. 20170614_194816.jpg 20170614_194803.jpg 20170614_194540.jpg 20170614_194516.jpg
bonsai master... they actually look pretty good considering all the fans are gone. i am interested in how this goes. Cant see it for myself, too much work, but interesting.
I don't quite understand the thought process behind the massive defoliation at this point in their life,
Most defoliaters do it at the beginning of flower not half way thru..
But what the hell.. You will have bud..
Here are the parts of the same plants that I did not hit hard with the defoliating and you all can see I'm not a nut. I stopped the stretch buy doing it before the day I switched to bud also. To be honest this area of the plant gets some of the best light available but just couldn't keep up. The other pick is 6" to the right same amount of light I know it seems wrong and not possible to get the same potency and size and all. But truth is I don't take the entire leaf when I take Em. At least not the ones closest to the bud, but if it has a stem visible I still only take half. So it actually keeps the stress down. Key is to continually stress them to make them produce more of their natural defence which is thc cbd and resin.20170614_075013.jpg 20170614_075049.jpg
Im open to being proved wrong too. But ive had first hand experience of this and it didn't go well. Hopefully you have success.
Check the pics I just posted
Bud, I just started week 5 today, and I am growing under flouro's, as you can see, and my buds are bigger than those. Yes you will have buds, but the total finished weight of those we will have to see I guess. However, great job on your training!


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