The UK Growers Thread!

Can't believe they didnt have smoke alarms. Fucking terrible.
I live in a high rise tower block about 30miles from London, the lift alarms arent connected to anything so if you get stuck in there you have to hope another resident hears you n calls fire brigade etc, fire alarms arent connected to anything other than a bell in the top of lift shaft so same thing there etc, or flats also have the same plastic cladding on them that caused the fire in london to go up so quickly etc
Our smoke alarms go off frequently when cooking but NOT when there is actually something on fire or you stand underneath it with a cigarette etc

But providing the council are making their money they dont give a fuck, same as those flats in London it will take a catastrophic loss of life before they even consider doing ANYTHING to these blocks
I'm waiting for it to be blamed on a grow

apparently there was gas works underway that day prior to the 4 floor explosion.

it must of been pretty hefty as tower blocks in the uk are designed to contain the fire between floors and flats.

early details suggested that the fire engulfed the stairwells first as they where deemed unusable now, but the structural engineer seemed happy.

around 700 residents most asleep at the time. lots of people still unaccounted for.
i been following it since about 5am, the block was being changed from gas to electric and they had only reached a certain floor, most reports and people saying it was a faulty fridge on the 4th floor that started it.

but seems that cladding around the building only finished in 2016 was the reason the fire got so bad, and that cladding yeah they say improved insulation but really was just to make the block look better, is the borough of chelsea n kensington end of day

even a flat in that block would cost ya hundreds of thousands

and for you conspiracy nutjobs, they been squeezing people out of london for a long time unless you can afford it, and these kinda tower blocks have no place in the borough of chelsea and kensington the land is worth way too much..........
Heard on the radio some lad was on the phone to his dad that was on the 23Rd floor, he was telling him to make his own way out and his dad says that he can't cos the floor was too hot to stand on. Shocking.
i been following it since about 5am, the block was being changed from gas to electric and they had only reached a certain floor, most reports and people saying it was a faulty fridge on the 4th floor that started it.

but seems that cladding around the building only finished in 2016 was the reason the fire got so bad, and that cladding yeah they say improved insulation but really was just to make the block look better, is the borough of chelsea n kensington end of day

The builder has said the cladding was up to spec. Cos I work in building I know that anything that is fire rated is a shocking price, so whoever supplied the cladding might have used non fire rated to save money....if someone did ther goina be up shit creek.
There's a glass manufacturer over here that supplied glass to loads of schools and public buildings that was later found out to have used glass that wasn't to spec to save money, he has to pay to do it all again. But sure he'll probly just go bust amd start under another name as they all do
The builder has said the cladding was up to spec. Cos I work in building I know that anything that is fire rated is a shocking price, so whoever supplied the cladding might have used non fire rated to save money....if someone did ther goina be up shit creek.
There's a glass manufacturer over here that supplied glass to loads of schools and public buildings that was later found out to have used glass that wasn't to spec to save money, he has to pay to do it all again. But sure he'll probly just go bust amd start under another name as they all do

look at the building mg all the cladding is gone! and if you seen vids/pics of the fire is was being accelerated seriously by something?
look at the building mg all the cladding is gone! and if you seen vids/pics of the fire is was being accelerated seriously by something?

Been on the go since 4am m8, seen it all. As I said whoever supplied/fitted it could have used non fire rated to save cash. Easy enough to get a cert to say it's fire rated
Been on the go since 4am m8, seen it all. As I said whoever supplied/fitted it could have used non fire rated to save cash. Easy enough to get a cert to say it's fire rated

thats bollacks that shit like that can happen in this day n age.....

some1 was txting me saying they thought it might be a terrorist attack lol highly doubt that when near all where non english.

was a prime drug place of the area tho, all them poor drugs gone lol