How long have you been high?


You guys are such pussies. Jesus Christ. blocked me from the jibba jabba thread! ROFL

Whats wrong tough guys? Did I get under your skin using your own comments against you? Oh right. This is a one way street here when it comes to thought

Shut the fuck up and go make my burger bitch. Make it a double cheese burger.

You've been caught in your lies. I, among others, have called you on it.

You are a fraud.
TNT should have a warning.. Not for new or sensitive users.. And absolutely not for "help" lol
There were no warnings when I joined back in 2011 in the newbie section, I got ragged and trolled like crazy!! Yet I'm still here, 6+ years going strong. It helps to keep a positive attitude!

Like they say, if you can't hang with the big dogs, stay on the fuckin porch! :cool:

To stay on topic, I've been smoking pot off and on for nearly 32 years. The longest I literally stayed high was when my brother died. I was so distraught, I toked up daily and barely left the couch for just over a month.

Now I smoke dabs before dinner and usually wake up stoned over :P

that shit is crazy!! bongsmilie
I was going outside the other day to medicate and my wife says are you going to get high? I had to laugh... What I was really doing was going outside to make sure I never get low... Haha... I have been high from the moment I wake up until I go to bed for 6 years now... I thought it might be fun to check in with some of you heavy hitters and see if you can beat my record... :bigjoint:

Off and on for 50+ years but I like my (most) mornings straight. After that it just depends on the day. I know what you mean by "low" but I just use that for contrast. Kinda like if you don't have bad you won't appreciate good? To each his own though, this way I don't have to take a break except for when I was working and had to do an international trip.. ugh! ..but I'm retired now.
I was going outside the other day to medicate and my wife says are you going to get high? I had to laugh... What I was really doing was going outside to make sure I never get low... Haha... I have been high from the moment I wake up until I go to bed for 6 years now... I thought it might be fun to check in with some of you heavy hitters and see if you can beat my record... :bigjoint:

Did that from 1972 to 1985.
From 1966 till about an hour ago.
I first tried it in 77'. I was way to young but a pretty girl talked me into it. And then my brother thought it was cool to see his kid brother stoned and it's been on like donkey Kong ever since . I never hung out with kids my own age, always with grown-ups and usually with nam vets . I just couldn't relate to folks my age and still can't, for the most part.
Jane! ...Let me apologize for the cyber bulling you are getting from the parasites on this forum. They have nothing better to do with their lives then to waste everybody's time… People come here for help and they think it's fun to try and push other people's buttons… They are cowards and could never say it to your face… Their either children and don't know any better or their just down right scum and don't care… Either way they have poor up bring… Maybe a single mother or father who didn't know how to raise them… You've got to feel sorry for people this… I am new here also and they tried to push my buttons but I am a man of peace and it really can't be done… I haven't decided where or not to stay here or find another forum… I've learned what I came here for… So it's not like I need it… If I leave then that will give them the satisfaction of thinking they ran me off, which I could care less, one way or another… I was taught, if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas! So I'll have to think about it… I'm sure I'll get flack for this but I really don't care… I hope you find what you're looking for Jane… God bless You!

Lighten up man. Have another bowl.