4 ft 70 w samsung custom aluminum pcb strips

are we arguing about which Samsung layout is better now? The Samsung S6 bin diode is the same whether mounted on a QB, ChilledLed, Strip, etc. it is still a Samsung diode, that works the exacvt same. The only difference is whether you are trying to help sell one product over another. I think there are more sales people here than actual users any longer. They used to label folks as trolls when tehy go to someones thread and go off topic. when this was done to GG or GM everyone ran to their defense. Now that is the norm, TROLLING. Now folks act like trolls here as their agents. make things look real bad and folks do not look very nice any longer. Profits over people I guess is the attitude here, not helping one another any longer. Just arguments and angry people, with opinions and few facts, reminds me of Washington DC where I used to make a living making liars into honest men, by keeping the promises they made, but never intended to keep.
I have already stood up for OMS when HLG broke the growers code rule #1 and posted his real name and info. But they aren't growers...just salesmen so what do you expect. Not a company I would ever trust with info as a grower.

The biggest and most "in your face", "get the fuck out of my thread unless you have results to speak with" thing to do is show grow results that have the "shock and aww". And every single company putting boards/strips out and and jumping on the train...have not used their own product, or have any internal results from it.

If you grow with them...they will sell and get a reputation that speaks for itself.

Cause the 5 years of me growing and showing every single run publically week after week and showing the rest of the world every step along the way has nothing to do with my status, reputations, and validation of what I use/support right @VegasWinner??
Same for mua5's presentations
Ya...we did nothing above and beyond everyone else???
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The name of the game is uniformity. The only way you can maximize any space is by achieving perfect uniformity over the canopy.

It is so much easier to do this if you change the layout of the diodes and scatter them evenly over the ceiling instead of cramming them together on one small pcb.

Still waiting to find a source for bespoke strips but in the mean time, these look pretty promising.

quick viewers choice:

600w cobs/qb
600w of 561c strips
I have already stood up for OMS when HLG broke the growers code rule #1 and posted his real name and info. But they aren't growers...just salesmen so what do you expect. Not a company I would ever trust with info as a grower.

The biggest and most "in your face", "get the fuck out of my thread unless you have results to speak with" thing to do is show grow results that have the "shock and aww". And every single company putting boards/strips out and and jumping on the train...have not used their own product, or have any internal results from it.

If you grow with them...they will sell and get a reputation that speaks for itself.

Cause the 5 years of me growing and showing every single run publically week after week and showing the rest of the world every step along the way has nothing to do with my status, reputations, and validation of what I use/support right @VegasWinner??
Same for mua5's presentations
Ya...we did nothing above and beyond everyone else???

at this point i have a number of these panels as well as the strips..and if nothing ever happens commercially

it is no big blow to me.

firstly i bought these to use myself..if something comes of it then ok..maybe i will order more or even get some changes done to them if they aren't the next best thing to sliced cheese

BUT..i will be growing with these..and as i mentioned to my awesome wife..

"whatever does or doesn't happen..i can easily incorporate this investment into my lifestyle"

i like to grow..i will post how it all turns out...i hope it may help people in some way..

i have used hid since 1979

and thanks GG for dropping by..

as well as the rest of you..

"cobs/leds r fun"
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I have already stood up for OMS when HLG broke the growers code rule #1 and posted his real name and info. But they aren't growers...just salesmen so what do you expect. Not a company I would ever trust with info as a grower.

The biggest and most "in your face", "get the fuck out of my thread unless you have results to speak with" thing to do is show grow results that have the "shock and aww". And every single company putting boards/strips out and and jumping on the train...have not used their own product, or have any internal results from it.

If you grow with them...they will sell and get a reputation that speaks for itself.

Cause the 5 years of me growing and showing every single run publically week after week and showing the rest of the world every step along the way has nothing to do with my status, reputations, and validation of what I use/support right @VegasWinner??
Same for mua5's presentations
Ya...we did nothing above and beyond everyone else???

No one questioned your reputation @Greengenes707 or your growing skills. BTW you guys aren't the only one's qualified to grow all of my mentors don't do youtube video's they have books. Comparing growing useless. Your choice to do youtube that does not validate you just you grow in an mmj friendly space. I know plenty of my friends grow and been growing for more than 20 years documented on line no big deal either.

You guys quit sharing other than driving business to you and your circle of profiteers. No big deal that is called marketing.

Samsung diodes are still just that anyone distracting from that is not sharing but self oriented not supporting the OP.
He said his fixture pulls 600w...
I think you need to look at post 89 bud.....

I hope you dont think I believe that the QB is anything other than a bigger version of the strip. They are the same thing just different shape and size and number of diodes.

HPS has its place as does LEDs. HPS is great in cold areas but not so much in hot areas. I get some great HPS runs in the winter. I blow air that is down to 20 degrees below into my grow for cooling and CO2. But in the summer I struggle with heat and lack of CO2 from the same bulbs. My grow is just difficult to seal and adding CO2 would cost a fortune in the summer on top of cooling cost.

My point is different grows need different equipment.

So are they the same or different please confirm what you want to say because you are contradicting yourself a bit...
Like ive stated before..
I would love to see a grow off with a 600watt HPS and a 600watt led config either in QB or Cobs...
All in coco and the exact same strain from cutting from 1 mother...
All in the name of science....
Because straight up you are going to get a better result from LEDs.
The efficiency from them in producing less heat and better spectrum and not wasting electricity will just show how far things have come.
Like @VegasWinner said diodes are diodes if there the same and the only thing is lay out and number of them what is the difference there is none.
I think you need to look at post 89 bud.....

So are they the same or different please confirm what you want to say because you are contradicting yourself a bit...
Like ive stated before..
I would love to see a grow off with a 600watt HPS and a 600watt led config either in QB or Cobs...
All in coco and the exact same strain from cutting from 1 mother...
All in the name of science....
Because straight up you are going to get a better result from LEDs.
The efficiency from them in producing less heat and better spectrum and not wasting electricity will just show how far things have come.
Like @VegasWinner said diodes are diodes if there the same and the only thing is lay out and number of them what is the difference there is none.
They use the same chips but in a different amount and a different pattern. The nature of LEDs allow for a multitude of variations in layout, efficacy, and power usage. But the QB and these strips are running the same chips.
LEDs are not the same as HPS or DE. But both have there place as does LED.

I believe LEDs will save you money in the long term but if you cant afford them what is the point? Therefore if you are low on cash you may be better off getting HPS.

But all this has been hashed out before.
So I found a nice Samsung supplier on alibaba also in Hong Kong China, his name is Roget he is with Mofue Technology and they make Constant Current and Constant Voltage lm561C S6 bin strips. I got my first order in of constant voltage 5m strip 5000k 80cri and waiting on 3500k 90cri and 5000k 80-cri constant current 70led/m at 5m each for a total of 10m of mixed 3500K/5000k.
So I found a nice Samsung supplier on alibaba also in Hong Kong China, his name is Roget he is with Mofue Technology and they make Constant Current and Constant Voltage lm561C S6 bin strips. I got my first order in of constant voltage 5m strip 5000k 80cri and waiting on 3500k 90cri and 5000k 80-cri constant current 70led/m at 5m each for a total of 10m of mixed 3500K/5000k.

Do you know if they also make 2ft. hardstrips or only 5m rolls flex strip?
I have already stood up for OMS when HLG broke the growers code rule #1 and posted his real name and info. But they aren't growers...just salesmen so what do you expect. Not a company I would ever trust with info as a grower.

The biggest and most "in your face", "get the fuck out of my thread unless you have results to speak with" thing to do is show grow results that have the "shock and aww". And every single company putting boards/strips out and and jumping on the train...have not used their own product, or have any internal results from it.

If you grow with them...they will sell and get a reputation that speaks for itself.

Cause the 5 years of me growing and showing every single run publically week after week and showing the rest of the world every step along the way has nothing to do with my status, reputations, and validation of what I use/support right @VegasWinner??
Same for mua5's presentations
Ya...we did nothing above and beyond everyone else???
Most people in my day that spent all that time growing in public were seed breeders. That was why they were public. I do not see you or your crew developing seeds strains and selling seeds. Seeds are readily available too and now with Jerry at Kingbright and other's like him, grow lights will be inexpensive too.

Everyone buys everything from China while slamming the Chinese and cheap Chinese junk, etc etc. Well the Chinese have been watching and they are producing the same lights you guys have been buying parts from them for so long now. Now the game changes. Chinese companies have been moving their products to US shores for some time now. Get prepared for a price war on led lights. the same lights you guys built and sold are being built and prepared for sale by Chinese cutting out the middle man You and others like you, HLG, PLC, etc. meanwell has US based sales and distribution trcelectronics. hope you guys are not trying to sell meanwell drivers any longer. Cree cobs are coming down in price and also will have US based outlets too.

nothing lasts forever, except friendships. When the profits have all been taken all that is left is friendships.

Same thing happened to Sour Diesel ibl. and their breeders. history lesson for today.
i saw the rolls of leds and talked to suppliers when i was search for leds....
i almost bought some but my mind wandered
they looked interesting..hope they work well for you because the price is good..
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I was going to let you live in your fantasy land for a little but you had to keep coming with bull shit. Seriously dude.... 24hr after your comment, and I don't respond...so you write another???
No one questioned your reputation @Greengenes707 or your growing skills. BTW you guys aren't the only one's qualified to grow all of my mentors don't do youtube video's they have books. Comparing growing useless. Your choice to do youtube that does not validate you just you grow in an mmj friendly space. I know plenty of my friends grow and been growing for more than 20 years documented on line no big deal either.

You guys quit sharing other than driving business to you and your circle of profiteers. No big deal that is called marketing.

Samsung diodes are still just that anyone distracting from that is not sharing but self oriented not supporting the OP.
Youtube is one of my platforms, including this forum you came to way after me, that I have shared every aspect of leds and growing from years before anyone was DIYing on any scale. Self funded rooms, show visits, factory visits. Multiple light company reviews. You don't see me posting GTRT post every week???that's right you don't. All I have ever done is lay it all down I front of everyone and put my money where my mouth is. You can try and down play me as a "sell out" but it looks really pathetic on you. Like I said, I was one of the first to stand up when the biggest code breach happened.

You came in here saying that we were basically unjustly helped by others as where the OP is getting grilled for it. Which I have already stood up for in this thread so you should leave me out of it.
So I ask you, do you really think this untested first run of strips is the same as years of growing and openly testing multiple platforms and designs showing before opening up to the public for judgment?

I have gone way above and beyond to earn and validate my reputations and what it's out behind.

Most people in my day that spent all that time growing in public were seed breeders. That was why they were public. I do not see you or your crew developing seeds strains and selling seeds. Seeds are readily available too and now with Jerry at Kingbright and other's like him, grow lights will be inexpensive too.

Everyone buys everything from China while slamming the Chinese and cheap Chinese junk, etc etc. Well the Chinese have been watching and they are producing the same lights you guys have been buying parts from them for so long now. Now the game changes. Chinese companies have been moving their products to US shores for some time now. Get prepared for a price war on led lights. the same lights you guys built and sold are being built and prepared for sale by Chinese cutting out the middle man You and others like you, HLG, PLC, etc. meanwell has US based sales and distribution trc electronics. hope you guys are not trying to sell meanwell drivers any longer. Cree cobs are coming down in price and also will have US based outlets too.

nothing lasts forever, except friendships. When the profits have all been taken all that is left is friendships.

Same thing happened to Sour Diesel ibl. and their breeders. history lesson for today.
You really just want to portray me as a sell out and you are doing such a horrible job.
Do I still sell parts since all these people jumped in...? no...no need and have openly said it. Also said that if anyone is paying more than 35$ retail for the 28$ wholesale cree 3590...that they can come to me and I'll get them at cost.
Do I still sell lights...yes...90% commercially.
Do I work with and get certain things made in china...yes.
Am I a cree partner? yes
Am I a meanwell partner.....yes
Do I sell their components individually....no

But you just want to tray and make me seem like some kind of commercial sell out. Since you arr failing miserably at it...maybe you should not talk about things that you have no idea about.It may help you and you marketing since that is all you do is market your controller.

Anyways dude...you should just stay in your lane and realize what the fuck you are writing before you open your mouth. There is not a single thing that you have been correct about and your attempts at down playing me are pathetic.
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I was going to let you live in your fantasy land for a little but you had to keep coming with bull shit. Seriously dude.... 24hr after your comment, and I don't respond...so you write another???Youtube is one of my platforms, including this forum you came to way after me, that I have shared every aspect of leds and growing from years before anyone was DIYing on any scale. Self funded rooms, show visits, factory visits. Multiple light company reviews. You don't see me posting GTRT post every week???that's right you don't. All I have ever done is lay it all down I front of everyone and put my money where my mouth is. You can try and down play me as a "sell out" but it looks really pathetic on you. Like I said, I was one of the first to stand up when the biggest code breach happened.

You came in here saying that we were basically unjustly helped by others as where the OP is getting grilled for it. Which I have already stood up for in this thread so you should leave me out of it.
So I ask you, do you really think this untested first run of strips is the same as years of growing and openly testing multiple platforms and designs showing before opening up to the public for judgment?

I have gone way above and beyond to earn and validate my reputations and what it's out behind.

You really just want to portray me as a sell out and you are doing such a horrible job.
Do I still sell parts since all these people jumped in...? no...no need and have openly said it. Also said that if anyone is paying more than 35$ retail for the 28$ wholesale cree 3590...that they can come to me and I'll get them at cost.
Do I still sell lights...yes...90% commercially.
Do I work with and get certain things made in china...yes.
Am I a cree partner? yes
Am I a meanwell partner.....yes
Do I sell their components individually....no

But you just want to tray and make me seem like some kind of commercial sell out. Since you arr failing miserably at it...maybe you should not talk about things that you have no idea about.It may help you and you marketing since that is all you do is market your controller.

Anyways dude...you should just stay in your lane and realize what the fuck you are writing before you open your mouth. There is not a single thing that you have been correct about and your attempts at down playing me are pathetic.
I never attacked you. You seem to have a habit of attacking people about who was where when. I am not going to be childish like you a respond any further to you. You can sell all you want no problem with me. I never asked for anything but I was asked for some money
I was going to let you live in your fantasy land for a little but you had to keep coming with bull shit. Seriously dude.... 24hr after your comment, and I don't respond...so you write another???Youtube is one of my platforms, including this forum you came to way after me, that I have shared every aspect of leds and growing from years before anyone was DIYing on any scale. Self funded rooms, show visits, factory visits. Multiple light company reviews. You don't see me posting GTRT post every week???that's right you don't. All I have ever done is lay it all down I front of everyone and put my money where my mouth is. You can try and down play me as a "sell out" but it looks really pathetic on you. Like I said, I was one of the first to stand up when the biggest code breach happened.

You came in here saying that we were basically unjustly helped by others as where the OP is getting grilled for it. Which I have already stood up for in this thread so you should leave me out of it.
So I ask you, do you really think this untested first run of strips is the same as years of growing and openly testing multiple platforms and designs showing before opening up to the public for judgment?

I have gone way above and beyond to earn and validate my reputations and what it's out behind.

You really just want to portray me as a sell out and you are doing such a horrible job.
Do I still sell parts since all these people jumped in...? no...no need and have openly said it. Also said that if anyone is paying more than 35$ retail for the 28$ wholesale cree 3590...that they can come to me and I'll get them at cost.
Do I still sell lights...yes...90% commercially.
Do I work with and get certain things made in china...yes.
Am I a cree partner? yes
Am I a meanwell partner.....yes
Do I sell their components individually....no

But you just want to tray and make me seem like some kind of commercial sell out. Since you arr failing miserably at it...maybe you should not talk about things that you have no idea about.It may help you and you marketing since that is all you do is market your controller.

Anyways dude...you should just stay in your lane and realize what the fuck you are writing before you open your mouth. There is not a single thing that you have been correct about and your attempts at down playing me are pathetic.
I retired years ago a successful career in engineering. I got no hatred for you you are still young. I don't compare nor compete with youth too easy
LEDs are not the same as HPS or DE. But both have there place as does LED.

I believe LEDs will save you money in the long term but if you cant afford them what is the point? Therefore if you are low on cash you may be better off getting HPS.

But all this has been hashed out before.
Not really,i mean if you look at a couple of posts down you will see that rolls have come out as to what they can do is anybody's guess..
If you take into account cost for ac,co2 and the likes well co2 isnt 1 that you have to have but cooling in certain parts of the world is...
So you are still paying the cash out just a different times..Then you have the next step,which is upgrading.....
Not really,i mean if you look at a couple of posts down you will see that rolls have come out as to what they can do is anybody's guess..
If you take into account cost for ac,co2 and the likes well co2 isnt 1 that you have to have but cooling in certain parts of the world is...
So you are still paying the cash out just a different times..Then you have the next step,which is upgrading.....
I am not sure what you are saying here please clarify for me.
I am not sure what you are saying here please clarify for me.
Wow really..what part can you not understand?
Everything you use in a grow is a cost so if you run ac or co2 thats a cost,no matter what you are still forking out money you just dont see it..
And my point id proven by you not understanding you are paying so it might be a waiting game of a few more weeks to get a decent light set up to start with..
Instead of buying a HPS,then after a couple of grows then wanting to upgrade.
I love HPS but the science and proven grows that are being rolled out,with less watts in the same space or you can just go with the very same watts as your HPS and get better quality.