Well known member status?

oh..you didn't miss much, long story, boring read..;)

Nice ladies you got there! I was just reading over your thread, how's that chicken poo tea doing? I'd be interested in how you made it, I've thought about it before but figured it would be too hot.
It is very hot. I don't have molasses. I have a breathing treatment air pump that I hook to air stones. I put chicken poop in a bucket and let it break up and add raw cane sugar. Let it bubble a couple days.

Cannabis is similar to tomatoes. They actually handle nitrogen better than a lot of my veggies and house plants.

You can use fresh chicken poop as an amendment. This goes against the grain of what most say and you do have to be careful.
My member is very well known...

so no one can answer this question? im curious because ive been a member for a really long time with few posts and im a well known member berry. a friends account had over 100 posts and is only an active member ? perhaps time is the difference...