Please Help..Mold??


Active Member
That sucks .....clean your space very well before your next go .....get the humidity down and maybe even some preventative sprays wouldn't hurt either next go......GL
So far its just the one plant,i have three others that im going to check when the lights come back on..not surw how this happened..i have a dehumidifier in the room my tents in and also have an AC running to my tent..temps usually around 73-81


Well-Known Member
So far its just the one plant,i have three others that im going to check when the lights come back on..not surw how this happened..i have a dehumidifier in the room my tents in and also have an AC running to my tent..temps usually around 73-81

lets get to the bottom of this.

where did the plant come from?
what strain?
foliar feeding?
with what?


Active Member
4x4 tent
2x600w LEDs
6in inline to pull air out
4in booster fan to bring in fresh air
6in clip on fan inside tent
Also AC running to the tent

White widow autos feom Crop King Seeds
3 gallon smart pots
FFOF soil
Water every other day
Elite Garden Nutrients
Humidity is usually 49-62 from day to night
No foliar feed this go around
Plant from seed


Well-Known Member
4x4 tent
2x600w LEDs
6in inline to pull air out
4in booster fan to bring in fresh air
6in clip on fan inside tent
Also AC running to the tent

White widow autos feom Crop King Seeds
3 gallon smart pots
FFOF soil
Water every other day
Elite Garden Nutrients
Humidity is usually 49-62 from day to night
No foliar feed this go around
Plant from seed

how old are they?


Well-Known Member
when you water every other day does run off occur? do you check to feel if the pot is light again?
how long is this strain supposed to take from seed to finish?


Active Member
when you water every other day does run off occur? do you check to feel if the pot is light again?
how long is this strain supposed to take from seed to finish?
Yes i water till slight run off then remove the excess water,pots feel light when i the seeds are supposed to be done in 8 weeks....was told by crop kings to change lights from 18/6 to 12/13 to induce flower when i asked why 32 days from seed two plants showed no signs of sex...been 12/12 technically im in the middle of week 7 of flower
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