Demand for dg


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum but I had a couple questions Im hoping could be answered . I'm in the process of setting up a 40' container grow room. Originally I wanted to grow for the wife and I but we are having a tough time finding a doctor to allow it. So now we are considering become a dg for someone but I'm curious about the demand. We are not total noobs but also not super experienced. Are people still in need or is the market saturated ?
Its really good that you're doing your research before you invest all that money. I'd love to see what a grow room looks like in a 40 footer. The other day I was at the ferry terminal and I saw my first 53 foot high cube container. Those are meant for land travel. Not on the shipping boats. If you grow organically as opposed to chemical growing and chemical spraying there is a huge demand. Not everyone wants chemically grown cancer causing weed. So offer organic and man, I bet you'll be bombarded by people. Good luck on your journey!
unless you have the funds lol

most are limited

didnt say it couldnt be done jump

seen them filled and burried and filled lol...

never mind..(:

most people dont have 100 amp temp services to run either :roll:

now we're talking (:
I appreciate the help. I'm not overly experienced growing yet but the reason for the container is so it can be moved if I move. I have the funds to set it up correctly. I've got a dedicated 200 amp service for the container. It will have a dedicated heat pump etc and So far the plan is to leave about 25 feet of it for flowering and the remaining 15 as a veg room. As far as organic vs not , I will be growing only organic . I have no desire to feed someone poisen. I'm on the west coast. You guys that offered to give advice I will definitly take you up on it.
Plan on having a small electrical room too. The first 6 feet will do. Look for a high cube 53 footer. You planing on soilless or hydroponic.?View attachment 3959043
Soilless. Thanks for the heads up on the size. Right now I've got a 40 high cube available so I'll have to stay with that. But it will be beside a 25x40 shop so maybe I could put the electrical inside the shop. It'll be 4 feet away.
"its sad when people talk about things they have not tried or do they know much about it from experience.."

Sound familular?

How do u guys find people to grow for? Is it strictly word of mouth or is there any other resources that connect people?
How do u guys find people to grow for? Is it strictly word of mouth or is there any other resources that connect people?

Word of mouth usually, having a website doesn't hurt either. There are many forums and face book pages that are always looking for DG's. Build it and they will come.

There's a website online that I am aware of. It's called I emailed them once when I considered leaving the MMAR for the new program. You can get listed there. Perhaps other people have other suggestions for you?

Thanks for showing us a grow room inside a container 'it's me'. I love seeing what people can do with them. A 53 footer now that I have actually seen one, would be amazing for anything especially if you put a bunch of them together. You should offer your services as a consultant 'it'sme'.

Have a good day.
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There's a website online that I am aware of. It's called I emailed them once when I considered leaving the MMAR for the new program. You can get listed there. Perhaps other people have other suggestions for you?

Thanks for showing us a grow room inside a container 'it's me'. I love seeing what people can do with them. A 53 footer now that I have actually seen one, would be amazing for anything especially if you put a bunch of them together. You should offer your services as a consultant 'it'sme'.

Have a good day.

I do have my own consulting company.

I'm currently designing a hybrid shipping container green house for a client. 5 containers used as foundation for a greenhouse. This gives you 3 flower chambers, a veg chamber and a drying chamber, with a 30'x40' greenhouse space. or room for more containers. Will produce 1lbs per day average.