I NEED HELP i know im late but im just staring my plants now indoor


Active Member
I have alot of seed so i picked out all the really dark ones with stripes on them cause my freind said those were the seeds that would produce the most budd. so i took 5 cups and put soil in there from my pops garden and then just droped the seeds in there and coverd them up right now all i have is a regular lamp pointed at them but i can only keep them in my room for a couple of days like 1 week or so is that long enough for them to be outside? also i have solfur water is that bad for the plants or should i use filterd water from a bottle? this is my first time and i looked threw the 101 already asked questions but i couldent find anything to suit my problem i need seriouse help ill take pics of them as soon as i see a sign of life i just started them no longer then 10 minutes ago :blsmoke: please help fellow stoners =/
if u germate the seeds before
planting them in any dirt they will grow
faster. there fore u can put them outside
faster. have they broke ground yet or
are they still underneath.
and dont use sulfur water. use filtered
water but let it sit for about two days
with the lid off so the chlorine evaporates out.
umm how do i germante the seeds? and i can always just start over there not doin anything yet its only been 15 minutes lol
just put a couple of seeds in a wet paper
towel and put them in tupperware
and put it on top of a tv. computer monitor.
refidgerator. or just let them sit.
but yea wait until tomorrow or the next
day, if they are gonna sprout they would
have by then. if not just try this way
ok i got like 20 seeds germinaniting since last night. someone told me i should wait 1-2 days before replanting them what should i put the seeds into plastic cups? with soil how much water should i give them and any nutes?
ok i got like 20 seeds germinaniting since last night. someone told me i should wait 1-2 days before replanting them what should i put the seeds into plastic cups? with soil how much water should i give them and any nutes?

In my humble opinion you should have presoaked them in a cup of water overnight, and then germinated between paper towels. You're making things more difficult 4 yrself your way.

Read through the FAQs and past threads on ROLLITUP to increase your knowledge. There is a ton of good info plus links to free grow videos,... etc etc. I'm new to growing too but I spent some quality time educating myself b4 starting and (so far so good) it's paying off.

Good luck.
yes, keep them wet.. and if u can put them in a sealed container for the first few days, it will keep the humidity up.. once they pop out, plant them in your medium.. you dont need to pre-soak in water, ive never done it and have never had any problems germinating
medium is whatever you decided to plant them in.. can be many things.. most common is soil.. a good soil mixture is 2 parts potting soil, 1 part vermeculite, 1 part perlite.. there are other additives that are good such as bat guano, worm castings etc.. these will provide nutirients..
I use a mixture of potting soil, vermec, and perlite.. you can get these all at walmart if you chose.. however their potting soil isnt the greatest.. try to stay away from anything that has slow release fertilizers in them and add ferts as you need them.. you wont need any for the first couple weeks
okay so i had all my seeds on that plate but all that happend was they all dried up? wtf is up with that how much water do i need to keep on them damn i just put down new seeds and new water cause i got some northern lights seeds so hopefully these work cause my freinds plants are doing great and im really behind any help would be usefull i see im getting views but no replys!! come on stoners help a noob grower out... Piff Piff
SEE 141 views and fucking no new replys its making me angry! i know theres alot of nice smart stoners out there with the knowlege i need please help bros!
ok. soke ur seeds overnight in water
then make sure the paper towls are really
wet and put them into tupperware {with the lid on!}
place it over a tv. refigerator. computer monitor
the seeds should sprout in 1-3 days.
if not then they probably arent good seeds.
before you plant them squeeze them lightly to
see if they crack, if they do then their bad,
if not then they are good. usually the good ones are darker