Active Member
I have alot of seed so i picked out all the really dark ones with stripes on them cause my freind said those were the seeds that would produce the most budd. so i took 5 cups and put soil in there from my pops garden and then just droped the seeds in there and coverd them up right now all i have is a regular lamp pointed at them but i can only keep them in my room for a couple of days like 1 week or so is that long enough for them to be outside? also i have solfur water is that bad for the plants or should i use filterd water from a bottle? this is my first time and i looked threw the 101 already asked questions but i couldent find anything to suit my problem i need seriouse help ill take pics of them as soon as i see a sign of life i just started them no longer then 10 minutes ago
please help fellow stoners =/