Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

No it isn't.

The money in politics just wants you to think it is and accept it.
I think the country has moved to the right over the past few years. The mistake that shitheads like TboneJack make is they think it will stay that way. Trump and the GOP Congress has appalled a huge majority of this country. Remains to be seen if their disgust will result in movement to the left but we can all take heart in the fact that a relatively minor shift in polling patterns will shake the GOP fleas out of their comfortable dens in Congress.
I cant just sit here and educate your dumb ass all day... go read a book.. you got google right there .. look it up for yourself you lazy piece of human shit.. lol
I'm still trying to figure out why you would strongly support a party and administration that is so dedicated to impoverishing you, driving up your taxes and healthcare costs, reducing your wages and then using that money to give tax cuts to billionaires.
when Steve found out what Milo was involved with, he got fired.. kind of like trump firing Flynn.. he didn't want to be associated with it.. get it now? retard.

trump hired flynn knowing he was a compromised foreign agent though. he only fired him after the media found out. are you honestly this retarded?

steve bannon proclaimed proudly that breitbart was "the platform for white nationalism"
I'm still trying to figure out why you would strongly support a party and administration that is so dedicated to impoverishing you, driving up your taxes and healthcare costs, reducing your wages and then using that money to give tax cuts to billionaires.

if you can't figure out that he is a homophobic racist who hates mexicans and muslims and votes on that basis alone then you are not that bright either.
I cannot wait till Comey testifies and everyone sees that Trump didn't collude with the Russians to win the presidency.. he won it fair and square.. People just need to accept it and move on..
in a true democracy he lost. at first there was speculation about dumpf and futon w\ Russia. now there is proof members of his campaign and cabinet have communicated in secret with Russia. more than 3 cases including one guy who admitted to doing it once but it was proved he did it at least twice.
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dude your fucking D-E-L-U-S-I-O-N-A-L!!!!!! please seek your nearest guidance counselor. thank you.
Gay and bisexual men are the population most affected by HIV. In 2015d:

  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for 82% (26,375) of HIV diagnoses among males and 67% of all diagnoses.
  • Black/African Americane gay and bisexual men accounted for the largest number of HIV diagnoses (10,315), followed by white gay and bisexual men (7,570).
what does that prove, smart fry?
It's not ableist to merely inform someone of their retardism.
nah, saying something is dumb, is minor saying someone is dumb is a bit worse. putting down disabled people is a form of prejudicial discrimination and is vile. retarded people can be cool or dick's just like the rest of folks. as for learning disabled well, if that's someones actual problem then why would you talk shit to\at them for that.? fun fact, most bullies are average or slightly less intelligence, not gifted , not special ed.--- also retardism is not a word or even a thing.
ok Comey just said 5 minutes ago.... and i quote "the president DID NOT order me to let the Flynn probe go"... end of story Trump has NO collusion... """drop mic"""..