How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Show me where I'm wrong! Do it now. I've got a life to live outside internet quallering with you lifeless trolls.


Well-Known Member
Hey- why don't you tell us why it was okay for Dubbya to turn a $250 billion a year surplus into a half trillion dollar deficit, ask to pay for huge tax cuts for the richest in society?

Until you can justify that, stop yapping about Obama administration and anything they did in terms of fiscal policy.
Bullshit. Show me where I'm wrong! Do it now. I've got a life to live outside internet quallering with you lifeless trolls.
Or, answer this question.


It seems I'm in the minority here.

The slippery slope is steep here.

The ability to corrupt the system is vast.

We should be removing it from our society and Government, not excusing it.
I totally agree. I just think this is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things


Well-Known Member
I was saying that a major corporation paying money without a contract out of the goodness of their hearts is far-fetched. When have you known a corporation to pay a vast amount of money they don't have to? Because you think they made a deal?

It's obviously just opinions, but my opinion is still that the popularity of the Obamas is the reason for the book deal.


Well-Known Member
I was saying that a major corporation paying money without a contract out of the goodness of their hearts is far-fetched. When have you known a corporation to pay a vast amount of money they don't have to? Because you think they made a deal?

It's obviously just opinions, but my opinion is still that the popularity of the Obamas is the reason for the book deal.
Not to mention that their stock is quite likely to increase as the Orange Titanic goes down and that they are both young and likely to have a lot more to say.


Well-Known Member
obama sold 5 million copies of "audacity of hope". betcha he'll double that or at least come close.

but hey, at least your thread brought out a bunch of racists and neo-nazis to agree with you.
Publisher takes home 50 to 55% of cover price. I'm betting the book will be between $30 and $35 hardcover and will be a 2 parter. Plus it will drum up sales for his 3? previous books.


Well-Known Member
Obama said he'd cut the federal deficit in half

- truth- 4'X
more than Quadrupled it.!
hey retard,

obama inherited a $1.539 trillion dollar deficit and cut it by over a trillion dollars.

you started off with a lie and the rest of the shit you spewed was just as invalid.

speaking of invalids, you are a retard.


Well-Known Member
All I know for sure is, I'm against you liberals that want to make America another third world country with your Marxist bullshit.....
still railing against that "marxism", eh retard?

you could just be honest and call yourself a nazi white supremacist like you are.


Well-Known Member
retarded conspiracy theories about our first black president are a great way to combat disinformation and move the country to the left.
Then say that instead of the inane name calling.

Neither side is all bad or all good. There's corruption on both sides. That's the real enemy.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
From the "comments" referred to in the nakedbullshit blog you refer to:

Nothing upsets Trump supporters and Brexit supporters like a black man having money

I therefore think this thread and the hostile reactions to this news are hilarious

Like all presidential books, I doubt these will be particularly useful documents (the records will be more useful and will show Obama to be a good president in difficult circumstances) - but they will be good reads

After all, the Obamas, unlike Bush, can write

Those on the left can be hostile to a black man making money too, it seems.