Community hooker thread

I love women. It's just your online gal is kinda disturbed so I'm not a diehard fan.

Malt, if you only knew. Say what you will, but I've lapped both you married farts several times. Now I don't need to conquer anything
Bob was riding farmer all day calling him fat shit. Bob's fatter than farmer, that was my only point to that. But yeah 38 huh ;). Just take care of yourself G. We all have to.
The thing is, we all are here for a reason. We all either drink, smoke weed, do crack, suck dicks, eat meff straight up, take beer bongs to the ass, snort crushed up xanax, eat booty, and all kinds of other fucked up shit.

Ijs I dont really think any of us are in the position to judge... unless you're raping puppies for a living... because thats some fucked up shit right there. God damned puppy fuckers:finger: I hate em!
Bob was riding farmer all day calling him fat shit. Bob's fatter than farmer, that was my only point to that. But yeah 38 huh ;). Just take care of yourself G. We all have to.
Farmer is skinny. Most crackheads are.

He just has tig ol' bitties! Lol.

Abe. Not one person here believes a woman would touch you without payment.

Shit. I bet if we bought oh a hooker she'd ask for a mulligan.
How do you have such intimate knowledge of my life? And if you are sated then why "brag" about it? You're out of your element Abe
You're so biased with your bullshit. You don't know shit about me just like I don't know your true stats.

It's not bragging, I'm telling you to shut the fuck up because you're wrong. Sorry man, but you've been subjective and I've been polite.

But yeah, honestly, I wouldn't mind a nice woman.
I'm working on it today actually. ;)
Y'all don't mind Gary(the fatty) Im just sitting here at midnight eating my chicken wangs and reading this thread

and none of you bitches can haz one because I'm gonna eat all 20 of them hoes!
You're so biased with your bullshit. You don't know shit about me just like I don't know your true stats.

It's not bragging, I'm telling you to shut the fuck up because you're wrong. Sorry man, but you've been subjective and I've been polite.

But yeah, honestly, I wouldn't mind a nice woman.
I'm working on it today actually. ;)

she'll get the creepy closet homosexual serial killer vibe and get a restraining order on you.

Just like the last TEN YEARS.