Reminds me of a Tom Petty concert at the Gorge (outdoor amphitheater).
The morning after the concert, all of the 'honey buckets' were overflowing so I put down some newspaper and took a shit in my tent. Worked out great!
Adapt and overcome... 8)
I only piss on the bus. Last time i road the bus it was overflowing with feces and the whole bus all the way to the front smelled like a sewer.

Look, we've all got our opinions, but if you want to discuss the finer points of the republican party please take it to the politics section, eh?
Check reddit. I posted liesies10 tot pica all around. I have more but I have some cheese, crackers and sexors to have

Ill bw on there usually teolling thw next cew days. I have a standard to keep

She wont tske.them down so no rush. Like I said no rules. She got nice boobs.
Juan fuxkes her and she doesn't like juan anymorw

Ao now qe fight

Women eh?
Whats your reddit name?