We're officially out of the Paris Climate Accord

They already are in lots of countries.

I was chatting to a mate about China and America the other day. China is our (Australia's) largest trading partner and fastest growing tourism client. America is our best ally and respected friend.
We were talking about what would happen if 'merica keeps threatening China. I said we should stand with China. Which I know would be a losing scenario and against the status Quo. My reasoning was simple. How many wars has America started (and dragged us into everyone of them) in the last 40 years? When you have finally added all those up how many has China stated?.

Interesting that America still wants to militarily dominate the planet and push its ideals, but wont lead by example for the future well being of not only the worlds population but also its own. It really has opened the door for new ties with Europe and the Asia. Not a bad thing but one that the "powers that be" would not like.
This policy makes sense from the Australian point of view.

The current American administration makes it very hard to see America as a reliable partner.
Do you believe that politicians, using money, can control earths climate?

Oh, if only there was some way to objectively answer that question...hmmm...

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Do you believe that politicians, using money, can control earths climate?
It's long proven that Govts have to take the first steps with any new technology and once it's proven the private sector can take it from there, refine it and profit off it (which eventually leads to ubiquity).

It confuses me greatly, don't you right wingers believe in efficiency and self sufficiency?

Would you take a Govt grant that could help put you off the grid and producing your own free power?
It's long proven that Govts have to take the first steps with any new technology and once it's proven the private sector can take it from there, refine it and profit off it (which eventually leads to ubiquity).

Like maybe the genesis of automobile travel at the turn of last century? You saying Govt. stepped in, took the lead, private industry and profit followed.
Cause I think you got the cart and horse switched.
It's long proven that Govts have to take the first steps with any new technology and once it's proven the private sector can take it from there, refine it and profit off it (which eventually leads to ubiquity).

It confuses me greatly, don't you right wingers believe in efficiency and self sufficiency?

Would you take a Govt grant that could help put you off the grid and producing your own free power?

Govt grant = free power.

Govt grant = free power.

A Govt grant to cover the South facing roof of your house in solar panels and enough lithium batteries to run fully charged for 48+ hours.
Like maybe the genesis of automobile travel at the turn of last century? You saying Govt. stepped in, took the lead, private industry and profit followed.
Cause I think you got the cart and horse switched.
No, more like the huge number of advances achieved from the Space Program, or ITER or the other countless projects that are unprofitable to start but revolutionise our world.