Some help flushing plz

if you don't even understand how, IT DOESN'T"T do what you think, then it's just BRO science and a bunch of stoners who think it removes nutes, and trust me, You guys don't understand, that's why you say stupid shit that stoners say. the soil is full of nutes, STFU
So you don't think that if you're in a soilless medium, and you flush the salts, that the last week or two, the plant won't use up it's reserves and result in less harsh weed? Especially for newer growers who are still learning and possibly overfeeding?
And those pikz were like 2 weeks ago this was today


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They do not "store" them in the sense you think of them! Not only that, but the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers!

No harm in feeding All the way to the End by your info. No extra nutes will be stored in the buds.

I didn't ask for your help, just trying to understand your thought process. Here to learn, but dudes who cop condescending attitudes to noobs pisses me off.
They do not "store" them in the sense you think of them! Not only that, but the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers!

No harm in feeding All the way to the End by your info. No extra nutes will be stored in the buds.

I didn't ask for your help, just trying to understand your thought process. Here to learn, but dudes who cop condescending attitudes to noobs pisses me off.
Like I said, if you don't read the info posted, I can't help you. Maybe you just don't understand what you read?
A plants leaves are either a source or a sink, meaning, It either makes food, or it stores food. cutting off feeding will cause the plant to take it's STORED nutrients and send them to the buds, exactly the opposite of what flushing is suppose to do. going in with just water the last 2 waterings is not flushing. it's just not wasting nutes when they aren't needed. why do you think buds don't yellow, but the leaf does?
We haven't even got into Immobile nutrients, you know the ones that are immobile,lol

incapable of moving or being moved.
Like I said, if you don't read the info posted, I can't help you. Maybe you just don't understand what you read?
A plants leaves are either a source or a sink, meaning, It either makes food, or it stores food. cutting off feeding will cause the plant to take it's STORED nutrients and send them to the buds, exactly the opposite of what flushing is suppose to do. going in with just water the last 2 waterings is not flushing. it's just not wasting nutes when they aren't needed. why do you think buds don't yellow, but the leaf does?
Just because you aren't doing it to excessive runoff, doesn't mean it's not achieving similar goals. What if a person is not feeding like you and has a concentration of salts in the media? Is a flush during the final week going to hurt? Surely you can elevate the nutrient content of the buds if you are running 1500ppm to finish. What about hydro? Do you think they don't ramp down and go pure water? Is that Bro Science?
Just because you aren't doing it to excessive runoff, doesn't mean it's not achieving similar goals. What if a person is not feeding like you and has a concentration of salts in the media? Is a flush during the final week going to hurt? Surely you can elevate the nutrient content of the buds if you are running 1500ppm to finish. What about hydro? Do you think they don't ramp down and go pure water? Is that Bro Science?
dude, read post # 8, then read it again, and then read that shit again, it has all the answers to your questions, try and comprehend that shit, i'm going to watch UFC. Bye felicia!!
We haven't even got into Immobile nutrients, you know the ones that are immobile,lol

incapable of moving or being moved.
Doesn't have to be moved, just reduce the readily availabe, new sources, and force reserves to be used up. I'm still learning, so you tell me. Are nutes that contribute to harsh smoke, considering if you believe it's possible, which I think you agree that it is possible, actually immobile Nutrients, or the mobile Nutrients are the culprits, and the only ones you need to consider in a flush?
where did you get that from? If you can't comprehend what you read in post 8, then I really can't help you.
In my grow Bible it states for every grower is another way to grow. Each his own my motto. Have flushed previous but this has my curiosity cooking. Less work too. Truth will be in the buzz.
I read in this thread someone saying they don't flush, they just don't give any feed for the last two weeks.


Flushing isn't essential, I'd definitely recommend it if you like the best possible product. If you're more concerned for weight to sell your product then flushing wouldn't be useful as your not concerned with the quality just the weight, curing won't be an option either.