Dear Black Voter..

You'll notice in all this time I've never once used the term 'Bernie Baby'. It's misleading and misses the bigger point, a bit like foolish, ego-driven infighting between members of the Justice League, but you're pushing it with the "nut riding" comment, dude. ;)
Ffs, man, you're better than this....

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So you want rep because you recognize the term is 'misleading and misses bigger point, but..?'
Why Clinton lost Liberal thinking... This image shows the best example i have seen to date.

Here are some positions that come with those "baby steps":

  • Force a Senate vote on defunding Planned Parenthood
  • Supports religious freedom to deny contraceptive coverage
  • Personhood at conception, including embryonic stem cells (yep, you read that right -- even's so stupid I can't even complete the sentence)
  • Include pre-born human beings in 14th Amendment protection.
  • Gay contracts ok, but gay marriage is offensive (libertarian my ass)
  • Women won the "war on women": they're no longer downtrodden (Really?)
  • Redefining marriage leads to economic and moral problems
  • Voted NO on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act
  • Cut corporate tax in half to create millions of jobs (LOL!)
  • Obama's "You didn't build that" insults American workers (it did no such thing. Little Ayn Rand Paul is a fucking liar to boot)
  • Repeal energy regulations like Clean Power Act
  • Cut red tape to allow energy freedom & traditional energy
  • Supports Keystone XL, plus domestic oil & gas exploration
  • Unelected EPA should not regulate greenhouse emissions (yeah, instead of scientists, let's elect politicians for this. Paul is really, really dumb)
  • Energy crisis stems from too much government intervention (this very well could be the dumbest motherfucking thing I've ever read)
  • Voted YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases
  • Revival of values depends on fusing freedom and virtue (I for one, do not require a "values" lecture from a lying piece of shit)
  • Shut down Department of Education and TSA
I could on, but why? There's enough right there to ponder. Rand Paul baby steps? No thanks.
so in reality
if these are negative reasons in your eyes

Then you ma'am are the actual problem