Rural America is the new "inner city"

If it was stated as fact without the smug little comment at the end then it would have no racist effect. And breed as you like you'll all die from aids soon enough anyway because you don't know what contraception is. The status quo will always be restored buddy

you honestly seem like you're mentally retarded. contraception is to prevent pregnancy, not to prevent the spread of venereal diseases. you must be one of those dumb whites i keep hearing about who are going to extinct themselves because they can't figure out how to fucking breed.

i'm one of those smart whites, but only because i am jewish. i will teach my jewish child about dumb whites like you so they know to stay away.
you honestly seem like you're mentally retarded. contraception is to prevent pregnancy, not to prevent the spread of venereal diseases. you must be one of those dumb whites i keep hearing about who are going to extinct themselves because they can't figure out how to fucking breed.

i'm one of those smart whites, but only because i am jewish. i will teach my jewish child about dumb whites like you so they know to stay away.
All I'll say is my 6 month old son would put an end to that nonsense. You're not smart white. Your a bunch of greedy fucktards. My mates used to specialise in Robbing yous but only on a Saturday cos the bellends aren't allowed to use technology on shabbat. Who are the fucking dumb whites now.
All I'll say is my 6 month old son would put an end to that nonsense. You're not smart white. Your a bunch of greedy fucktards. My mates used to specialise in Robbing yous but only on a Saturday cos the bellends aren't allowed to use technology on shabbat. Who are the fucking dumb whites now.

probably the anti-semitic thief. yep, the anti-semitic scumbag thief is definitely the dumb white.
And contraception in the form of a condom will prevent ventral
probably the anti-semitic thief. yep, the anti-semitic scumbag thief is definitely the dumb white.
Is it though. Jews think they're a law unto themselves. That's frowned upon in my country. Taking what's rightfully ours pal. I'll give you one thing though. You build a good fucking pyramid
contraception in the form of a condom will prevent ventral

you are definitely one of those dumb whites.

Is it though. Jews think they're a law unto themselves. That's frowned upon in my country. Taking what's rightfully ours pal. I'll give you one thing though. You build a good fucking pyramid

and an anti-semite.

and a thief.

a dumb, anti-semitic, scumbag, thieving white.

quite the resume there, scumbag.
These are the kind of ignorant, scummy, twats that colonized the south.

Also I didn't know the UK govt subsidized internet for those on the dole.
Yeah and we had the bottle to do it brazenly. We dont need strength in numbers like you all must. Definitely ignorant. Ignorance is underrated anyway. Some say its bliss
Yeah and we had the bottle to do it brazenly. We dont need strength in numbers like you all must. Definitely ignorant. Ignorance is underrated anyway. Some say its bliss

what's it like being so fucking dumb that you need to rob hard-working, smart people just to keep your scumbag ass off the streets?
you are definitely one of those dumb whites.

and an anti-semite.

and a thief.

a dumb, anti-semitic, scumbag, thieving white.

quite the resume there, scumbag.
I'm high af right now. I got sidetracked replying to one dirty jew when another popped up. The first statement should have read "condoms will prevent venereal disease" and at any point did I say I was the thief. Nope. I work for my money. I just know people that used Jews stupidity to make a very lucrative living.
you are definitely one of those dumb whites.

and an anti-semite.

and a thief.

a dumb, anti-semitic, scumbag, thieving white.

quite the resume there, scumbag.

The kind of idiot that
Yeah and we had the bottle to do it brazenly. We dont need strength in numbers like you all must. Definitely ignorant. Ignorance is underrated anyway. Some say its bliss

Wow you are stupid. The bottom three colonies were populated by debtors and lowlives who really had no choice but to come here and start over. Bottles nothing you pasty choad. Go fistfight and old lady on the "high street" you lispy cunt.
And I wasn't there in 1607 for said colonisation. So there's no apologies from me. I think the US is a shit state of affairs
The kind of idiot that

Wow you are stupid. The bottom three colonies were populated by debtors and lowlives who really had no choice but to come here and start over. Bottles nothing you pasty choad. Go fistfight and old lady on the "high street" you lispy cunt.
Lispy cunt I live in the UK and probably handled more Firearms than you. Haha but yeah id scrap with any one of you and your nans fuck it.
Lispy cunt I live in the UK and probably handled more Firearms than you. Haha but yeah id scrap with any one of you and your nans fuck it.

Lispy cunt I live in the UK and probably handled more Firearms than you. Haha but yeah id scrap with any one of you and your nans fuck it.

Duh catch up you shortbus reject that's why the insults link your stupid ass with the wretches that colonized the US South, hence your similar attitude and IQ.
And I value your right to hate whites. The same as me and Muslims. I knew where I stood in your opinion from your previous comment. So why should I show any tact. @Big_Lou this is where my original hostility stemmed from.

"Hating Muslims", eh? You aren't one of those sicko, inbred Brexit fucks, are you? sigh
Did I mention that my wife is Lebanese?
you honestly seem like you're mentally retarded. contraception is to prevent pregnancy, not to prevent the spread of venereal diseases. you must be one of those dumb whites i keep hearing about who are going to extinct themselves because they can't figure out how to fucking breed.

i'm one of those smart whites, but only because i am jewish. i will teach my jewish child about dumb whites like you so they know to stay away.

Three trumptards were hanging out at a Make America Great Again rally one day. The subject turned to which of the three trumptards had the dumbest wife.

First trumptard: My wife bought a crapper...and we don't even have no runnin' water (laughing and slapping his knee)!

Trumtards: (laughter)

Second trumptard: Oh, yeah? Well my wife bought a ceiling fan and we don't even have no room for it on our trailer ceiling!

Trumptards: (peels of laughter)

Third trumptard: Oh yeah? That's nothin'! I was going through my wife's purse the other night looking for some money for to buy me some scratch-offs. Well, I found a box of them condoms and you know what? She doesn't even have a pecker!

Trumptards: (Uproarious laughter)