I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

At what age did you lose your v-card?

  • 14 or younger

    Votes: 92 20.1%
  • 15-16

    Votes: 158 34.6%
  • 17-18

    Votes: 110 24.1%
  • 19-20

    Votes: 27 5.9%
  • 20-25

    Votes: 16 3.5%
  • 26-31

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 32

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • still got it!

    Votes: 53 11.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I was 12 when a friend of mines mom had her way with me .. It lasted all of 2 min.. I got it in and within 3 strokes i was spunking all over... I did what every 12 year old would do .. I TOLD EVERYONE that I GOT LAID ... Somehow my Mom found out and beat the shit out of the lady.. well after about 7 yrs later that same lady's daughter (who was my age) was sucking me off daily for coke ...


Well-Known Member
i was 14 and so was she,after we broke up she turned whore..wait a minute all my girlfriends turned whore after we broke up,, i wonder if theres a connection?


Well-Known Member
I was 12 when a friend of mines mom had her way with me .. It lasted all of 2 min.. I got it in and within 3 strokes i was spunking all over... I did what every 12 year old would do .. I TOLD EVERYONE that I GOT LAID ... Somehow my Mom found out and beat the shit out of the lady.. well after about 7 yrs later that same lady's daughter (who was my age) was sucking me off daily for coke ...
hahaha. i shouldnt be laughing but i am:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I was 12 when a friend of mines mom had her way with me .. It lasted all of 2 min.. I got it in and within 3 strokes i was spunking all over... I did what every 12 year old would do .. I TOLD EVERYONE that I GOT LAID ... Somehow my Mom found out and beat the shit out of the lady.. well after about 7 yrs later that same lady's daughter (who was my age) was sucking me off daily for coke ...
that's some g hit right there (except for your minuteman experience but u were 12 what could u do)
but man i wish i was you lol back then lol


New Member
Gosh I haven't seen anyone offer her dinner, or a movie, flowers, candy, or anything romantic. Just offers of weed and that really unexciting offer to touch some nasty funky balls. No wonder she isn't interested.


Well-Known Member
I was sixteen. I knew what to do and it was with an older girl so I tried harder so it worked out really well. sex has been awesome as hell ever since...