Jim Bakker: Civil war if Trump is impeached!

So you're essentially saying that what "proves" it for you cannot be verified by anyone but you. Spoken like a true Trump cultist.

Like Trump consults Trump..:lol:

The weight of the presidency will hasten his dementia..be prepared folks.

Walks off stage in Israel..tweets Covfefe..how it starts. My mom would insert different words sporadically in her writings, until every other word was 'covfefe'.
Im sorry..

Some observations based on knowing this lovely couple (intimately) for over 20 years:

- They eat a lot or organ meats, plantains, fruits, and Scotch Bonnet peppers prepared in various interesting ways.
- Sam's mother served as an assistant to a Haitian Diplomat for many years.
- They, as well as their friends and family back home, are obsessed with the Bond books & films. (Connery and Moore only.)
- Sam hates, hates Bush jr. Even more than the drumpf, if you can believe it.
- One time after a party we were all cleaning up and I happened to be sweeping. Sam flew around the corner and took my picture, said that his family would never believe that he had a "huge white guy cleaning his house!!", then laughed just like Baron Samedi:

So you're essentially saying that what "proves" it for you cannot be verified by anyone but you. Spoken like a true Trump cultist.
You are free to research or talk to haitians yourself and find out why haiti still looks like shit despite the millions flowing in there..... or you can just start another worthless thread about trumptards makes no difference to me
You are free to research or talk to haitians yourself and find out why haiti still looks like shit despite the millions flowing in there..... or you can just start another worthless thread about trumptards makes no difference to me
Delusional fucking shit wreck. No one gives a fuck about your concerns.
This is part of their master plan.

I considered that but then remembered it was Trump and he's too stupid to have a viable master plan. As you say though, WTF-fatigue is definitely a path towards normalization and may ultimately work in their favor, by design or otherwise.
You are free to research or talk to haitians yourself and find out why haiti still looks like shit despite the millions flowing in there..... or you can just start another worthless thread about trumptards makes no difference to me

hi, BeenThere!

btw, all the fact checkers tell a different story about haiti and the clinton foundation then you do, but don't let that stop you from spreading your spam!

welcome back, bitch boy. how's the corona sign doing?
the Confederacy claimed they were fighting for freedom

no, they claimed they were fighting for slavery. it's literally in the first line of their articles of secession.

stop trying to revise history, you dumb segregationist.
As long as they have a good legitimate reason to impeach Trump we don't have to worry about a civil war. But all the impeachment talk I hear holds no weight so who knows. I think we should have a revolution like way before Nixon not divide just take the power back.
nothing you say holds any weight.

Nixon's supporters said the same thing as you back days of our last constitutional crisis. They had their heads up their asses too.