Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

When they prohibited alcohol they needed a Constitutional Amendment The Volstead Act!!

Nothing on opium, marijuana, coca, etc. I might like coca leaves it's perfectly legal in Peru to chew them and they are hard workers meanwhile some teen overdosed and died on caffeinated beverages just 3 drinks combined I believe it was.

Opium was made illegal because the opium smoking Chinese would work twice as hard as a white man for less pay. :)

Marijuana/hemp because it makes negros and Mexicans rape white women. :) So much for Tomas Jefferson prefering a pipe of hemp over tobacco. Trump even used Mexican rapist fear in his campaign but he did backtrack a little.

The war on drugs is TREASON!!! in the highest form! As is prohibition on gambling and prostitution.

You have some very interesting convictions.

Unfortunately, none of it is fact.
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They're only doing audio today after yesterday's weak press conference.

Spicer sounds terrible, like he lost his bff..very quiet..his answers are short.

I hope he doesn't go home and hang himself.

Something is going on.
Comey testifies next week in open congressional.

Now we're going to start and get some answers @tampee.

Pretty sure he'll have something to say..facts to reveal.:wink:
Comey testifies next week in open congressional.

Now we're going to start and get some answers @tampee.

Pretty sure he'll have something to say..facts to reveal.:wink:
Going to reveal the fact he don't have shit. Hopefully he will show how corrupt the entire system is testify like the Iran Contra scandal.
Or that he perjured himself in his first testimony, or acts on fake reports. The man has no credibility now.

So what if he testifies . . .
Or that he perjured himself in his first testimony, or acts on fake reports. The man has no credibility now.

So what if he testifies . . .
This could be a good thing though he can rat out Hillary Clinton and all maybe even 9/11 if we are lucky because them towers went down worse than a bombing raid. I don't think it was the airplanes no way.