Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Phonsarelly, and I have just gotten back to growing! I was/am doing an EXPERIMENTAL window grow to see how it goes. I was posting on GRASSCITY, but MULTIPLE people on there started being EXTREMELY RUDE, and when I asked why all the hate, got told I was retarded and didn't what I was doing. was even sent pictures of monkey fornicating with other animals and humans, and when I reported them, I GOT BANNED? so anyways, HELLO EVERYONE! Is it worth using this forum to document my grow, or should I just leave?
I had similar experience on uk420. This is the only forum that doesn't seem to have that shit. No idea what's up with the community elsewhere
Folks on here are great, you might get shit if you take a bad attitude to anybody. It happens.
Just don't take what people say seriously and document your grow on here.
It is the internet. People from all walks of life and all types of personalities.
I have been on here years, there's nobody I don't like on here.
I doubt you would get banned on here.

Welcome to RIU!
Is it worth using this forum to document my grow, or should I just leave?
Let's see what you up to. There are plenty of sub-forums to choose from depending on how you are growing. If you ever run into a bind or problem there are plenty of experienced people here to help you along.How are you growing and what strains you dabbling with?
Thanks everyone, I feel welcomed already. I will post some pics when I get back to my house this evening. It is an experimental window grow lol. I have some rare seeds and want to grow them so I will probably be doing a few grow journals on here with them.
I've had an account at GC for years and pop in once in a blue moon to see if anything has changed but it's still one of the lamest pot forums on the web.

At UK420 I got a warning from a mod there not to use a larger font size when posting as it makes the threads look untidy. :D

Needless to say I spend most of my time hanging out here and another forum I volunteer as Admin but there's not much going on there so I just boot out the spammers and make a post once in a while over there. 3 pot and pill spammers this morning when I logged on but I'm glad those KitchensUK arseholes stopped hanging out with 50 spam posts every damn day. :)

There's always lots going on here and the vast majority of members are happy to help all the new folks who wander in needing help.

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Phonsarelly, and I have just gotten back to growing! I was/am doing an EXPERIMENTAL window grow to see how it goes. I was posting on GRASSCITY, but MULTIPLE people on there started being EXTREMELY RUDE, and when I asked why all the hate, got told I was retarded and didn't what I was doing. was even sent pictures of monkey fornicating with other animals and humans, and when I reported them, I GOT BANNED? so anyways, HELLO EVERYONE! Is it worth using this forum to document my grow, or should I just leave?

Getting banned from Grass Shitty just means you're on the right track.