Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Sununu vs. CNN's Camerota On Russia Investigation: "How Much Crow Are You Going To Eat?"

"When you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to look at whether that's an endorsement based on issues or he's got a slightly different reason for endorsing President Obama," Sununu said on CNN, adding: "I think when you have somebody of your own race that you're proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him."
russia hysteria,you suffer it buck.calm down get your facts straight.your getting all emotional again
i stated facts.

flynn is under indictment and he is not allowed to plead the fifth. grand juries are being empaneled to try him. subpoenas are flying everywhere. manafort is toast. kushner is the focus of the investigation. boris epshteyn has been named as a focus as well. sessions committed perjury about his contacts with russia. roger stone and carter page are asking for immunity.

i thought it would take years to get to this point. 132 days is all it took.
i stated facts.

flynn is under indictment and he is not allowed to plead the fifth. grand juries are being empaneled to try him. subpoenas are flying everywhere. manafort is toast. kushner is the focus of the investigation. boris epshteyn has been named as a focus as well. sessions committed perjury about his contacts with russia. roger stone and carter page are asking for immunity.

i thought it would take years to get to this point. 132 days is all it took.
calm down you got emotional on us.carter page lol,the dems dont want him to testify all the sudden,weird since he holds some of the most important keys hahaha.
the dems are actually calling it a step in the right direction or "win" in chicago because "only 49 people" were shot and killed over the holiday weekend.yay dems yay no gun zones....
the dems are actually calling it a step in the right direction or "win" in chicago because "only 49 people" were shot and killed over the holiday weekend.yay dems yay no gun zones....
No guns is a horrible idea Thailand is a no gun country but all the criminals have guns the Thai police are afraid to fuck with the drug lords in the Golden Triangle where they manufacture heroin for Australia and shit.
i stated facts.

flynn is under indictment and he is not allowed to plead the fifth. grand juries are being empaneled to try him. subpoenas are flying everywhere. manafort is toast. kushner is the focus of the investigation. boris epshteyn has been named as a focus as well. sessions committed perjury about his contacts with russia. roger stone and carter page are asking for immunity.

i thought it would take years to get to this point. 132 days is all it took.
Watch the video I just posted no evidence whatsoever.
The person being interviewed was John Sununu. He doesn't work for CNN. CNN was the broadcaster.

Do you know the difference?

FTW the 'anonymous' looks fake.
The CNN reporter agreed that they have nothing on the Trump regime. It's been 7 months where is the evidence of Russia interfering with our elections?

I don't make Anonymous videos but it can't really be fake it was straight from CNN. They have a lot of Anonymous YouTube accounts but like they say anyone can be Anonymous they have no leader and different perspectives. I'll show you an anti Trump Anonymous won't help with impeachment but shows he is a lier like Hillary.
Dear Trumpers who are smokers/Growers...

Does it bother you in the least he complimented Duterte on his war on drugs??? The one where they execute people for even personal use outside of any judicial process???

Does it not bother you he appointed an AG who still beleives in Reefer madness and would love to fill his buddies for profit prisons up with all of us????

I'm seriously thinking the truest thing Trump ever said was he could step into the street, shoot someone and nothing negative would happen to him in terms of his supporters....
How can you so strongly support a man who is so agains you??????

You folks are like passengers on the titanic being politically opposed to lifeboats!
Dear Trumpers who are smokers/Growers...

Does it bother you in the least he complimented Duterte on his war on drugs??? The one where they execute people for even personal use outside of any judicial process???

Does it not bother you he appointed an AG who still beleives in Reefer madness and would love to fill his buddies for profit prisons up with all of us????

I'm seriously thinking the truest thing Trump ever said was he could step into the street, shoot someone and nothing negative would happen to him in terms of his supporters....
How can you so strongly support a man who is so agains you??????

You folks are like passengers on the titanic being politically opposed to lifeboats!
Yes it does, I don't like Trump because of Sessions but that's not what the thread is about it is about impeachment. Hillary Clinton was all about schedule 2 I doubt she would be better. I voted for Johnson.
Trump pandering but keep in mind their are many videos on Hillary Clinton as well.

I believe it's time for a revolution not a civil war between left and right.
The CNN reporter agreed that they have nothing on the Trump regime. It's been 7 months where is the evidence of Russia interfering with our elections?

I don't make Anonymous videos but it can't really be fake it was straight from CNN. They have a lot of Anonymous YouTube accounts but like they say anyone can be Anonymous they have no leader and different perspectives. I'll show you an anti Trump Anonymous won't help with impeachment but shows he is a lier like Hillary.

1. It's been 4 months.
2. The FBI is not going to release evidence until they start prosecution which starts with subpoena's. I believe that is in progress.
3. Thank you for the offer, but I don't need to see more anonymous.