Aliens....Do You Believe?

Me ? wtf Don't believe in me Im not that guy nor do I portray myself to be all I ask is look into my claims before acting like you know all about it .. when you clearly don't.
So whats the story? Is there human life on another planet somewhere in space? Anywhere?
Yes, statistically we can be sure that there's life SOMEWHERE out there.

Whether it's ever been here or even currently in contact with our government on some level is much, much harder to prove and I'm not going to buy the crazy theories until I see some hard evidence.
Yes, statistically we can be sure that there's life SOMEWHERE out there.

Whether it's ever been here or even currently in contact with our government on some level is much, much harder to prove and I'm not going to buy the crazy theories until I see some hard evidence.
Theres been times many times sitting in my T-95 eyeball to eyeball with a mexican in a usaf jet

where 'we' see strange shit

'we' don't wanna look

'we' both know that shit is 'ufo' not his or mine

and like him ...I just don't wanna know

so I lower my head and read the paper

my buddies go ape shit with cameras and stuff

I just don't wanna know
So in essence your argument is that the military, universities, museums, scholars, and churches all conspire to suppress any and all physical evidence that could be shown to originate off world?

Hmmm. Ok.

As for cave paintings, I don't think the impressionists were established back then.. People painted what they saw. Or thought they saw. Or maybe they ate some mushrooms. I don't know. But none of the cave art or primitive art I've seen is definitive. If I see a circuit diagram for a flux capacitor, I'll update this. ;)

And wrt to religion, I don't trust any organization that attempts to maintain power and control through story telling and intimidation. There is even less evidence of a god then there is of aliens. But the absence of proof doesn't in itself prove a lack of existence. There may be a god, and she may be an ET. But sure as shit no organized religion I've encountered is in communication with her or takes direction from her. They just lie about it.