Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

For one quit lying about it just like you're doing with Two Stroke. You and anyone else that read my responses saw exaclty what transpired and the post history bears it out too. It's just a search function away. Have at it.
But no, you're so deceitful and dramatic you keep trying to incite something from nothing.
Why does lying suit you so well?
What is the real difference between the boycott and the government intervention to the store owner? Especially in a democracy, one way or another it was the will of the people, or at least the majority of them.

I think it's like the difference between a volunteer soldier and forced one.

Of course boycotting the store owner after segregation was made compulsory might hurt a non racist store owner as well.

To be clear, compulsory segregation was despicable.
For one quit lying about it just like you're doing with Two Stroke. You and anyone else that read my responses saw exaclty what transpired and the post history bears it out too. It's just a search function away. Have at it.
But no, you're so deceitful and dramatic you keep trying to incite something from nothing.
Why does lying suit you so well?

what am i lying about?

twopump is opposed to civil rights. he never said a bad word about you even after you posted a picture of a jew defaced with the hitler star of david.

do you honestly believes he had family in nazi death camps and had not a single bad word to say to you about posting pictures of jews defaced with the hitler star of david?
so you had two great aunts who were sent to nazi death camps because of their religion, but you oppose laws protecting religious minorities from systemic discrimination.

you also never condemned arcticspaghettinoodle for posting pictures of jews defaced with the hitler star of david.

why does nothing of what you say ever seem to add up in the slightest?

it's almost as if you only ever lie. all the time. non-stop inveterate lying.

He was asking you if you knew what a goy was. You never did answer either.

And when I want your opinion I will give it to you.
I think it's like the difference between a volunteer soldier and forced one.

Of course boycotting the store owner after segregation was made compulsory might hurt a non racist store owner as well.

To be clear, compulsory segregation was despicable.

But for the store owner, does he hate purples any less for the orchestrated boycott? I guess my point is that if we know it is immoral, and the state has a signficant interest in regulating it, what's the advantage of waiting for a market solution?
what am i lying about?

twopump is opposed to civil rights. he never said a bad word about you even after you posted a picture of a jew defaced with the hitler star of david.

do you honestly believes he had family in nazi death camps and had not a single bad word to say to you about posting pictures of jews defaced with the hitler star of david?

Jews were not the only people in the camps. I'm not jewish you unrelenting derp. No clue what this star you reference is or is not.
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But for the store owner, does he hate purples any less for the orchestrated boycott? I guess my point is that if we know it is immoral, and the state has a signficant interest in regulating it, what's the advantage of waiting for a market solution?

That's a fair point. I'm gonna go ahead and say the truly racist store owner will become irrelevant if shut down by boycott. If anything he will not be able to purchase new clan hoods and shit.
We've been thru this twice before. Are you this dense on purpose?
i just want you to confirm that you are so fucking dumb that you claim to have had no idea that hitler made the jews wear a star of david.

are you really that fucking dumb?

i learned about that shit in 6th grade, if not earlier.
but ending it with civil rights laws was "not a good idea" because you'll just "hate 'em more now".

got it.

maybe your great aunts should have just boycotted hitler or something, eh?

So weak dude. You used to be kinda funny but now it's just all fake feels and butthurt.

So weak dude. You used to be kinda funny but now it's just all fake feels and butthurt.


you cant even deny what a piece of shit you are for the racist, segregationist views you espouse. your only defense is to call me "weak" for hammering you for being a complete piece of shit.

now that is weak.
i just want you to confirm that you are so fucking dumb that you claim to have had no idea that hitler made the jews wear a star of david.

are you really that fucking dumb?

i learned about that shit in 6th grade, if not earlier.

Let's see. I made amends, admitted fault, owned it, and let it go. At this point whatever you or anyone else thinks or feels about it is no matter to me.
Let's see. I made amends, admitted fault, owned it, and let it go. At this point whatever you or anyone else thinks or feels about it is no matter to me.

for the record, i do not believe you when you say you had no idea that hitler made jews wear a star of david. i believe you are just trying to save face after letting your true nazi feelings be known.

but if you are going to claim to be that fucking stupid about basic historical facts, then you need to wear it around your neck like a millstone.

you dumb, limp-dicked, racist.
for the record, i do not believe you when you say you had no idea that hitler made jews wear a star of david. i believe you are just trying to save face after letting your true nazi feelings be known.

but if you are going to claim to be that fucking stupid about basic historical facts, then you need to wear it around your neck like a millstone.

you dumb, limp-dicked, racist, jew-hating fuck.

That rigid thinking of yours is limiting!
That's a fair point. I'm gonna go ahead and say the truly racist store owner will become irrelevant if shit down by boycott. If anything he will not be able to purchase new clan hoods and shit.

That could take a lot of time to happen, a lot of needless suffering by the minority in a society with widespread racism. The Civil Rights Movement took place exactly because justice had been denied for 100 years after slavery, and things weren't getting better by themselves, they were getting worse. I say make the owner comply, people can change, especially when their livelihood is on the line. If he refuses to change shut him down; racial discrimination breeds more racial tension, violence, and a long list of symptoms that the government has a significant interest in mitigating.
it's linear thinking.

there is no other way to explain your nazism or stupidity, either.

if there were, you'd have tried to weasel your way out of it by claiming said imaginary excuse already.

I don't see this working well for you in Fatherhood. I'm referring to your inability to let go or forgive.

Be honest- the only reason you can't do it here is because you've got an axe to grind, an agenda to push. That makes your exploitation of this Goy/Star of David matter even more perverted. You're willing to use it to deceive to attempt to achieve a moral high ground. For what, political ideal?


I'll leave you with this. You and I and many others know who he is and what he suffered. He set the bar high. I don't expect you to reach it but it's there nonetheless.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.