Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

I'm going to stay closer to water sources this year. {my wife has retired, and my woods time is half what it used to be} I have built a pretty good rain catcher for the JP patch. An inch of rain gave me about 75-100 gallons. I will build one near the PP and PPS patches I used in the Spring crop. The FP patch where I dug the holes this week has water nearby. I'll have to use 5 gallon buckets, but the walk will be a short one.

Do you use fabric pots? Above ground? That would be tough in that kind of heat. The wife's cousin has a nursery and I get plastic pots free. I've never grown weed in them before, but plan on sinking them flush with the ground. Should help with water retention and stealth. Although when I was digging the hole for the 15 gallon one, I ran into some hard ass clay. The last two inches took about fifteen minutes. I got the pot to within 3-4 inches of flush and just piled up dirt around, then covered everything with leaves. That hole should hold water real good.
I have three 45 gallon smart pots above ground in the greenhouse i plan on watering every day.The outside soil here is a sandy loom type with good drainage so a lot of water is probably needed there also,I have a hose at both places to make it easy.Didn't they vote in rec weed there? A set up like Thumper right outside your backdoor could work all year long.hitting the bubble hash and getting stoned.
There's a thread on here somewhere about outdoor SIPS, 'sub irrigated pot system'. Some of them run their setups outdoors and they all say they cover their soil.

A good mulch would provide enough shade and cooling to inhibit evaporation while still letting rain through. Some even advocate for specific types of mulch, like alfalfa straw, to add nutrients- in this case triacontanol.
I have access to fresh wood chips. I'm curious what kind would be best to top my smart pots. Like pine or oak maybe?
Straight line winds came through at about 3:00 am. Flipped the kids trampoline and blew over 3 tomato plants and their cages. Most of the corn looks like hell too. Could be worse. The trampoline could have hit the house or cars.
You can water through pine chips and the only thing they leach is pine oil, which keeps shit like fungus gnats down.[/QUOTEI Not sure i would want pine oil in my soil but a lot of people grow out in the Forrest so who knows. I have a few inches to fill my raised beds and i am saving the room for a flowering top dress
It was another warm day here today. Had between a quarter and a half inch of rain yesterday. I was digging holes when it came. Not too much lightning, so I kept with it until I ran out of soil.

At 1900 it's 84F with 74% humidity. Our high was 87F earlier this afternoon. We had a few sprinkles, but not enough to measure. Forecast for tonight calls for a low of 70F with 30% chance of rain. There is a chance of rain everyday for the next six days. Hope we get our share of it.
Didn't they vote in rec weed there? A set up like Thumper right outside your backdoor could work all year long.hitting the bubble hash and getting stoned.
I'm in Florida. We did vote in Medical, but the guys in charge in Tally are not making it easy for the patients. Growers have to be big time nurseries. No smokable medicine. It's a joke really. Over 70% voted for it. I'll be in the woods for the foreseeable future.
I'm in Florida. We did vote in Medical, but the guys in charge in Tally are not making it easy for the patients. Growers have to be big time nurseries. No smokable medicine. It's a joke really. Over 70% voted for it. I'll be in the woods for the foreseeable future.
Like Arizona they want the money and control,it's a start it can only get better.I thought you wore taking it easy it looks like you are going non stop as usual.Finishing up my indoor this week so six outdoor for the summer.
Like Arizona they want the money and control,it's a start it can only get better.I thought you wore taking it easy it looks like you are going non stop as usual.Finishing up my indoor this week so six outdoor for the summer.
I've been doing a lot of hiking. It's getting too damn hot for that. I have to get cracking digging holes.