Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

Tuesday night there was no moon, so I didn't try to work my plants. I had picked up a sippy cup at a thrift store for half a buck. I turned it into a light weight bong.


Lessons learned. Don't get greedy on carbonation, and half a slice of canna pumpkin bread and a joint of CPDA is too much.

Still no moon on Wednesday night, so I worked on my new shelter addition. Long thin oak sapling for a ridgepole.


I had to undo all the cordage and pull the first tarp up tight against the tree and lash it together with the new {very used} tarp. Then lots and lots of pulling tight and adjusting. And since I more than doubled my square footage, had to do some tree trimming and brush clearing.

A few weeks ago one of my thrift store ladies gave me a tent with no poles. The last few nights I have been getting ate up by skeeters at the camp, so that tent, with it zip up screens has been on my mind a lot. I have pitched dome tents with grapevines before, and planned to do that in this case. But it was about midnight before I even got the tent out of the truck. I did try looking for good grapevines, but it's pretty dark at midnight. And I remembered I had a couple of poles for golf flags in the truck. I used those poles to pick it up and attach to my ridgepole. Then used lots of other cordage to pull the sides out. Worked like a charm. I will try to get some grapevines soon, but for now, it keeps the bugs at bay.

Also put up a 10 X 12 tarp shelter near my old river camp. Didn't stay the night, but I did make a cup of coffee. This is for my hiking tent, which isn't the best in the rain. It's a couple three miles from the house, so a good walk.
It's really sweet to have your own hiking trail accessible from your front door with so many comforts of home in shelters along the way.

Whose property is it? Forest Service?
It's really sweet to have your own hiking trail accessible from your front door with so many comforts of home in shelters along the way.

Whose property is it? Forest Service?
All the land close to the house is family land. I keep a stash at most of my spots, so I don't have to carry anything with me.

I do hike on some public land, but it's an hour or so east of me. It's flat on the farm, but got some good hills on the public land I hike. I am within a couple three miles of the Florida Trail, but it's mostly road walk through there. I have done some sections of the FT, just not close to the house.
The last few hikes I have been using a pillow case with the slit in the middle, stuffed with my clothes as a pillow. I also need to put some other clothes in a small stuff sack for a between the knees pillow. I have been searching for a low cost stuff sack that can be used as a pillow. The pillow case only has one use, and that isn't enough to earn it place in the pack. I came across this little gem. It's a DIY stuff sack made from a USPS tyvek envelope. {we have already paid for it, right?} They are free for the taking at the post office. Will have to see if I can cobble one of these together.

More hiking purchases. I ordered a 70l pack from Walmart.com this morning. At 2.3 pounds, it's .2lbs lighter than my 60l, and only $29.99. I have been having trouble getting all my shit into the 60l. It's about 12 days out.

Also got in a 1.5l hydration bladder from Amazon today. It's an everlast or something like that. Supposed to fit the Sawyer Squeeze filter better than any other bladder. The 1.5 was half the price of the 2l, so. . . . This one had to come from China, and took about a month.
Another piece of gear I picked up a month or so ago is a rolling pin. {if I'm repeating myself, tell me to shut up} I use it to roll out my legs in camp, and to camel water at the end of the day. It holds 1l of water. Cost was $2.00.

I ran a BS Squared in my Spring crop. It was tall and lanky, and didn't make a lot of weight, but the smoke was really good. I looked back in the Spring tread, and the best in the bush picture is on post 300. A in the tray picture on the last page.


I started some of my Shit/Skunk#1 beans this week. I know I have a sprout on Skunk#1 X Shit/Skunk#1. Can't remember exactly what all I dropped. Pictures will remind me. Hope to get my new thread up tonight.

@sandhill larry how was the blue Shiva x blue shark and did you get/run any of those skunk beans I'm looking to pop some today
I ran a BS Squared in my Spring crop. It was tall and lanky, and didn't make a lot of weight, but the smoke was really good. I looked back in the Spring tread, and the best in the bush picture is on post 300. A in the tray picture on the last page.


I started some of my Shit/Skunk#1 beans this week. I know I have a sprout on Skunk#1 X Shit/Skunk#1. Can't remember exactly what all I dropped. Pictures will remind me. Hope to get my new thread up tonight.
Thanks man looking forward to your thread. I got ladies germed ended up just using the purple dream x nightcap I got from him with the blue shark cross. Then I germed some frisian dew, biddy early, lost coast og, an Durban poison
I guess I will document the hiking trail patch here. If they make it, that is. Earlier this week I hiked in 5 gallons of soil mix. Only 3 1/2 sprouts out of 30 odd soaked seeds.


I covered new soil with leaves.


There is a good water source, you just have to have a bucket on a ten foot rope to get to it.

Speaking of hiking, my new pack came in the mail today. This thing is huge. It feels like it's heavier construction than my old pack, it's ten liters more, yet it's .2 pounds less. A 70 liter, 2.3 pound backpack for 30 bucks. I'm not saying anything bad about Walmart.com and 10 year old Chinese workers anymore. Those kids need work too.

There is elastic cord on the brain. I like this on the back, but they have a row of tiedowns running down the center of the back. I like them better there than on the shoulder straps. I hate stuff constantly swinging back and forth across my chest. It drives me to distraction.


The brain itself is smaller than my old pack. But most of the stuff going in there is going to be small anyway.

I dug a few holes yesterday. I like to rake up mulch anytime I have an empty container going in. It saves from getting it close to your plants.


When putting dirt back in the hole around your pot, using your shovel as a dirt guard will make it a less messy job.

The tree I am using is too close, so I had to turn the corner of my shelter tarp under to make it fit. Birds have already made a nest there.


That point is also the drain point for the tarp. Not sure how dry their new home is. I set a bucket under it to catch water.
