Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

you just admitted to snitching and blamed the victims of your snitching.


nice meltdown though.
He didn't admit to snitching though... Just didn't deny the crime said they where all arrested at the time. So can you prove he ratted??
Don't forget they want to extract the oil in the Black Sea which is larger than any oil field in Saudi Arabia. Tilkerson's cut is in the trillions. Tillerson didn't even know Trump before the campaign and yet he's Secretary of State..but Tillerson has known Putin for years.:roll: Sanctions are holding this up..but there's been activity reported as if they're preparing to startup again..maybe the Russians know something we don't?

Ultimately, that's what this is all about..Russians want that oil and they can't get without Exxon. Exxon can't drill because of sanctions.
I would rather buy oil from Russia than Saudi Arabia. I thought you hated Saudi Arabia?
The Patriot Act been around since Bush nothing is private every phone call every text every credit card transaction every Email is mass saved by the NSA. Police have been able to warrant less wire tap since Bush!! And you don't know?

God I hope you are playing dumb.
fisa court mad at obammer,many this the pivot ? idk i cant take more than a few minutes of msnbc.maybe ill try to watch more laterz haha
This is refreshing. a truth from sixtimesafool. Absolutely I'm pissed off about Obama's NSA illegal actions. If his fingerprints are shown to be on a criminal action, I hope he gets fried.

So there is now a Trump president, in case you didn't notice. One article said this:
The newly disclosed violations have caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is now questioning whether the U.S. intelligence community has the ability to police itself.

Trump is about to take action to shut the NSA's illegal wiretapping down. hmm?

Oh and Trump absolutely did not attack a Gold Star family for speaking out against him during the DNC.
I don't have the time to go pages back when you used Saudi Arabia against Trump. You probably didn't say hate but it sure seemed that way.

You obviously hate Russia without cause.
Hating Putin and what Putin does is not the same as hating Russia

Why is a kiddy diddler still allowed to post here? Don't even think about posting that shit here. pedo
This is refreshing. a truth from sixtimesafool. Absolutely pissed off about Obama's NSA illegal actions. If his fingerprints are shown to be on a criminal action, I hope he gets fried.

So there is now a Trump president, in case you didn't notice. One article said this:
The newly disclosed violations have caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is now questioning whether the U.S. intelligence community has the ability to police itself.

Trump is about to take action to shut the NSA's illegal wiretapping down. hmm?

Oh and Trump absolutely did not attack a Gold Star family for speaking out against him during the DNC.
come on man,im tryin real hard not to lie about dems,but you had to go playin games with my name? so if ya cant be adult and debate i will be forced to change yours to something like fartdog or fooldog or even fogfool guys got me watching shows i dont normally watch and thats what popped up as soon as i turn the channel.i hope you dont expect me to read politico cause i would just as well jam a knife in my eye socket and twist
come on man,im tryin real hard not to lie about dems,but you had to go playin games with my name? so if ya cant be adult and debate i will be forced to change yours to something like fartdog or fooldog or even fogfool guys got me watching shows i dont normally watch and thats what popped up as soon as i turn the channel.i hope you dont expect me to read politico cause i would just as well jam a knife in my eye socket and twist
OK, as long as our bet is on, I'll stick with your stupid name. The reality is, your are finding it hard to stick to the truth. What does that say about you?

But, you haven't addressed my question and so I'll post it back to you.

So there is now a Trump president, in case you didn't notice. One article said this:
The newly disclosed violations have caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is now questioning whether the U.S. intelligence community has the ability to police itself.

Trump is about to take action to shut the NSA's illegal wiretapping down. hmm?

Oh and Trump absolutely did not attack a Gold Star family for speaking out against him during the DNC.