Traveling to find genetics, I need some advice (old thread had 400 replies)

So does a flat earth have magnetic polls? How would anything migrate? You know, birds,fish and migrating mammals and stuff.
Supposedly there is a magnetic rock at the centre, this is what our compass point to.
If we never had the modern garbs we have today;

Would we use magnetic lay lines to travel ourselves? Or would we use line of sight,using landmarks and star charts?

Can you explain the mechanism or anatomical part of a creature that facilitates this supposed process?

How does science explain the process?

And furthermore, what happens to magnets that are heated? (Think molten core, even though we have only ever drilled 8 miles which technically is still our crust).

We are living in a Torus field. A Torus field created by di electric and electric forces, which also run through us and give us 'life'.
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Do we use magnetic lay lines to travel ourselves? no we use line of sight,using landmarks and star charts.

Can you explain the mechanism or anatomical part of a creature that facilitates this process?

How does science explain the process?

And furthermore, what happens to magnets that are heated? (Think molten core, even though we have only ever drilled 8 miles which technically is still our crust).

We are living in a Torus field. A Torus field created by di electric and electric forces, which also run through us and give us 'life'.

Ok you're a philosopher using electricity as your base for argument. Except:

In contrast to line-of-sight propagation, at low frequency (below approximately 3 MHz) due to diffractionradio waves can travel as ground waves, which follow the contour of the Earth. This enables AM broadcast radio stations to transmit beyond the horizon. Additionally, frequencies in the shortwave bands between approximately 1 and 30 MHz, can be reflected back to Earth by the ionosphere, called skywave or "skip" propagation, thus giving radio transmissions in this range a potentially global reach
Ok you're a philosopher using electricity as your base for argument. Except:

In contrast to line-of-sight propagation, at low frequency (below approximately 3 MHz) due to diffractionradio waves can travel as ground waves, which follow the contour of the Earth. This enables AM broadcast radio stations to transmit beyond the horizon. Additionally, frequencies in the shortwave bands between approximately 1 and 30 MHz, can be reflected back to Earth by the ionosphere, called skywave or "skip" propagation, thus giving radio transmissions in this range a potentially global reach
Your cut and paste means exactly what to you?
Have we now jumped to radio wave?
Well yea, I mean it's something I learned in school and easier to just cut and paste. Anyway, the concept here is a property of sinusoidal waves and the wavelength of a given frequency. As the frequency decreases, the wavelength increases. So, an EM wave with a low enough frequency will arc into the horizon and land past the horizon line. With a certain angle the wave can also reflect off the ionosphere much like when you are under water and look upwards. The more you tilt away from tangent to the surface you will see a reflection into the water versus the light escaping. What this means with EM waves is that the wave can bounce up and down from the ionosphere to earth over and over while traveling along the curvature until it makes a complete 2pi or full circle back to the propagation site. Just with less energy leftover.
Do we use magnetic lay lines to travel ourselves? Or do we use line of sight,using landmarks and star charts?

Can you explain the mechanism or anatomical part of a creature that facilitates this supposed process?

How does science explain the process?

And furthermore, what happens to magnets that are heated? (Think molten core, even though we have only ever drilled 8 miles which technically is still our crust).

We are living in a Torus field. A Torus field created by di electric and electric forces, which also run through us and give us 'life'.
Your cut and paste means exactly what to you?
Why have you highlighted contour? Does it say oblate spheroid contour?
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