White widow x big bud. Coco and scrog. Regular updates

Thanks for the kind words pal your welcome any time just next fetch your lad with you, how's ya Mrs getting on with the vape she sleep Well?
No doubt it will be in a few weeks. If we Bring the lad it will have to be day time we got back our way about 1am and was up at 5 ha. She hasn't tried it yet proper she needs to get a sub ohm tank first. She thinks your Mrs is mint though bro
Yeah man we will meet you half way or something go get some food you'll have to find somewhere that a for a play area for your lad n a bar for my Mrs, she don't normally drink with all the tablets she's on, a bit worse for ware this morning. She likes yours Mrs too n said she thinks your all sound people!
Yeah man we will meet you half way or something go get some food you'll have to find somewhere that a for a play area for your lad n a bar for my Mrs, she don't normally drink with all the tablets she's on, a bit worse for ware this morning. She likes yours Mrs too n said she thinks your all sound people!

Yeah man sounds good to me. But we don't drink mate just smokers lol. Mrs wants to take little one to eureka in Leeds at some point anyway. Im happy leaving mine and your Mrs chilling whilst we hit up some fishing (as long as it's not carp fishing lad) ha
There's a nice little stretch of river that I've wanted to have a go at for a few years so I'll take you there, only a couple miles from mine. And it's a beautiful spot!
Yeah sweet as a nut. What river is it. Wanna know what tackle I should be bringing. Am I aiming for silvers? Brownies? Grayling? Barbel? Lol

What a difference a flush makes BTW mate you saw these looking sad yesterday but they perked up again today DSC_0893.JPG
Just been and grabbed some 3 gal pots as an intermediary before the 7.7s but after flushing yesterday I'll keep the amounts I gotta push through low for now ha
Potted all 3 wwxbb up to 3 gal pots before the 7.7s. Added some fish blood and bone to the coco at a rate of 70g to 10l of coco. Just gonna water them in now and feed the AN at 4ml/part A and 4ml/part B and add 2ml/l magne-cal. Distance between pots has increased so I'm considering sticking the 400w in a bare euro reflector for a couple weeks to toughen them up for the 600wDSC_0894.JPG